Miss him yet?


  • MARYALICE RICHERT - 15 years ago

    Whoops! I didn't realize you were targeting the 13 and under crowd.

  • jphoto1 - 15 years ago

    It will take a few more years to have all of us realize, 1.) Obama is not a genius, 2) Bush was not an idiot and 3.) the earth is not heating up.

  • Kralizec - 15 years ago

    I don't miss George W. Bush, because he was, at best, a milquetoast quasi-warlord without the courage and quickness to destroy the Americans' enemies during the brief time when no one would have dared oppose him. Neither do I miss "the pre-Obama era," because it seems now to have been a century of preparation for Obama, during which my countrymen declined into imbecility.

  • onceawingnut - 15 years ago

    Duh - it's a conservative site!

    "my cat's breath smells like... catfood"

  • Tic - 15 years ago

    ONLY 4% of the people that have responded to this poll are satisfied with the Oblama administration!!!!

    This has to be the worst case of buyers remorse in the history of the world.

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