Who's right?


  • Sean - 15 years ago

    Kyarb, you said that if you "walked up to a family that had a mentally disabled child and said hey, what's your retards name?" that it would be rude, but not wrong could not be further from the truth. First of all, because it is rude, does make it wrong. Second, the child is just that, a child, a human being and loved by his or her family. To take one aspect of their life and use it to dehumanize this individual is indeed wrong. It takes a strong man to stand up for himself, but it takes a stronger man to stand up for someone else. Surely you have the mental capacity to select alternative words that are not offensive to those who have developmental disabilities and to those who care for and love them. Lastly, you stated that "we all need to toughen up little" well I invite you to spend some time with those that face seemingly insurmountable challenges every day and do so with a smile on their face and love in their hearts, that in my opinion is the definition of tough. I don't think a little bit of respect is out of the question.

  • Patty { - 15 years ago

    Final attempt!
    I'm tired of our country's attitude toward P.C. Severly retarded individuals are not cognizant enough to understand the R word are are therefore immune to the pain inflicted by those who use the term. Unfortunately, not all retarded individuals are severly diminished and the pain inflicted on them may be more hurtful because of their diminished capacity of understanding. Not all individuals who might be referred to as retarded or retards began life that way. Through seizures, accidents, strokes, or disease (Lou Gerrig), individuals may evolve into varying states of what is or appears to be retardation. (i.e. Stpehen Hawking, physisist) My husband, now 82, an aeronautical engineer, who worked on rockets, missles, shuttles, is intellectually competent but has physically diminished from his former tall, distinguished, handsome appearance. I can empathasize with family members who take offense at that ugly "R" description being applied to their loved ones. I had not heard about the "Spread the Word to End the Word" campaign until I read Dr. Shriver's letter to Rush. Instead of all the hullabalou over PC I suggest Rush use his "talent on loan from God" and that other competent individuals as well, advocate for the benefit of the intellectually challenged. Rush and others could use their talents and gifts to enlighten our fellow (persons)men of the burdens and challenges of those who function at a lesser capacity than the norm. Those too STUPID to recognize Rush was using satire are the real "R''s" Individuals that use the "R" term may not be familiar (ignorant?) of the trials, tribulations and burdens associated w/ retardation, both for the afflicted and those families affected. Let's look at this not from a point of PC but as a morally compassionate goal to end the use of the "R" word. A handicapped individual, a black attorney, once explained to me the world is made up of two kinds of people, the TAB's and the GIMP's. GIMP's were handicapped, like himself, and the word should only be used among themselvbes. TAB's were Temporarily Able Bodied individuals. But for the grace of God, the miracles of medicine, etc. everyone is only one step, one stroke or injury away from becoming disabled. Would we want to be referred to as a retard or retarded? I think not. This writing is not intended as chastizement to either Rush or Sarah but intended to encourage a note of reflection to everyone to encourage self enlightenment and compassion that we as a community of the world can encourage people like Rush, Sarah and the Shriver/Kennedy's to use their influence to help enlighten others regarding the difference between Political Correctness, good manners and compassion and teach how to express and show intellect rather than rudeness when referring to those less fortunate than ourselves.

  • Patty P. - 15 years ago

    I am tired of our country's attitude directed toward PC. Severely retarded individuals have no cognizant awareness of the R word and are immune to the hurt/pain inflicted by those who use the term. Not every one w/ diminished intelectual abilities is immune to the hurt and pain needlessly inflicted by use of those words in reference to themselves. Their hurt feelings may be more difficult for them because of their diminished capacity of understanding. Not all individuals who might be referred to as retarded or re tards began life that way. Through epleptic seizures, accidents, strokes or disease (Lou Gerrig) evolve into varying states of what is or appears to be retardation. i.e. Stephen Hawking, physisist. My husband, now 82, an aeronautical engineer who worked on rockets, missles and shuttles is intellectually competent but has physically diminished from his former tall, distinguished, handsome appearance and is often treated as though he were "R" just based on his current looks. I can empathasize w/ family mbrs who take offense at that ugly description being applied to their loved one. I had not heard of the "Spread the Word to End the Word" campaign until I read Dr. Schriver's letter to Rush. Instead of all the hullabalou over the PCness I suggest Rush use his talent "on loan from God", and other individuals, to advocate for those intellectually challenged. Rush and others could use their talents & gifts to ease the burdens of others with diminished capacity. Those too STUPID to recognize the satire Rush was using are the real R's. Those individuals that use the R term may not be familiar with the trials and tribulations and burdens associated with retardation, both for the individual and the family. Let's look at this, not from a point of PC but as morally compassionate goal to end the use of the R word. A handicapped individual, a black attorney, once explained to me the world was made up of two kinds of people, the TAB's and the GIMP's. Gimp's were handicapped like himself and the word should only be used among themselves. TAB's are "Temporarily Able Bodied" individuals. But for the grace of God, the miracles of medicine, etc. all of us are only one step , one stroke, or injury away from becoming disabled. Would we want to be referred to as Retarded, Retards ? I think not. This writing is not intended as chastizement but note of reflection to encourge self enlightenment and compassion that we as a community of the world and people like Rush , Sarah, the Kennedy/Shriver's will use their/our influence to help enlighten others regarding the difference between Political Correctness, good manners, and compassion and teach how to show "intellect" rather than rudeness when referring to those less fortunate than ourselves.

  • Patty P. - 15 years ago

    I am tired of our country's attitude directed toward PC. Severely retarded individuals have no cognizant awareness of the R word and are immune to the hurt/pain inflicted by those who use the term. Not every one w/ diminished intelectual abilities is immune to the hurt and pain needlessly inflicted by use of those words in reference to themselves. Their hurt feelings may be more difficult for them because of their diminished capacity of understanding. Not all individuals who might be referred to as retarded or re tards began life that way. Through epleptic seizures, accidents, strokes or disease (Lou Gerrig) evolve into varying states of what is or appears to be retardation. i.e. Stephen Hawking, physisist. My husband, now 82, an aeronautical engineer who worked on rockets, missles and shuttles is intellectually competent but has physically diminished from his former tall, distinguished, handsome appearance and is often treated as though he were "R" just based on his current looks. I can empathasize w/ family mbrs who take offense at that ugly description being applied to their loved one. I had not heard of the "Spread the Word to End the Word" campaign until I read Dr. Schriver's letter to Rush. Instead of all the hullabalou over the PCness I suggest Rush use his talent "on loan from God", and other individuals, to advocate for those intellectually challenged. Rush and others could use their talents & gifts to ease the burdens of others with diminished capacity. Those too STUPID to recognize the satire Rush was using are the real R's. Those individuals that use the R term may not be familiar with the trials and tribulations and burdens associated with retardation, both for the individual and the family. Let's look at this, not from a point of PC but as morally compassionate goal to end the use of the R word. A handicapped individual, a black attorney, once explained to me the world was made up of two kinds of people, the TAB's and the GIMP's. Gimp's were handicapped like himself and the word should only be used among themselves. TAB's are "Temporarily Able Bodied" individuals. But for the grace of God, the miracles of medicine, etc. all of us are only one step , one stroke, or injury away from becoming disabled. Would we want to be referred to as Retarded, Retards ? I think not. This writing is not intended as chastizement but note of reflection to encourge self enlightenment and compassion that we as a community of the world and people like Rush , Sarah, the Kennedy/Shriver's will use their/our influence to help enlighten others regarding the difference between Political Correctness, good manners, and compassion and teach how to show "intellect" rather than rudeness when referring to those less fortunate than ourselves.

  • Patty P. - 15 years ago

    I am tired of our country's attitude directed toward PC. Severely retarded individuals have no cognizant awareness of the R word and are immune to the hurt/pain inflicted by those who use the term. Not every one w/ diminished intelectual abilities is immune to the hurt and pain needlessly inflicted by use of those words in reference to themselves. Their hurt feelings may be more difficult for them because of their diminished capacity of understanding. Not all individuals who might be referred to as retarded or re tards began life that way. Through epleptic seizures, accidents, strokes or disease (Lou Gerrig) evolve into varying states of what is or appears to be retardation. i.e. Stephen Hawking, physisist. My husband, now 82, an aeronautical engineer who worked on rockets, missles and shuttles is intellectually competent but has physically diminished from his former tall, distinguished, handsome appearance and is often treated as though he were "R" just based on his current looks. I can empathasize w/ family mbrs who take offense at that ugly description being applied to their loved one. I had not heard of the "Spread the Word to End the Word" campaign until I read Dr. Schriver's letter to Rush. Instead of all the hullabalou over the PCness I suggest Rush use his talent "on loan from God", and other individuals, to advocate for those intellectually challenged. Rush and others could use their talents & gifts to ease the burdens of others with diminished capacity. Those too STUPID to recognize the satire Rush was using are the real R's. Those individuals that use the R term may not be familiar with the trials and tribulations and burdens associated with retardation, both for the individual and the family. Let's look at this, not from a point of PC but as morally compassionate goal to end the use of the R word. A handicapped individual, a black attorney, once explained to me the world was made up of two kinds of people, the TAB's and the GIMP's. Gimp's were handicapped like himself and the word should only be used among themselves. TAB's are "Temporarily Able Bodied" individuals. But for the grace of God, the miracles of medicine, etc. all of us are only one step , one stroke, or injury away from becoming handicapped. Would we want to be referred to as Retarded, Retards ? I think not. This writing is not intended as chastizement but note of reflection to encourge self enlightenment and compassion that we as a community of the world and people like Rush , Sarah, the Kennedy/Shriver's will use their/our influence to help enlighten others regarding the difference between Political Correctness, good manners, and compassion and teach how to show "intellect" rather than rudeness when referring to those less fortunate than ourselves.

  • Patty P. - 15 years ago

    I am tired of our country's attitude directed toward PC. Severely retarded individuals have no cognizant awareness of the R word and are immune to the hurt/pain inflicted by those who use the term. Not every one w/ diminished intelectual abilities is immune to the hurt and pain needlessly inflicted by use of those words in reference to themselves. Their hurt feelings may be more difficult for them because of their diminished capacity of understanding. Not all individuals who might be referred to as retarded or re tards began life that way. Through epleptic seizures, accidents, strokes or disease (Lou Gerrig) evolve into varying states of what is or appears to be retardation. i.e. Stephen Hawking, physisist. My husband, now 82, an aeronautical engineer who worked on rockets, missles and shuttles is intellectually competent but has physically diminished from his former tall, distinguished, handsome appearance and is often treated as though he were "R" just based on his current looks. I can empathasize w/ family mbrs who take offense at that ugly description being applied to their loved one. I had not heard of the "Spread the Word to End the Word" campaign until I read Dr. Schriver's letter to Rush. Instead of all the hullabalou over the PCness I suggest Rush use his talent "on loan from God", and other individuals, to advocate for those intellectually challenged. Rush and others could use their talents & gifts to ease the burdens of others with diminished capacity. Those too STUPID to recognize the satire Rush was using are the real R's. Those individuals that use the R term may not be familiar with the trials and tribulations and burdens associated with retardation, both for the individual and the family. Let's look at this, not from a point of PC but as morally compassionate goal to end the use of the R word. A handicapped individual, a black attorney, once explained to me the world was made up of two kinds of people, the TAB's and the GIMP's. Gimp's were handicapped like himself and the word should only be used among themselves. TAB's are "Temporarily Able Bodied" individuals. But for the grace of God, the miracles of medicine, etc. all of us are only one step , one stroke, or injury away from becoming handicapped. Would we want to be referred to as Retarded, Retards ? I think not. This writing is not intended as chastizement but note of reflection to encourge self enlightenment and compassion that we as a community of the world and people like Rush , Sarah, the Kennedy/Shriver's will use their/our influence to help enlighten others regarding the difference between Political Correctness, good manners, and compassion and teach how to show "intellect" rather than rudeness when referring to those less fortunate than ourselves.

  • Bob - 15 years ago

    James needs to learn how to spell...........

  • Kyarb - 15 years ago

    It's sad that our country has fallen so far into the world of being politically correct. We can't even speak without fear of being chastised or ridiculed. The whole PC movement is designed to limit our freedom of speech. When the f*** did we all get so damned sensitive? If I walked up to a family who had a mentally disabled child and said hey, what's your retards name? That would be very rude, but that doesn't make it wrong. I think we all need to toughen up a little.

  • Scott - 15 years ago

    Going way back up to the top of the comments; James, many of the black citizens of the nation call each other nigger all the time, a term like hick, spick, chink, redneck, bozo, nerd, honky, etc. White citizens dare not call a person of color by any nickname.. I think one race uses the word as an everyday term of derision. Some white folk might use it as the utmost term of debasement. I think retarded is used much the same way. Someone acting goofy or irrational is a "tard". It would be extremely distasteful to refer to someone with Down syndrome or a low IQ or refer to any other birth defect retarded to their face. It is derogatory. By the way, I truly believe most citizens in this country don't think a moment about what the root meanings for nigger OR retarded are. (They may not even know any more)

  • ugly kid joe - 15 years ago

    you all think to fuckin much, she's a mother with a developmentally disabled child (retarded), how the fuck you think she's gonna respond.

  • swkobe - 15 years ago

    Palin made a bad judgement for campaigning for McCain. Now, if what the spokesman said was really what she thinks, she made another bad judgement - both of which ticked off conservatives. Now I truly believe she has no presidential ambition and if she does, I will not support her, sadly. She is just not ready for prime time. What a shame.

  • PersonhoodCO - 15 years ago

    Rush Limbaugh is a political entertainer, he knew exactly what he was saying & the reaction it would bring. If effing (stupid) democrats/Lame Stream Media don't get it, they really are Rword

  • realwest - 15 years ago

    Mehr Licht - you are of course correct except for one small matter: Blind people are in fact sightless; tone deaf people really can't hear (musical) tones; and words like idiot, imbecile and moron are used - according to the dictionary - to descirbe people who suffer from degrees of Mental Retardation. Indeed, in New York State, the courts still refer to people who have lost control of their minds "Lunatics" because that's the word that the law uses in N YS. But "Retarded" is NOT a descriptor of a physical or mental condition; it is a purely pejorative term used to describe people who are in fact "learning challenged" and some folks do have abortions rather than have the mother give birth to a disabled child. It is usually used by people of a rather limited vocabulary to describe someone with whom they DISAGREE, not someone who is honestly thought to be learning challenged; just because a word is "PC" doen't make it wrong - morally, at least - to use in general conversation.

  • Mehr Licht - 15 years ago

    If a single child would have its vision restored by calling it and all others like it "visually challenged" rather than "blind", it would be worth it. But life doesn't work that way.
    Is calling 0bama and the Democrats "blind" on the issue of defense, taxes,... somehow demeaning to blind people?
    Is calling them "tone-deaf" somehow demeaning to people that really suffer from tone-deafness?
    "Idiot", "imbecile", "moron",... used to be terms for specific levels of mental disability. Are these words now also off-limits?
    The only thing that's really demeaning in these metaphorical uses is the people the afflicted ones are being compared with. If I (G-d forbid) had a mentally disabled child, I'd feel insulted for it being compared to the Code Stinkers of this world.

  • realwest - 15 years ago

    I can't and don't care to divine Ms Palin's actions and remarks about this, but I know quite a few couples who have one or more than one "retarded" child, and that folks still use this term, when they know that it's use hurts other folks whom they don't know or know what they go through rasing those kids, disgusts me. And I know Rush is smart enough to come up with another term to describe what he really means and it isn't retarded children at all.
    Rahm I'm not so sure is smart enough to come up with a different term.
    And I suspect - and hope that the currently lopsided "voting" for Rush was simply because Rush speaks the ideas we all have about the LEFT and Obma, Pelois and Reid in particular and he does it all the time.
    Come on Rush, stay classy, say what you meant to say and then simply say "I'm sorry if a poor choice of word made some people hurt more than they otherwise do. And I applaud any Woman who would consciously decide, with her husband, to have a child who may be learning disabled, instead of having an abortion so their lives would be easier.

  • Not buying it - 15 years ago

    Sarah Palin is injecting her kid into the usage of the word retarded, itsself. Maybe she should stop being a spokesperson on the topic if she's so quick to criticize whenever the word "retarded" is used? She cheapens her own cause, if you ask me.

  • Retard Retardo - 15 years ago

    James you have the right to use the n word because its a constitutional protection. The fact that you thought otherwise, or thought you needed permission, is a sad statement about our countryman and constitutional education.

    Palin is acting like a RETARD. No, I am not insulting disabled children. I am calling Palin short-sighted and ignorant, not to mention "LEFT", by blurring rhetorical distinction for political gain (or is that normal)? What's with the victim mentality Palin? I thought the left owned that.

  • Dean Smith - 15 years ago

    DUDE, you are one sick puppy. You've consumed too much Cool-Aid.

  • James - 15 years ago

    If it is ok for Rush, Rahm, Beck, etc. and all the other dolts to use the word retard, then we now all have permission to use the word niggar.

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