What do you want to see more of on Market Folly?


  • Daniel Mueller - 15 years ago

    There are plenty of financial websites that cover "commentaries from market gurus".
    What sets Market Folly apart is its focus on the hedge fund industry, so I clearly would like to see "hedge fund letters" and filings as main topics.

  • ACEMAN - 15 years ago

    Y'all seem to think that all hedge funds are run by Guru's--and they ain't. Y'all need some discretion here especially when it comes to the same ol' same ol' names and funds. It's time todig deeper and expose those funds that are not following the crowded crowd.

  • James Dickson - 15 years ago

    Summarize the main positions held in all the funds that you follow. For example, it be the case that QCOM is the number one stock held by Hedge Funds.

  • SL - 15 years ago

    Couldn't "Hedge fund letters" and "commentary from market gurus" be combined into one choice? Also force people who vote for "other" to comment on what exactly "other" means to them...

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