Do you think face veils should be banned to protect women's rights?


  • Firdaus Farid - 15 years ago

    Ok as a person that covers all but my eyes, i have to get in on this. Seems everyone is all in my business why I wear it and if I am a terrorist or a man in disguise ( that is the funniest one yet).

    ok first off terrorist- a person that causes terror on people for the gain of something in this world. i can assure you there is nothing you have that I want. And i would ask for it not scare you for it if you had anything.

    The man in disguise, lol, ok what about drag queens and drag kings? Yes I said drag kings. they use the restroom all the time and guess what... they use the bathroom they happen to be looking like at that time. so sorry guys that guy next to you may not be a guy and that girl in the next stall may not really be a gal. Get over it! and guess what they dont have a face veil on. in fact most drag queens show off as much as other normal girls do. So is less better for identity?

    The canada security has actually set up a way to identify us without everyone seeing us. so how are we a risk?

    Just because you cant look inside the cookie Jar dont mean you have to break the jar to look inside. You dont need to see what is in the other persons cookie jar.

  • Mian Jehanzeb - 15 years ago

    Two women, One covered and other one in a bikini walking across a street. Who do you think will attrack more men towards themselves?
    Common Sense says that the bikini girl can expect some indescent stuff from the men with more probability than the covered one.
    Whoever thinks of banning the veil is the foolest person on earth!

  • Niko - 15 years ago

    I think if Canada decides to ban it, then it would be moving away from its free, diverse culture. If women are allowed to go out half naked in public, who are we to ban women from fully covering themselves? And if we ban it, wouldn't that be imprisoning the will of women who wear it by choice? I mean, if it starts becoming a security concern, then by all means ban it. It's not mandatory by Islamic rule anyway (and those who say the contrary should go back and read Shrai'ah laws on this matter).

  • zeen - 15 years ago

    Un-veiled women are like an open candy, having flies hovering over all the time !!

  • American - 15 years ago

    Women's rights = the freedom to wear what they want.

    How idiotic and un-canadian to ban women from wearing face veils. This racist idea has no place inCanada or in any democracy

  • Mohamed Ali - 15 years ago

    Canda is a part of North America, we have more freedom than Europ, we have more respect for personal freedom, Europ is rapped up in some silly traditions, while her we respect other peoples belief and traditions, Europ is stuck with some old colonial traditions we are not, we are the pioneers of freedom, they learn from us, we don't learn from them specially bad colonial mentally back ward ideas
    Thank you

  • Mubarik - 15 years ago

    2010-02-06 13:13:01 ET
    I do not under stand why people are worried about veil, why they are not worried about bikini hy the should be no basn on such dress As nudenes and these things creat more problem in the world.
    when some one point out they say liberlisation of women than why cant veil comes under that.
    None of the westren govt. are worried about x-rated films and tv shows which all goes against all the religions of the world. If some women want to hide herself from LUSTY wrond Desires of Man than every man is against it and some foolish women too

  • Mubarik - 15 years ago

    I do not under stand why people are worried about veil, why they are not worried about bikini hy the should be no basn on such dress As nudenes and these things creat more problem in the world.
    when some one point out they say liberlisation of women than why cant veil comes under that.
    None of the westren govt. are worried about x-rated films and tv shows which all goes against all the religions of the world. If some women want to hide herself from LUSTY wrond Desires of Man than every man is against it and some foolish women too

  • Abdul - 15 years ago

    I strongly support Javed that Canada is a free country and has multicultural society, which makes canada prominent in the world. In Canada rights of all citizens are respected. Nobody should impose his/her way of thinking on others. Integration does not mean giving up ones principals but to respect the rights of other fellow citizens, you agree or disagree,you like or dislike. please , Let canada stay free from hatred and racism of all kinds against any one,and let canada continue to be the land of hope and freedom.

  • Canadian? - 15 years ago

    After reading some of the comments by people acting like westerner Talibans (putting an axe down to impose their ideology on women to ban veil or what they want to wear). I felt I am no more a Canadian, who are known to be the smartest and multicultural around the globe. And all of a sudden I felt being dragged back to Dark Ages of Europe, where women were forced to do things the men thought were right.

    It's just absolutely rubbish to even debate on this. This clearly shows there's no difference among Taliban and these so called liberal west. Both are forcing their ideologies upon women on the name of twisted facts.

    If a woman wants to wear something to cover herself up or want to bare all up, that's what Canada stands for. If man wants to marry a Man, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. If a woman in Canada is pressured to wear piece of cloth that can't cover her eyes yet anything else because she is under intense pressure of her peers to bare all, there's nothing wrong with that. But if a woman, with her own will, want to cover her face, all of a sudden there's a problem with women's liberty? Oh wow.

    If there's anything that is known as Hypocrisy... that is it.

    Canada is not a country of one group... so stop claiming it. Everybody here is an immigrant. So everyone has an equal claim on this country. The people who owned the lands, we forced them to reserves.... and now we have guts to say these lands belong to a particular group of people? SHAME!

    Stop destroying Canadian values. Enough is Enough. And mind your own business and stop acting like Western talibans and put an end to this hypocrisy.

    This is Canada, it's everyone's land and everyone is respected here, regardless of their beliefs or skin color.

    Let them wear what they want, wear what you want. Don't dictate, rather LEARN and be able to say, you know other people's values and understand where they are coming from. That's what a Canadian mean and thats what Canada stands for.

    A proud Canadian...

  • britney - 15 years ago


  • kathleen - 15 years ago

    I totally agree with everyone else on this who is against the ban. these women should be allowed to wear what they want! we do and no one says our rights have been taken away. but maybe they have! yes, I agree on the point of integration, but is to integrate, to start wearing what other Canadian women in the society wear? I don't believe that is the definition of integration! yes, they choose to live here in the west, they follow the countries rules, they don't disturb people, they've integrated. so who gives us the right to impose dress laws on them? that's not integration, that's culture! other nationalities can be accepted for their culture, so why not they? just because you're not used to it? they might not be used to YOU walking round half naked in their country either! their definition of modesty is different to ours, but hey, how can it be offensive to put clothes on your body? Aren't the one's who walk around half naked more offensive to women and our rights? what does that say about women and how they should be treated?? I think there's a point here. whatever they want to cover up- I don't think it's an injustice to women and a violation of their right! Maybe their freer than we are?! Any woman wants to be respected for who she is, and not what she has, so if that's their definition, then leave it. to me the government is just trying to make women dumb by brainwashing them into believing that freedom is exposing your body so they can capitalize on it! what man is gonna tell a woman to cover up? what a joke! leave 'em be.

  • Farhan - 15 years ago

    No I strongly disagree as it is against women's basic rights.

    We should not impose anything as what to wear and what not.

  • Mohammed Qaim - 15 years ago

    Its coz u bring ur big nose n start putting nails we also interfere in politics. N read ur history these same al qaeda n taliban were created by you americans, saudi n Pakisatani intelligence agencies durning the cold war. You americans trained them for ur benefit of removing the soviet union. So just keep ur muth shut big devil, ur not even of the level to tell people wat to do. Coz you r 1 of the biggest abuser of human rights. N same with ur Obama. Now there a black elephant in seat n a white dog who jus goes on barking at other countries. The secretary of state. B4 white elephant in seat n black dog secretary who jus kept on barking. The kebab n rice. So wake up. C who is ur enemy ppl.

  • Mohammed Qaim - 15 years ago

    Again the same old tactics used by the west to say we support liberation of women but in reality they dnt wan allow to wear hijab Y? N other can roam around naked no problem but when a muslim wears hijab oh terrorist. She myt have bombs planted inside her. N then you say y do scholars of islam interfere in politics. So i tell you agreed we wont interfere in politics. So now also you dont interfere in religion. Leave muslims to do wat they want.

  • alchemist11 - 15 years ago

    If this gets imposed, why don't we ban the other veils worn in public as well, i.e. funerals, weddings, belly dancing events, churches - by nuns, etc. If this imposition is about safety and safety only, I don't see what's stopping anyone from coming in disguised at funerals, weddings, churches, etc to cause a havoc.

    Also, what about local gangsters wearing black cloth face covers? Are they no threat? Some could be carrying knives and guns. Some could be rapists. Some could be thieves. How do we know for sure if THEY are NOT a threat compared to women wearing veils?

    Man, there sure is never an end to stereotyping.

  • hunny - 15 years ago

    well i think this is just soo pethetic i mean why would you wnt to tell peoplewhat to wear and then we claim that we are giving everybody their rights .everybody has i right to wear what they want and nobody else has the right to tell them what to i think the poor muslim women should be left alone!!!

  • Javed - 15 years ago

    Canada is free country and has multicultural society, which makes canada prominent in the world. where rights of citizens are respected, Integration is not to give up own choices but to respect the rights of other fellow citizens, you agree or disagree,you like or dislike. please , Let canada stay free from hatred and racism of all kinds against any one,and let canada continue to be the land of hope and freedom. i agree with jessica, joe,lindsay and Azhar.NO to ban on face veils.

  • Joey - 15 years ago

    Yes ban any religious or cultural practice that imposes itself on the public.
    Turbans, ceremonial swords, veils burkas or whatever... what next?....hog-tying sheep and slitting their throats in the streets?

    Keep religion and politics separate, their beliefs don't do that so they'll demand more and more concessions and lame politicians and lawyers will cater to them until Canada as we know it is decimated.

    You come to live in Canada then you become a CANADIAN first, keep your religious practices in your residential and private institutions or go back to the country you left to come here for a better life.


    born and raised Canadian.

  • Barsuazie - 15 years ago

    Absolutely the face shield should be banned everywhere except for ski hills and emergency outside workers in the extreme cold/wind.

    It is simply a question of security. Intensionally obscuring one's face for whatever reason other than the above prevents absolute recognition by authorities, fellow travellers, pedestrians, students, office workers, witnesses...yes indeed...ban them in public everwhere....they can wear whatever they like in their own home.

    Head scarves OK...after all, we have the hoodie!

  • azhar - 15 years ago

    It is very unfortunate that we are debating on an issue that makes us no different from people who impose their ideas and idiology upon others. If Taliban were to blame for their strict and forceful impostion of law/ rules and regulation (sharia) than how are we Canadians different from them when we are doing the same by telling people about what to wear and what to not. The only difference between us and Taliban is that we camoflage ourselves behind the term "democracy" but still force people to wear or not wear against their will. The most unfortunate side of the story is from the people who so called call themselves Muslim but instead of doning any good to their own community they are inflicting pain and suppresion on people who by choice decide to wear weil. Are they forcing you here in Canada to wear the veil?. Perhaps not.

  • Kara - 15 years ago

    I think that many foreigners believe that Canada has no culture of it's own. They can just come here and maintain their lifestyle with no thought to our customs and feelings.
    If I was living in Iran or another country, I would be expected to learn the language and dress and act accordingly. I find it offensive when people come here and show no respect for our customs and cultures.
    On the other hand, if she wants to wear a burka, fine, but i think it is appropriate to put reasonable restrictions on when and where. You are not in Kansas, anymore.

  • Eddie - Kingston. ON - 15 years ago

    Yes, without question, face veils should be banned in all public buildings and places. Terrorism has become a very real threat in our society. Is the person behind the veil a male or female? or a terrorist? Immigrants to Canada need to start adopting our language, culture and laws; in other words, integrate or leave.

  • Lindsay - 15 years ago

    OMG ..I THINK thiis issue is about racism against muslim women

    i feel sorrrry 4 them..but u guys have my support all the way

    freedom right..

  • JOE - 15 years ago

    yooo i agree with jessica
    man wtf r they banning what women wants 2 wear..???? yooo thiis is not right man...Fuck France
    what happen 2 womens RIGHTs..I FEEL sorry 4 the womens around the world..

  • Jessica - 15 years ago

    i don't understand this ban.......Is there some sort of crime wave going where women in this dress are robbing or murdering people?

    You have some women walking around with everything hanging out and they are against women from covering up?

    whats happening to freedom around the world..i dn't understand...
    when christ or jew or indian are doing whatever they like...we as ban anything..
    but when muslim innocent women want to wear whatever they like ..we ban their religion rights woowww.. I DON"T GET IT

  • Chris - 15 years ago

    Yes I believe there Should be a ban in all countries that are not an Islamic state.. The reason being is how do you really know if its a woman in the ladies public washroom and not some man dressed as a woman ? An other reason is with all the terrorism being attempted, the next one may never be expected because they thought it was a woman..How comfortable are people around a man wearing a ski mask outside of the bank?

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