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Vote for your favourite Ryan Obermeyer tee design for upcoming tour merch! Leave comments & suggestions at (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 1,632

  • Ricardo Flores - 15 years ago

    I love the inverted bird. I would like to see the golden ellipse somewhere...perhaps on the back?

  • trees - 15 years ago

    please add a voting choice for : none of these

    the perfect design is in you.

  • sean - 15 years ago

    if you're serious about this design
    you should rethink this from the ground up.
    you have an awesome opportunity here to design something for one of the bestand brightest artists of our time
    dont blow it now
    do it right
    ask for help if you need it
    just do something as spectacular as Imogen herself
    thanks for your time

  • Jeff Crayton - 15 years ago

    And for the guys!?!? Just HEAP on the left where a pocket would go. Its a good name - We'd be proud to wear it.

  • Jeff Crayton - 15 years ago

    Sorry Im. None are worthy of you.

  • Ryan Obermeyer - 15 years ago

    Hey peeps!

    Thanks for the feedback! Feel free to leave comments on the specific designs on my Facebook page. Keep in mind these are just rough mock-ups of concepts.
    You're welcome to suggest shirt design ideas you don't see-- I'll be creating some more designs this weekend based on your suggestions.


    Ryan Obermeyer

  • Mark Stickley - 15 years ago

    Heyo! Just weighing in... I rarely buy t-shirts these days as I don't get so many chances to wear them. The ones I do buy, I buy because the design is amazing or because it means something to me and perhaps a small subsection of the general population.

    Immi, you are one of my favourite artists (if not my #1 favourite solo artist) so I hope you don't take offense when I tell you that I wouldn't buy any of these mainly because they have your name plastered all over them. I'd much rather it was a little subtler.

    I can think of two designs that I would definitely buy at least one of. The first would be a very dark green tee with the yellow ellipses from the front of the album cover on it. I would imagine the ellipses would be flattened into a solid colour for printing. That would look awesome. The other would be the tree logo, maybe in a couple of choices of complimentary colours.

    These shirts would be great because they would look good (why else would you wear a shirt?) and the fact that they are Imogen Heap related products isn't obvious unless you are an Imogen Heap fan which gives a little touch of exclusivity about them.
    Surely I'm not the only one to feel like this?

  • robert strand - 15 years ago

    I am a huge fan and licensing exec...and would love to work with you on licensing opps...great way to create passive income that could fund something about which you have passion!

    I agree with those saying none of these capture that which is uniquely Imogen. For me, Immi's music transports and inspires my imagination and the brilliance of her talent is missing.

    The Keytar is a tool - and I would want to integrate that which inspires Immi's creativity - maybe a thought cloud capturing Immi's thoughts, inspirations, ideas) and for the styling of the Keytar, perhaps the styling could be enhanced with a sheen, bevel, drop shadows etc. which resonate with the techy web 2.0 design look, and pepper in the hand rendered looking accents and/or some of the 'other' tools used to create sounds - showing the personality of the artist.

    As for the Etch A Sketch, you are at risk of infringing The Ohio Art company's trademark and trade need consent from them to use their intellectual property (in other words you could sell that shirt, and risk being forced to turn over profits on that product to Ohio Art...)

    Great start....

  • Lori - 15 years ago

    I can't even choose one of these, I think they're all mediocre. I think Immi deserves better designs. "A" is...okay...."C" is also...okay. None of them make me go, "Oh yeah! That's TOTALLY Immi!" So...I"m not going to vote, since I can't do it with complete sincerity.

  • Abbie - 15 years ago

    The bird one is cool but a bit too emo. The etch a sketch is also cool but too random. I went keytar!

  • Sandy - 15 years ago

    Voted for C, but why not go for something that's a play on the lights throughout the new album's artwork? A light squiggle spelling out Imogen Heap, perhaps or just a swirl of light there and glowing with your name underneath? I'd prefer that to anything here. Thanks for allowing us to vote and comment!

  • Alessia - 15 years ago

    Pleeeeeeaseeeeeeeeeeeee! That bird is ORRIBLE!

  • Charlie North - 15 years ago

    I don't really like any of them. The designs are ok, but I fail to see their connection with the current artwork for her music. They might look better at the gig. Please some big sizes too. I'm tall!

  • Bill - 15 years ago

    The bird's too similar to the Crow logo. It's a goth or emo band logo. The first keytar one's good, but the hands don't really work. But the second one's best.

  • hairbender - 15 years ago

    I think these designs are a bit poor to be honest. I was hoping for something a bit, I dunno, more? I'll probably still buy the bird one however..

  • shera - 15 years ago

    I agree, don't really like the designs but if i had to pick..inverted bird...cooler than regular bird and the keytar and etch-a-sketch are corny and she's anything but that. At least the bird reps her musical spirit, free!

  • allen wentz - 15 years ago

    Not to be a wet blanket, but none of these do the woman justice. We are lucky enough to have the most exquisite music of the past quarter century. None of these designs do it for me. I will buy a white T and write her name on it with a magic marker. I would go back to the drawing board.

  • sean - 15 years ago

    i really dont think any of them are great
    none of them seem that well thought out
    i would pass and just enjoy the music i guess
    i was really hoping for something that represented her brilliance
    not just another shirt

  • Anita Trevino - 15 years ago

    I chose C, because I have been obsessed with bird graphics since Six Feet Under Season 5, but I would totally buy A too.

  • Kevin - 15 years ago

    Gotta go with the keytar logo. The bird silhouette is SO overdone, it's everywhere and feels very 'me-too'.

    The Etch-a-sketch would be awesome if you were a small 8-bit band.

    I'd go Keytar or something that really resonates with *you*. Your brand should represent who *you* are, not what we want you to be.

  • James - 15 years ago

    Are you saying people should associate her with a bird instead?

    IMO, "A" just looks the most aesthetically pleasing.

  • michael - 15 years ago

    just be sure to have BIG sizes for your old fat(er) white guy fan base (XXL)

  • Thom - 15 years ago

    I own a T-shirt printing company near San Francisco. I would love to print you shirts for your US gigs. I have real competitive prices and Im a huge fan!

  • Cassie Parker - 15 years ago

    It's IMOGEN...

  • Walter McGuire - 15 years ago

    People associate Imogene with the Keytar and She is so much more. The bird goes with the Eclipse graphics, stage set and theme.

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