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Should Al Gore remain on Apple's Board of Directors?

Total Votes: 6,197

  • Inverter - 14 years ago

    I love it. The final is considerably faster than the Betas or Alphas. My biggest (and probably only) complaint at this point is that, due to the new stupid Volume Controls, I can't unmute the output for Line-In or Mic inputs on my computer. This is important because I use that input for when I play video games using my Xbox360 connected to my monitor.

  • BS - 14 years ago

    Al Gore has always dodged anyone that disagree's with him (hell in the U.K. they flat out said he was full of shit), this guy can not take questions from anyone that disagree's with him, he does not have any facts that a good interviewer could not stump him on, for that matter even a bad interviewer.

    As far as global warming lol ... well 20 or so years ago they said we were looking at an ice age global cooling ... they were all we have to get rid of R-12 refridgerant so we did not we have R-134a in our cars and remove all the shit from spray cans, this was all done to prevent the Global Cooling aka ICE AGE!

    Its always about money, power or popularity, always.

    Did this planet not have an ice age? did this planet not have total destruction from heat? yes to both ... oh yeah were we here driving cars around? ummm nope.

    Do we contribute to global cooling or global warming ... who the hell knows, probably not, looks like we contribute to both ... in an equal amount? again no one really knows.

    Solar flares contributing to raising the temperature 1 degree is actually catastrophic ... 1/10's of degree spikes in short order could really screw things up little lone 1 degree shifts, we dont have one degree shifts in short order that person is just a flat out moron that would say that ... it moves in maybe 1/10's degree's over 10 or 20 years plus or minus 1/10's

  • MizuInOz - 14 years ago

    The consideration for Al Gore to remain on the Board of Directors of Apple, Inc. is about his predilection for prevarication in regards to many topics. One is his skewed analysis of man's direct threat to the planet from consumption. Which is now called Climate Change because ALL of the facts (including the Middle Ages Warming period -n which was 8 - 10 C higher than today - and one of the most prosperous periods in European History - OOPS!) refute his major hypothesis of Global Warming - and now the freezing ass winter in the Northern Hemisphere - the worst in 30 years - is another indicator of global warming - warm your buns with that knowledge) point to a natural cycle of the Earth. To spark your interest, consider that 16 of the large vessels that bring you goodies from China and oil from the Middle East create more pollution than ALL of the hydrocarbon emissions since the beginning of the industrial age. Look it up!

    Whether the change in climate is from solar activity or cows or deforestation or the extinction of the limp-lipped chicken - we really do not know. Why? Because we are only being presented with information that fulfils political agendas. When the ice is melting from the Northern Polar ice cap, it is increasing else where. Look it up!

    Also, we are stressing about a 2 - 3 C increase of temperature in the next 200 years! Give me a break!

    During the Middle Ages Warming Period (which Gore tried to bury in his Inconvenient Mis-speak), wine was being grown in Northern Europe, there was higher food production because of longer summers, incredible edifices were being built, and man was in a Renaissance. Hmmm, funny that.

    This is another divisive tactic to play "us" against "them" - you decide who the players are. It is a control tactic. You want to know the news you won't get from faux news or My Same News But Classier - try informationliberation dot com.

    In conclusion, if Al Gore were on my board (and I do own a company and do have 9 board members), he would be gone because he lies too easily. I would not want the company to be liable for his persistent propensity for prevarication.

    Yes, the Earth's climate is now a very emotional issue. And often times, emotions cloud relationships and communications. Take a deep breath and know that if we phuque up Mother Earth, she will kick us off and start all over again. It has happened before and will undoubtedly happen again. Are we so egocentric to actually believe that we have control of this planet?

    Ask the people who were effected by the 2004 tsunami or the earthquake in Haiti if man is able to control Mother Earth!

    One other thought, Krakatoa erupted in 1883 and spewed out more carbon and crap (a scientific term) than all of the emissions that mankind has ever produced. That's a known fact that Mr. Gore also has avoided discussing.

    Not only did Earth survive but so did mankind Hmmm...

    Fun fact to know: If the rising waters of the ocean is such a serious problem, why did Mr. Al Gore purchase an ocean front condo two days after giving a speech on the rising levels of the ocean? Look it up.

    Cheers from Downunder!

  • MH - 14 years ago

    Jeez! Somebody free those Macs and iPhones from the clutches of ignorant teabaggers!

  • Fredj - 14 years ago

    Al should be in prison along with his buddies from Enron, as well as Mann et al.

  • Alex - 14 years ago

    Good lord. People are stupid, sometimes. Nobody is even remotely qualified to say whether Al Gore belongs on the board, or not. The only reference we have is that he has been part of the team that has overseen the most successful period in Apple's history.

    Yeah, throw him out because you don't like his politics...

  • Blake - 14 years ago

    Given that grumpy picture of Al you posted:
    1. It's amazing he is doing as well as he is
    2. You apparently want him to lose
    3. If you put a smiling one up now you can prove or disprove number one above by comparing the data before the change with the data after
    4. That could also disprove number 2 above

  • Hitler - 14 years ago

    ...with this kind of "thinking" from the voters, America will continue to get the leadership it deserves.

  • Hitler - 14 years ago

    You guys attacking Al Gore are the perfect argument for why democracy will fail and fascism is the future. You blindly trust a corporate sponsored smear campaign, and then use "he might be making money" as a reason to distrust Gore. Are you fighting capitalism or defending it? Do you have any idea what these words drooling out of your mouths mean?

    People today play ideology like it was a sporting event, you are more concerned with scoring points then figuring out what is true and what isn't. So any quack that says what you want to hear becomes credible, and people who have spent their lives on real scientific research are all just part of the grand jewish or whatever-hate-it-is-this-week conspiracy.

  • MCCFR - 14 years ago


    Firstly, trying to educate people whose prejudices are already entrenched is like trying to teach a pig to sing: it's a waste of your time and it only annoys the pig.

    Secondly, how do we know that the people you are trying to educate have entrenched positions? Because they'd rather go back cut off their nose and use Windows than remain Mac users. What do they think will happen? Do they believe they'll get a phone call from Steve Jobs offering Gore's head on a platter if they return to the fold? Or maybe they think that the eloquent arguments that they doubtless write in green crayon will get a response from Apple.

    Sadly, it reminds me of that idiot in Alabama or Louisiana (I forget which) who at the start of the Iraq War wouldn't serve people who drove into his car park in Mercs or BMWs because they were against the war; shame he didn't have the intelligence to realise that Nissan/Infiniti is effectively owned by Renault or that Detroit Diesel is a Daimler-Benz subsidiary.

  • Ron - 14 years ago

    My only hope is that the majority of people are not as willfully ignorant as what's typically displayed on this issue here.

    For instance, the notion that belief in Science requires as much faith as religion does. If that were so, how did we get computers? Since you think science requires nothing more stringent than believing in ghosts and fables would entail, how did scientists discover the principles that make a computer work, or how to use electricity? Science requires an adherence and dedication to provable facts, faith requires nothing more than belief, and in fact requires a belief in spite of facts or even contrary to facts.

    The false equivalency of faith and reason on display here are both disgusting and sad. Reason is the only tool we have to solve problems and have a better life. Faith destroys your mind by undermining its only tool of cognition.

    As for Al Gore, I find it remarkable how many people, supposed capitalists, are against him making a profit from something he understands better than most people do, certainly better than most of the naysayers here do. He's done the research, he's an intelligent man, and he can see the confluence of profit and improvement of the planet we live on. What's wrong with that? Yes, he makes mistakes, just like anyone. But the glee with which they're jumped on here and by most in the media is not justifiable or honest.

  • BFMAN - 14 years ago

    First, This guy Lukeskymac - No amount of oxygen would help this guy off the floor if he said what he said in front of my AMERICAN face. Yet it's guys like this that stand in line for our products, and TAX DOLLARS. Al Gore should be tarred and feathered. He is scamming the world. He has Hijacked the Green movement, and all he cares about is Cap and Trade, and to be able to sell carbon credits. Take that away, and AL GORE goes away from this SCAM. The IPCC cannot be trusted, and the entire theory of AGW is built on Junk Science, literally proven to be junk with the very words of the creators of the hockey Stick graph.. The Warmers and Global Warming alarmists are over. Thank God. Stay out of my pockets. They just have a hard time admitting they've been had. Gore needs to be criminally prosecuted for perpetuating a HOAX. NOBODY will want to associate with this fraud.

  • Mikentosh - 14 years ago

    Al Gore does nothing for Apple. Simply having him on board as the token greenie does not make sense either since Apple is rife with greenies. He is more of a wart on the behind than he was as vice-president.

    Science? Since when is a collective opinion that global waring exists science?

    Belief in Science requires no less faith than any other religion.

  • gkent - 14 years ago

    Of course Gore should stay. He may not be 100 percent correct but it is good to have an environmentalist on the Board. We are destroying the CO2 absorbers by deforesting the land, killing the ocean plankton with pollutants and the acidification of the ocean's waters, and are pumping out billions of tons of CO2 with our cars, oil and coal burning factories and power generation facilities and yet we have morons who think this has no effect on global warming. What are these people thinking? They worry about conspiracies to tax and deprive them of freedoms yet they believe the very people who are profiting from their ignorance, the bankers, oil companies, insurance companies, Wall Street and paid off hacks. They hate Al Gore but love Sarah Palin, fear Obama and fondly remember George Bush. What the hell has happened to America? In closing isn't science a required subject in American schools anymore?

  • IslandStyle - 14 years ago

    He HAS to stay on! Since he "invented the Internet," imagine how much Apple would have to pay in royalties otherwise?!

  • Mark Armstrong - 14 years ago

    Felt good to have the opportunity to vote against Al Gore again. Reminds me of happier times.

  • J Hall - 14 years ago

    Al Gore is one of the biggest fakes in history (Sorry Bill G. you lost out.) I can't imagine anything he can possibly contribute to the benefit of Apple or anyone or anything etc. For those of you with at least a high school diploma, is there anything you would seek his advice on (as long as it's legitimate?)

  • Bob - 14 years ago

    Awesome! It's nearly a tie as of the second this is posted.
    The polls here are...
    Yes 2291
    No 2290
    I guess that means he stays

  • John Williams - 14 years ago


  • stuey - 14 years ago

    Nice comment Lukeskymac. Im serious. But I think the problem here is that the whole global warming fiasco in Geneva showed that the majority of countries are not looking for ways to curb carbon emmissions, but are looking for a means to stick it to the US and extort as much cash as they can. Do you really think that by paying emissions tax to small underdeveloped countries is actually going to solve any of the GW problems? Not in the least. I think this is the major problem most of the tea people have with Gore and the GW fiasco. If it is about curbing our emmisions then lets do it, but by sending billions to Lybia or Venezuala is not the answer.

  • Lukeskymac - 14 years ago

    Oh my. So many people mistakingly take all americans as being dumb, but you guys certainly aren't helping.

    This is not even about Al Gore anymore. How can you dismiss anthropogenic global warming as untrue just because some jackass made a fortune out of it?

    Now, a Science lesson for Mr. JamesM:

    There are no such things as "Solar Flare Seasons"; they are random, and then your logic would be destroyed because Earth does not randomly suffer temperature increases. Heck, Solar Flares are short and all they can do is increase temperature in one day by 1 degree Celsius or so.

    Then, by your dumb logic, Earth would be permanently cooling, and we wouldn't be here exchanging comments on MDN.

    The Greenhouse effect, which is the reflection of part of the light and heat back at Earth's atmosphere that would otherwise be reflected to outer space, is natural; actually without it Earth would be nearly inhospitable. But we, through deforesting (plants consume CO2 as part of their photosynthesis, which is a greenhouse gas) emission of MORE CO2 by cars and other pollutants than also cause acid rain, are increasing it beyond what natural balance maintains makes the greenhouse effect greater, trapping more heat in Earth's atmosphere... thus increasing the planet's temperature.

    Some other pollutants, such as CFCs, are tearing holes in our ozone layers, allowing the passage of more solar radiation and, due to the increased greenhouse effect, even MORE heat is trapped.

    And BTW, Plants are NOT the main source of oxygen; actually the amount of O2 a tree produces is so irrelevant that is consumed almost entirely by the bugs living around it. That "fresher air" sensation created by trees is result of LESS CO2, not more O2.

    Trees are important not only because they are part of the food chain, but because they collect excess CO2 exhaled by animals, thus preventing the increase of the greenhouse effect, thus controlling Earth's temperature.

    The importance of their temperature control goes beyond preventing the ice from melting: the REAL lungs of our planet are actually the plankton that lives in the upper layers of the ocean, since they produce much more oxygen than trees (relatively). The problem is, they aren't exactly very adaptable when it comes to temperature, and easily die if the water is too warm for them... are you getting this? We are fucking up with much, much more than the northern and southern poles ecosystems: we are pretty much fucking the entire life supporting system in the world. This isn't up to debate: this is a FACT: the world's landscape is changing as we speak, and having 7% of the world's "scientists" being paid by great corporations to throw up excuses and other bullcrap to delay as much as they can the inevitable environmental-friendly rules that only make them lose $1bi or so a year. Not to mention New York, London, Hong Kong, the whole fucking Netherlands and so many other metropolises would be destroyed.

    Now, reading Mike's comment, I can't help but want kill myself over humanity's disregard and laziness:

    "Is the climate changing? Yes. Are we to blame? Maybe. Can we stop it? No. Now what? Relocate to higher ground. Problem solved..."

  • apoorspic - 14 years ago

    studentrights posed the question:
    What's the problem with going green, a clean planet? Is this what your fighting against?

    Nothing wrong with being green, i.e. recycling keeping your car clean etc.. The problems we teabagging apple using computers users have with Al Gore is his blatant and fraudulent use of Global Warming and Doomsday Rapture like scenarios to scare people in to buying is products. He should be removed for the bad poem he wrote.

    He is raking in 100's of Millions by using false science and facts. How is he raking it in see the following.

    Your naivete shows just by your user name.

  • DLV - 14 years ago

    What does Al Gore know about computers anyway? Or how to run a business? Or how to meet a payroll? Or how to create new technology?

    The only thing that Al Gore has demonstrate that he is good at is using his laptop to mislead people, successfully sell factually incorrect information and make a lot of money doing it. It would seem Al Gore would be better suited for sitting on the board for Microsoft. He has more in common with their business model than Apple's.

  • Mike - 14 years ago

    Is the climate changing? Yes. Are we to blame? Maybe. Can we stop it? No. Now what? Relocate to higher ground. Problem solved...I feel for those of you have a vested interest in the status quo but Nature does not take sides.

  • JamesM - 14 years ago

    Ok, lets see, how does the earth cool and warm, well, heat comes from the sun, yes. When the sun is overly active (Solar Flares), the earth is going to warm up. If the sun is not overly active (No Solar Flares), the earth is going to cool. Heres an analogy for all those who still don't understand. You go camping, its night time and you start a fire. You're sitting a couple of feet away from the fire and its you're gonna feel very hot. Overtime that fire starts dying out, guess what, you're gonna start to cool down. Now, this is being generalized, but this is basically how the UNIVERSE works.

    Plants, if anyone has ever heard of such things, take up Carbon Dioxide, they love the shit, in turn, they return oxygen, basic stuff here people. How in the hell are these hippies gonna realize that the SUN has more to do with Global Cooling/Warming that F@#king people, common. Do you really want to pay your masters carbon taxes. Do we really need to fund more War for the War Party that is the Military Media Industrial Complex, i think not.

    Does Global Warming exist, Yes, from NATURE!! Does MAN-MADE Global Warming exist, yes...that is, if you live in LALA LAND. But the fact is, Man-Made Global Warming does in fact NOT exist. It is a lie to mislead the people of the world to pay a carbon tax, its the general idea.

    I'm all for a better planet, but i don't need the government to tell me, especially since they are the ones polluting the whole damn planet any with Nuclear tests and malignant corporations sucking the blood out of our planet and they have the nerve to tell us to be nice, F@#k Off!

  • barnacle - 14 years ago

    Wow, the oil industry really has a lot of stupid idiots convinced. I see the tens of millions they've spent trying to debunk science hasn't gone to waste. There's a sucker born every minute.

    The knuckle dragging, tea bagging hicks of the world have no choice but to be duped lemmings. Heaven forbid they actually get an education and think for themselves.

    Please, keep doing what you're doing. It's just more fodder for the smart people of the world to laugh at.

    And thanks MDN, for providing another forum for the meth-cooking-trailer-trash to get clobbered by their worst enemies: logic and facts.

  • ProudAtheist - 14 years ago

    All of you need to just go pray for the rapture and leave caring for the planet to the adults.

  • studentrights - 14 years ago

    "The planet is now cooling, according to many scientists. BTW. science is not arrived at by consensus."

    Ok, grammer Nazi... you forgot to capitalise Science at the beginning of your sentence, so anything you have to say is invalidated by your logic. Besides, by many you mean the minority of scientists you probably also believe in intelligent design.

    Faith based science is not science.

  • Zeke - 14 years ago

    Mike: "How many people would a man with a GW message reach if he walked from town to town?"

    How many people have been reached by that guy from Nazareth who walked everywhere back in the first century?

    Ron: "student rights, 'Is this what your fighting against?' As a student you might learn how to spell 'you're'. I'm a Tea Party attendee, (but you probably know ALL about 'tea-bagging.)"

    Open mouth - insert foot. People "write" messages. They don't "right" them...unless the messages are somehow tipped over.

    Anthropogenic Global Warming has pretty much been debunked now. Argument over. The cooked data is in. The earth is demonstrably cooling. Barring dissenting opinions and massaging the data won't change that. Al Gore is ignorant, and not very bright either. I want him off Apple's board as soon as he's no longer useful in deflecting the environmental whackos.

  • Geoff Taylor - 14 years ago

    Survey: Scientists agree human-induced global warming is real

    It seems that even when the sample is expanded to include petroleum geologists, more than 80 per cent of earth science professionals think that human activity been a significant factor in changing global temperatures. Can 8 out 10 earth scientists be fools or liars?

    "Peter Doran, University of Illinois at Chicago associate professor of earth and environmental sciences, along with former graduate student Maggie Kendall Zimmerman, conducted the survey late last year...
    Doran and Kendall Zimmerman sought the opinion of the most complete list of earth scientists they could find, contacting more than 10,200 experts around the world listed in the 2007 edition of the American Geological Institute's Directory of Geoscience Departments... Two questions were key: have mean global temperatures risen compared to pre-1800s levels, and has human activity been a significant factor in changing mean global temperatures.

    About 90 percent of the scientists agreed with the first question and 82 percent the second."

  • RON - 14 years ago

    student rights, "Is this what your fighting against?" As a student you might learn how to spell 'you're'. I'm a Tea Party attendee, (but you probably know ALL about 'tea-bagging.)

    The planet is now cooling, according to many scientists. BTW. science is not arrived at by consensus.

  • Steve - 14 years ago

    Al Gore is a fraud and a hypocrite!
    This man only wants the 'small' people to bear the brunt of his carbon controls, he does not include himself or the rest of the elite of this world!
    Broom this turd to the curb.

  • studentrights - 14 years ago

    I didn't realize there were so many tea-baggers using Apple's computers. If science can't be trusted then why are you using a computer? Computer science, earth science, life sciences, etc,. are all based on the same principles.

    Clearly we are being lied to. Don't believe those scientists when they tell you the earth is round and that we revolve around the sun. It's all a lie by big government to take away our freedom to be ignorant. (sarcasm)

    What's the problem with going green, a clean planet? Is this what your fighting against?

  • Smith - 14 years ago

    Graph from NASA showing an upward trend of temperature. You people are fucking idiots if you still think there's some kind of argument or discussion on the subject.

  • Wade Prater - 14 years ago

    If Al Gore stays on the board of directors, my next computer just might be a Windows Box. I used Windows for years and got sick of all the hacks and viruses and etc. Thats why I switched to Macs because they are very reliable and Rock solid. He's just to dang controversial when it comes to Global Warming.

  • Arlen Jenks - 14 years ago

    I didn't know Al was on the board of directors, that makes me want to sell my iMac and go back to Windows. Apple needs to find better people to associate themselves with.

  • DanielMD - 14 years ago

    Perhaps it would be a great idea to become familiar with a subject before commenting on it.

    Duties of a Board of Directors
    The individuals who are selected to be on the board of directors of a corporation have overall responsibility for the activities of the corporation. The board acts on behalf of the shareholders to make overall policy decisions and provide oversight. A corporate board has great power and also great responsibility. Specific duties of the board of directors and of individual board members, committees, and officers are set by the corporate bylaws.

    Here are the primary duties of a corporate board:
    Fiduciary responsibility
    Corporate board members have a fiduciary responsibility to care for the finances and legal requirements of the corporation. They must act in good faith and with a reasonable degree of care, and they must not have any conflicts of interest. That is, the interests of the company must take precedence over personal interests of individual board members.

    Mission and Vision
    Board members are responsible for setting the mission of the company and assuring that all actions are related to and adhere to that mission. The board can change the mission, but only after careful deliberation.

    Corporate boards of directors do not participate in day-to-day decision-making; instead, they set overall policy, based on the corporate mission and vision, and they exercise an oversight function, reviewing the actions of corporate officers and executives.

    Annual Meeting
    At the annual meeting of the corporation, the board announces the annual dividend, oversees election of corporate board members, elects or appoints officers and key executives, and amends the bylaws, if necessary.

  • Mike - 14 years ago

    When Apple was targeted by Greenpeace years ago, Jobs turned to Al for help. I think Al has and will continue to be a big asset as big companies are expected to carry their load in beating Global Warming. You are to narrow minded regarding how to reduce GW, even big pollutes can offset much more than they use. How many people would a man with a GW message reach if he walked from town to town?

  • Jonathon - 14 years ago

    Even with the Global Warming/Climate Change fraud going on that he profits from while being a hypocrite with all his jet setting, I have never heard anything about how he's doing one thing on the board that helps in the direction of Apple. I think he's there to placate all the unhinged in the Green fad.

  • Scott - 14 years ago

    Al Gore's reputation and credibility are under huge assault from the ClimateGate scandal. He won't have the time or inclination or ability to offer anything to Apple. Apple should replace him rather than ride the sinking ship of Global Warming into the deeps.

  • RON - 14 years ago

    I say Algore should get the boot because he is a fake who is making millions from the phony 'Man caused global warming' fiasco. Give someone else the chance to do something good for Apple.

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