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Should the county rehire Bruce Pelly?

Total Votes: 242

  • Carley - 15 years ago

    In one small dept. 5 people were laid off, one having 20 yrs. of service. Yet the director of that department's husband was laid off (he had only been with the Cty, 2 yrs) and he had a new job on Monday never missing a day of work. What dept. hired him?? Airports of course. They all wash one another's hands.

  • Brenda Lavoie - 15 years ago

    Just one more example of the greed, corruption, and down right stupidity that pervades PB County government. It's time to vote every single one of them out.

  • bob - 15 years ago

    let's see now .in the county dept.that i work in we layed off approx. 60 employees since jan 09.the rest of us have had our ours cut to 32 per week resulting in a 20 % pay cut.(since march 09 ) they stopped suppling work uniforms and mandated safety shoes.everytime that we have off for a holiday we are given a choice ,work 1.5 hrs alternate time or use 1.5 hrs vacation time to make up the 20% difference.i truly don't believe that the commissioners are looking at the whole picture !

  • Kathryn Wong - 15 years ago

    Airport Director Bruce Pelly, County Administrator Bob Weisman, and county commissioners should all be ashamed. To allow double dipping in a booming economy is bad enough...but NOW? When Palm Beach County just hiked property taxes 15%? While unemployment is still high, property values still low, and everyone has to cut back??? So a 6-figure bureaucrat can game the system? (pg 18A, Palm Beach Post, Sunday, Feb 7)

    Mr Weisman says the money doesn't come from taxpayers. How stupid is that! Of course it does. Every dime spent, well or foolishly, directly or indirectly comes from the taxpayers.


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