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Palin endorses McCain?

Total Votes: 12,354

  • Tom - 15 years ago

    To David:

    You should check out Mccain a little closer before you spout off how great a guy he is! Anyway to the facts, McCain did and does support cap and trade to combat the bogus fake science of global warming. check out the McCain/Lieberman bill. He was on a local radio station this morning with 2 sycophantic hosts who let him slip and slide on every issue he is on the wrong side of. McCain will not and should not be given another term in Congress, he will do immense damage to this state and nation if he is allowed back.
    Lets see:
    Opposed Bush tax Cuts
    Supports closing Gitmo

    Do we need to go on, this year needs to be the end of the long nightmare that has been the McCain campaign. Addios Senor Juan

  • avery - 15 years ago

    I"m hoping Sarah will bring McCain back over.McCain want amenrty for illegal. he agaist drilling for oil,he for cap and tax,he the one that got Gitmo and wathery boarding being torture,which is not the way america do it it will make you talk,their been 10,of 1000 america that have be wather board.Scott Brown is for water boarding.He is making Robo call for McCain now,and he has be doing a fine jobs now.

  • David - 15 years ago

    UH.....that would be 'prostrate' not prostate. I have problems with both at times. Oh well.

  • David - 15 years ago

    It was probably McCain that asked Sarah for help. What is she to do? She knows the man and his policies. I am reminded of a story about how the followers of Jesus were outraged by Jesus having a sit down with tax collectors and whores, (JINO's). Sarah is no Jesus but maybe there is something good that come out of this that can't be seen at this moment. I don't know the challenger. I don't know if he would be my choice but I would like to see McCain either lay prostate and apologize for his whordom or see him retire and not put Sarah in this mess. But since he will not do the former and he has chosen to wreck the latter, I will just pray for both. After this, Sarah can shake the dust from her sandels and move on. No more of McCain.

  • Larry B. - 15 years ago

    Sure gets old listening to everyone bitc@h about Palin.So what she is campaining with her old running mate again.I agree with the above statement.To everyone who supports Romney and Huckabee you should be in a snit about Obama,or with one of them 2.If you want to play in the sandbox this early.Palins at the back of the pack when it comes to your heros political standing right now.So back off and find someone else to bug,like say for instance Obama.I like Palin and her state record.If she runs thats where I would vote.However its 3 years away and your in having fits over her for nothing.Just mellow out please.Drink some soothing tea,or better yet brandy and at least wait till she says ya or nay,before tearing the poor woman apart.She hasnt done any of you any harm has she?Looks to me like shes good for America.Everytime she makes Obama stumble and bounce off windows I laugh.

  • David - 15 years ago

    Here we have the pundits who support anyone but Palin out in full force attacking her again.At the same time they praise Scott Brown for his stunning upset in Mass.Brown is also supporting and will campaine for guess who pundits?Mccain.Your hypocracy shows when you attack her and praise Brown who said he owes his victory in large part to the help from day one from Mccain.I see so many lies saying Mccain supports this or that.Especially cap and tax.I have not seen any public statement yet about that,or vote.Palin & Brown( obviously Palin more so) do not support every issue Mccain does.Do you support every position on every issue of the person you vote for?You forget the positives about him like he has allways stood up against earmarks and wasteful spending.He fought for regulation of fred & fran.He is not perfect,however if not for his insight America would at this momment be dealing with socialized HC and huge new energy costs.He introduced Palin,she helped derail both bills a great deal.He stood up and worked to get Brown noticed,advised him,and helped back when Coakly had a 30 point lead.Because of Mccains insight the GOP now has its 41st vote.How quick you are to forget the positives and dwell on solely the negatives.Especially when it comes to Palin.You should be happy she is 3rd in the polls.Your political Gods(Huck & Rom ) are leading her so relax.

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