Quote of the year


  • john - 15 years ago

    How about Obama's "The police acted stupidly" or this is a teaching moment or something like it

  • Ace Tomato - 15 years ago

    I think it is pretty fitting that the Quote of the Year in regards to Obama isn't even from Obama. YOU LIE.

  • Pat - 15 years ago

    I agree with Andy 100%. Couldn't have said it better myself! Happy New Year!

  • Servative - 15 years ago

    I think "Hide the decline" is the most important because of the explosive implications. It represents the start of the end of the warm war against The West. Happy New Year folks. Best ...

  • Andy - 15 years ago

    This is the only time I can comment at hot air.You guys dont take new members.Anyways who gives a flying f#@& what Obama says anymore.He is on TV every single day,on all the blogs,and to be frank its pathetic to see.I never missed Bush so much.Other than keeping America safe,(by that lets skin those terrorists alive mentality,which works)he was a domestic disaster because his party went wild.He couldnt keep his RINOs in line and it gave America the dems then Obama.I miss Bush because he stayed out of the spotlight(off TV AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE) at his desk plotting the next terrorist to hunt down.He was allways a step ahead of them.He sent them to be tortured in other countries,(and waterboarded them at Gitmo)got the info and sent them lots of NASTY presents.Obamas on TV asking why his new guys failed to find a guy?(its so obvious the CIA is in disaray,scared of being prosecuted by Holder).WTF?He should be at his desk (not on TV) plotting which terrorist gets it next 24-7.Not trying to beat Oprahs ratings everyday.They missed a guy that was called in by his own papa to Hillarys embassy people in Nigeria(by the way where the hell is she?)So heres my quote of the year.GFY Obama,Hillary,and all those pathetic RINOs.

  • Vr2009 - 15 years ago

    What happened to
    1. Don't get all wee wee'd up
    2. Get your cousin pookie off the couch
    3. This is unprecedented
    4. I inherited this

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