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Which of these images would you like to see made into a poster? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 2,960

  • Mark Tillotson - 15 years ago

    I picked Stary Night, Love your music, wish I could be in Melboune to see your show. I look for you when you are in the states. You Rock!

  • Chrit - 15 years ago

    The wall works better as an image.

  • Herb - 15 years ago

    I went for Starry Night. If the point of the poster is to sell them to young lads for their bedroom walls ala Farrah Fawcet, this one is better. Your true fans would definately buy either - or both! The Wall is more typical - but what's wrong with that? We'll have you anyway you come, rest assured!

  • Herb - 15 years ago

    I went for Starry Night. If the point of the poster is to sell them to young lads for their bedroom walls ala Farrah Fawcet, this one is better. Your true fans would definately buy either - or both! The Wall is more typical - but what's wrong with that? We'll have you anyway you come, rest assured!

  • Julie - 15 years ago

    Hi Immi,

    I think that The Wall is infinitely better than Starry Night. I like the idea behind Starry Night, but your facial expression is a bit odd. The wall has great contrast, and it just fits in more with Ellipse. :)

  • Micheil Reid - 15 years ago

    The starry sky reminds me of 2-1 and reflects the acetic of the song's lyrics but the wall image has harder edges reflecting the sharper, more brittle nuances of the whole Ellipse album

  • Antoine - 15 years ago

    i really like "The Wall" with the reflection on one side and the basic wall on the other, it looks fantastic! :)

  • phoneyfarmer - 15 years ago

    Both are great. If I must pick, I like The Wall better. As others have said, the Wall seems to "fit" with your previous images. The Starry Night is a bit different, more sensual (not that there's anything wrong with that!).

  • antioks idan bin izrael - 15 years ago

    The starry night background?,
    hell no!.

    it doesn't look like you Immi.

  • Andy - 15 years ago

    something not quite right with starry night. Something weird with the perspective, I think (you look fab as always, of course -- but time to do something with that profile picture, dear)

  • Sandy - 15 years ago

    I chose The Wall because I think over the long term, I would really enjoy looking at it. I don't think I would tire of it as easily.

  • Sara Pereira - 15 years ago

    Hi Immi - all I can say is that you look fab. in both! Starry night was able to capture your pure nature - it almost tells a story of how it all began... your journey as a singer/songwriter... the diagonal frame (you're taking off)... one arm up ( a sign " reaching for ...."). The impression sent forth from 'The Wall' is quite strong. You're quite confident - mature - sophisticated ...and no doubt, knowing exactly where you are and where you are heading. Love ur music - u're brilliant!!!!! xx, S.

  • Andrew - 15 years ago

    I feel that both are great poster images. Each for their different reasons. My vote goes to the wall, because of the strong metaphorical representation of your music within the image and also, the vectors take your eye from left arm across your body to the right side, allowing you to see what the image is saying. and the lighting creates that sense of angelic rising, as well as links to your songs, little bird (spread arms is bird like) - First Train Home (the closing in of the walls) - Half Life (the link between two different worlds of harsh and fragile) etc

    I think the Starry night is a very beautiful photographic / artistic piece with as many have mentioned a strong contrast between yourself and the background, making you the focal point, depending on if graphics were added or to be left as is eg (Imogen Heap) entitled on the right hand side of the image would make an effective poster. I think the power of the image in correlation to your "image" as an artist is more sublime, but there seems to be more connection to the surroundings in "the wall".

    both are wonderful images regardless, but "The Wall" wins my favour :D for Immi poster goodness lol XOXO

  • nicole - 15 years ago

    I'm going with the Wall on this one. I agree with the others.... seems much more like you. and the lighting accentuates your arms and toning very well. And who could forget the classic Immi hair :)

  • PBS - 15 years ago

    Immi -
    Starry night is great; a different look and you have lots of great different looks, so bring 'em on!

  • Ted - 15 years ago

    The overall effect is better on the wall, but starry night is pretty sexy... :)

  • cynic 74 - 15 years ago

    The Wall is outstanding. The other one unfortunately looks like a bad desktop background.

  • Rachel Zimny - 15 years ago

    as much as i love stars and nighttime, i agree with the others, you don't pop enough. "The Wall" is awesome. the lighting is just right and you seem to pop out of the picture. the first thing that caught my eye was you in "The Wall". In "Starry Night", i paid more attention to the backround as well as the fact that my eye wandered around more before finding you, and you don't look much like how you normally look in your other pictures. both are very pretty but i prefer "The Wall".

  • Åke Backman - 15 years ago

    The Wall is the best one . You look very beatiful on the other one but..You look so different !! We love you Imogen but the "Starry Night " isn´t really you.

  • Tom - 15 years ago

    The Wall - Starry Night has some fairly glaring photoshop problems.

  • Luke - 15 years ago

    The Wall, - it makes me want to marry you! :)

  • James - 15 years ago

    Some of the comments on here are cringe-worthy to say the least. It's just a poster.

  • lisa - 15 years ago

    I love both. Starry night is more interesting & compelling, but you don't look like you. The Wall is lovely and you look great; it's just a tiny bit more generic. But still great. So you can't lose!

  • Sean Purucker - 15 years ago

    The Wall one. It relates the most to your Album Cover

  • James - 15 years ago

    I like the meaning of walls closing in around you, feeling trapped in a tight space. The starry night would have been a hell of a lot better without the poofy hair.

  • Zoop - 15 years ago

    I really love the pose and background in Starry Night, but it really doesn't look like you in it :( It really is a shame.
    I voted The Wall because the pose and background are good too, and it looks much more like you.

  • A*Star - 15 years ago

    Starry Night has stronger design value in my opinion. The asymmetric layout will grab more attention and retain interest longer than The Wall's layout will. Additionally, the richness/saturation of the color reflects the richness of your music in a more complex manner.

  • Nicholas - 15 years ago

    "The Wall" is reliably "you". Your fans will instantly recognize your persona. "Starry Night" is a departure and exploration of a different sort. No better or worse. I do not agree (respectfully) with Phillip, as I think there is, in fact, a lot going on in "starry Night". It's just more subtle and languid.

    So, ultimately, my choice would depend on 2 factors:
    1) Are you going for familiar, predictable, comfortably recognizable; or unusually languid and darkly arresting?
    2) What will the context be? Is this associated with a live event or recording? Visual or aural, or both? Which do you feel better reflects the mood and sensibility of the music to which it will be paired?

    oh, and one more thing: what does YOUR gut tell you is "the one", when you give yourself a brief moment NOT to overthink it, but instead just react instantly?

    Both are compelling, but for such different reasons.

  • JonJo - 15 years ago

    The Wall is much better. Starry Night makes you look like Dannii Minogue!

  • danidan - 15 years ago

    i prefer the wall, because I think the confrontation of hard concrete and fragile mirror(water?) reflection with you in the middle fits you very well, awesome dress too - it kind of looks more "avantgarde" - I d0n't like the other so much because you look almost "cadaveresque" with this make-up (maybe intended?), although the clothes are very nice...

  • Sabine - 15 years ago

    I like Starry Night - it is dreamy.

  • Elizabeth - 15 years ago

    I agree with Phillip--also, when I saw the thumbnails I thought 'starry night' but on closer inspection, it doesn't really look like you! So 'the wall' gets my vote, although I wish there were more contrast between you and the background.

  • Phillip Avery - 15 years ago

    The starry night background is cool and I like the color, but your hair is just so different in that one and your outfit while kind of strange is just to neutral and doesn't do anything to make you pop. The photo just doesn't have your trademark look. The other photo just feels more like you and fits your stage persona so much better.

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