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Will the climate change debate spark a national unity crisis?

Total Votes: 629

  • Ashley - 15 years ago

    Harper's approach of hanging on to Obama's coat tail is an insult to the Canadian pride. Canada is an independent Nation & can have its own policies on all issues including Environment. Harper failed to present a joint Canadian Environmental Plan which has all 10 provinces joining forces. By his dictatorial approach, Harper has split Canada on Environment. Harper feels more secure in hiding behind Obama rather than present our own Canadian plan.No wonder Charest & all Premiers have an axe to grind against Harper (not against Canada) as do many Canadians. Do we need a PM who divides the Canadians rather than unite them on this issue- that is the issue to be voted on - Not Quebec separating from Canada.

  • UofR2011 - 15 years ago

    Come on, people. The national unity crisis isn't going to start in Québec this time, it is going to start in the West! If rigid legislation comes into place, Alberta and Saskatchewan be where a unity crisis starts. I would like to think this is a joke, but when the economies of SK and AB collapse, there will be riots in the streets, for starters. Then who knows what?

  • Ger - 15 years ago

    Quebec better keep their big mouth shut.......

  • MJH - 15 years ago

    The equalization payments from Alberta/Sask to Quebec should be discontinued immediately. They are unnecessary, grossly unfair and unappreciated by Quebecers.

  • will - 15 years ago

    interesting how all these years Quebec has never turned down the money sent to them by Alberta, i guess Marie Antoinette is alive and well now in that province

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