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Zach Motl's Apartment: Hit or Miss?

Total Votes: 587

  • Marilyn - 14 years ago

    Absolutely amazing and talented usage of space. P.S. not really much smaller than my very cluttered, very lived in space..

  • Adis - 14 years ago

    I love the space and colours. My first thought was how to clean this space and keep it as staged? This practical concern makes it a really niche design for me.

  • Pam - 14 years ago

    As an friend of a friend that has visited this apartment, I can assure you the space is indeed 178sq.ft. Yes, 12 x 15 to be precise. Yet, it did not feel cluttered. And Zach's interesting collections of art &"artifact" made for an interesting and entertaining evening. Great cocktails, too! And who cooks in NY any way?

  • carderic - 14 years ago

    why does the "office" look so big and open? i'd like to see the floorplan. he's done great work, though.

  • Simonne - 14 years ago

    I love this apartment! Thank you for sharing its possibilities and its beauty! I started living in a small space (300 square feet, large compared to 178 square feet, but still pretty small...) about 3 years ago, and it has been the most freeing experience. Less work to maintain. Cozy and personal. There is very little I cannot do in my apartment, except have large dinner parties (though I have hosted a tea party, and a small dinner for 4). I cook, bake bread, can and and dry fruit, made pickles, run a small home-based business, and I have thousands of books. It can be done... with ease, comfort and pleasure! I would love to connect with others who love small space living.

  • Sarah A - 14 years ago

    I read this in the NYTimes…and thought how would you live in that space? He cannot even cook in there according to the article. I love small spaces, but to live in them they should function. I key aspect of good design is how well it functions. I applaud the effort to live small, but this is a total miss in my book.

  • littlepitcher - 14 years ago

    This is a dust mite's palace.
    178sf could be made livable and somewhat spacious with multitask furniture-a daybed, folding bistro table, and other such accouterments.

    This tiny space, though, could provide a full 8 hrs for a cleaning lady who has to remove and replace items. more job created.

  • SEAN NASH - 14 years ago

    I have seen an apartment like this before, and I do agree: With a very small space, the more you manage to fit in, the larger it seems. This apartment that I had seen was quite similar; a small space, and filled with unusual and interesting things--from accent pieces to small chairs. One aspect that I don't think the writer mentioned is the owner's creative and striking use of color which, when you look at the photographs, is all the more astonishing in that he uses so many different bright colors, and never overdoes the color. Truly, sometimes more is more. Only query I have is 178 square feet? Give me a break. Perhaps the main room is that big but, with bathroom, kitchen , etc., there is no way that apt. is only 178 sq. ft. That is 12 feet x 15 feet; hmmmmm........

  • tandy - 14 years ago

    holy shit, what a loser.

  • Amy - 14 years ago

    I think the apartment is really charming! It kind of reminds me of my own living room/bedroom- and FYI it isn't easy to make all of your things looks so appealing when your only option is to have them out in cramped quarters.

    I think occasionally featuring the decor of an apartment like many others is a refreshing and relatable idea.

  • Rojelio - 14 years ago

    Would anybody like to come photograph my rat's nest of an apartment? I've got my dirty underwear brilliantly stacked on top of my record collection in a visually appealing way.

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