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Who would you vote for, if the Idaho GOP congressional primary occurred today?

Total Votes: 241

  • concernedfreedomlover - 14 years ago

    Raul is the real deal.

    Ward doesn't give a rats tail about Idaho. He pretends to be one of us but clearly hasn't lived here for many years. He is renting a house here so he can claim residency. If he got elected he would live in Virgina and we wouldn't see him until his next election year. He was a McCain campaign worker and we all know the kind of Middle of the road politics McCain is about. We don't need a McCain for Idaho, Minnick is a McCain wanna be, if that's what you want vote for him instead and stay out of the republican primaries. When I see Ward's commercials on TV I almost puke all over myself. Does he want me to believe he is some kind of truck driving, cowboy hat wearing Idahoan and forget he really lives in Virgina and has big ties to D.C. and the "system"

    We need a real conservative and a REAL Idahoan. Vote Raul

  • CCRCC - 15 years ago

    being an ex marine myself I have been suspicious of ward from day one, we don't need another party chosen insider. at the state central committee meeting in Jan I heard both speak, ward a polished kempthorne republican vs raul a from the heart candidate who can draw the tea party into our side to take out minnick.

  • Michael Strickland - 15 years ago

    That should say "interesting."

  • Michael Strickland - 15 years ago

    It will be interssting to see what plays out in this race in the next three months.

  • Concerned Idahoan - 15 years ago

    Wow Nav Cat... That was well put.

  • KL - 15 years ago

    I will take the training of the Marine Corp over law school any day of the week! Semper Fi Vaughn!

  • splashvision - 15 years ago

    Nav Cat- Excellent post, I agree with all your points.

  • Nav Cat - 15 years ago

    Real Republican,

    I have vetted Vaughn Ward very carefully. I have found him to be a good speaker, well groomed( I would expect nothing less from an Ex Marine), well rehearsed in Political Speak, but lacking sadly, in knowlege about issues. He waxes long and hard with platitudes but no substance whatsoever

    As a young marine he was taught to obey and he will follow orders faithfully but that is not the kind of representitive we want. As to his qualifications for the CIA, well, that organization is not a paragon of honor is it.

    No I don't trust the party to find us our standard bearers and when I'm forced to take what they foster off on us I become doublely concerned.

    I want someone who knows what his oath of office is really about. Some parrot phrases like " Oh, I served my country and I went in harms way to protect it." Good for him, so did I and for much longer span than he. No, we are facing a greater enemy than an ill equipted ragtag bunch of Muslims lacking an Army, a Navy,an AirForce, and yes Marines. The enemy we face is the one that has been attacking us for years, those who whould change our Constitutional Republic into National Socialism. Mr Ward does not recognize that danger as do most of the people who support him. Socialism is ok as long as it is Republican socialism.

    Raul Labador has a modicum amount of experience dealing in a venue Mr Ward has never faced. Ordering men in a field situation is a much easier task than "leading your peers in a situation involving getting fellow legistlators to come togerther and accept your ideas" No, a Marine junior enlisted man is taught to obey. A Marine officer is taught to Order juniors and Obey Superiors.

    Raul Labador has been in a court of law. He knows the ins and outs of achieving his goal through skilled argument. This is what has made him so successful in our State Legislature. Mr. Ward barked orders and was expected to be obeyed, just as he obeys when those above him give him orders. With all that baggage back on the East coast, I wonder whom Mr. Ward will obey?

    In Raul Labador, we have a man who has proven himself in a Legistrative venue, as a trial lawyer and as a person who is used to pleading our case before men of like stature.

    Throw off those shackles of Party Leadership and give Raul Labador a chance. I don't want to replace a Democrat Minnick with a Republican Minnick.

    Think about it.

  • Concerned Voter - 15 years ago

    It is good to see a candidate that is willing to represent the state to Washington D.C. instead of a candidate that is concerned with representing Washington D.C. to the state. It concerns me that the majority of funding for Vaughn Ward is coming from outside of our state. What motivates an outsider to fund an election in another state? I think those motives (special interests) are part of what has got us in to this mess at a Federal level in the first place.

  • Splashvision - 15 years ago

    Good point Bryan- all of Ward's money is coming from New York and DC. And lots of PACS and special interests. All people from outside Idaho making an "investment" in Ward.

  • Splashvision - 15 years ago

    The meeting that the Ward campaign accused Labrador of missing was a JFAC meeting, which is a committee he is not even on. Ward's campaign manager later admitted the press release was a lie. You can read about it here:

    As for Labrador dropping out, that is wishful thinking from a Ward supporter realizing the Ward campaign is already resorting to lies 3 months before the election. Labrador raised $80,000 in 3 weeks. I've heard rumblings he is raising a lot this quarter as people realize he is the only one with a chance to beat Minnick.

    Minnick would eat Ward alive. No experience, no voting record, no job, never has worked in the private sector, a McCain moderate, etc. Really there isn't much difference between Minnick and Ward.

  • Bryan D. - 15 years ago

    As a concerned voter, I do not decide my vote on how much money a candidate has raised. This only means the candidate has more people he/she has to vote for while in office. I especially will not vote for a candidate who has raised more money outside of their home state. When you follow the money, it is only obvious what this Ward clown is all about. If it looks like a rat and acts like a rat, it is probably a rat.

  • Real Republican - 15 years ago

    Guys, Raul is on the State Affairs Committee that he missed while campaigning in North Idaho where the hearing took place. He is also on the Judiciary Rules & Administration and Local Government Committee..... I guess immigration, health care and taxes don't mean as much too you to as owning or renting a home in either Idaho or Virginia. Find out Raul's stance on immigration and how he defends illegal immigrants in his law firm in Boise. At the end of the quarter lets see how much money he raises. He will need to be on his game if he makes it through the Primary to beat Minnick and I will bet he won't make it to the primary. He will drop out before that...

  • Bob Davis - 15 years ago

    Splashvision is right, and he lied saying raul missed an important hearing that took place in a committee RAUL IS NOT ON!

    He does rent a house in eagle, and owns in Alexandria, VA.

  • Real Republican - 15 years ago

    Splashvision. Before spouting off you need to do some research..

  • splashvision - 15 years ago

    I am glad to see Mr. Labrador easily winning this poll. Vaugn Ward is a fraud. He owns a house in Virginia, rents a house in Eagle, has been un-employed since 2008, and is using Idaho to get back to his DC buddies. Not for Idaho.

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