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  • Karen - 15 years ago

    I also entered my dog in the large category and he is not in there. This was my first time entering. Waited and waited for today to see him and dog! I agree seems something is wrong with only 2 large dog gallerys. I also emailed the bulletin but dont know if they will respond or not.
    I guess after reading other comments this isnt unusual for the Bulletin.

  • michael erling - 15 years ago

    Why are there only two gallerys for large dogs. I submittted a picture of our dog, Buddy, under the large dog category, but his picture is not included.
    Please include his picture.

  • John - 15 years ago

    I concur Walter. I did everything by the book. It seems like there would be more large dogs. I recall 3 years ago when it was a big mess. Waiting to hear from the paper but not holding breath!

  • Walter - 15 years ago

    John, the same thing happened to us, submitted our German Shepard's photo to the contest early, but isn't included in the gallery. As it is, the large dog category doesn't have very many entries. Just another instance where the Bulletin can't seem to get it right. I won't waste my time again.

  • John Swain - 15 years ago

    3rd year entered Sissy (Large Newfoundland) to contest. Sent photo and info jan 12th. This year no Sissy. Why?

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