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Should Florida collect taxes owed on Internet sales?

Total Votes: 305

  • Arminius Aurelius - 15 years ago

    Another new tax added on to the myriad of taxes that we already have will NOT solve the problem . An example is the recent irrational real estate market where prices more than doubled in a 7 year period. Along with the price doubling , the property taxes also doubled . I bought a Condo in May 2004 , the owner of the Condo was paying about $ 4700.00 in property taxes. My property tax bill jumped to $ 8500.00 . That is almost $ 4000.00 extra income for the state just from this one individual . When you consider the hundreds of thousands of individuals who bought a residence the past few years and 100 % increase in taxes that the state received [ Billions ] , the question is what happened to the money ? Were debts paid off , was money put aside for future needs such as now when less sales tax is coming in due to the recession ? I think not . As quickly as money comes in , the politicians dream up new ways to spend it, there is rarely anything left . Whether it is the Federal Government or the State Government , it is run by spendthrift fools . They should first look at cutting overhead and waste in government . Cities could also cut back on their bureaucracy , waste and corruption instead of cutting back the police force and the fire department . Board member Paulette Burdick states that Florida schools and students will be punished , what a joke . The students are already being punished by the incompetence of the school system . They like the government should cut back on their wasteful bureaucracy . We have a Department of Education in Washington ,
    D.C. to oversee the educational system throughout the U.S. and are supposed to lead and guide them , we have the State Dept. of Education , we have the city and towns Dept. of Education , and what has been accomplished ? NOTHING . The U.S. has one of the poorest educational systems in the world [ aside from Africa ] , the Europeans and the Asian students are far advanced compared to their American counterparts . [ about 2 years ahead ]
    Since the 1960's , the system has been dumbed down to accommodate the
    " intellectually challenged. " Burdick then asks , " Is it too much to ask for prudent , rational logical policy from state legislators .? " Yes , madam , I do believe it is just as it is too much too ask for the educational system to cut back on their " do nothing " bureaucracy . Their motto seems to be , " Laissez Les Bon Tempe Rouler "

  • Jim - 15 years ago

    Sales tax should be collected so there is an even playing field with local businesses. The state and local governments sure could use the extra tax money now so your local sales and property taxes won't increase later. You can pay for services when you buy items on the internet or you can pay for the services for years and years in increased taxes!

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