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Pick story for LovelyRPG, see comment below and forum discussion for details (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 10

  • Arya - 15 years ago

    Why are there 3 votes on amnesia? I really don't like that kind of story, it's as if losing your memory from being smacked on the head is easy. The truth is, if your head got hit so hard till you lost your memories then you're also in near death condition. And usually, you die instead of losing memory

  • Giniu - 15 years ago

    Official 1 (refugee): Our hero lives calm life, until neighbour country doesn't invent new military technology - steam-tank - allowing them to leap forward and become superstate. War is soon to follow and our hero have to refuge from his homeland. But this is only beginning of his story, in such times military needs every single man, will he keep hiding or try and fight back?

    Official 2 (apprentice): Our hero is apprentice in inventors workshop, one day his master disappears without single word. Soon it turns out, that master was on secret service for high government officials, and hero is accused of his homicide, then sentenced to death in secret trail. He must flee. Will he be able prove his innocence?

    Official 3 (inquisition): In magical world where everything is described in magical terms, there is also strong faith in many gods, but not everyone likes such state of things. There is group of rebels that believe they can describe world without gods, using only laws of nature. They are seen as heretics and persecuted by inquisition. Our hero is not one of them, he just don't care, but someone plants him a letter that makes his family think he is one of them and call the high priest with escort for him. Will he save his life and find out who made him go trough this mess?

    Official 4 (alternative reality): Hero is scientist in 20'th century in real world. During accident in lab he becomes unconscious and wakes up in alternative steampunk reality. He is scared of magic users, doesn't believe what he sees and finally for large part of game believes that he dreams and really is tied to bed, paralysed - resulting in careless attitude. Slowly he starts to believe that he is in other world, will he ever come back to his time and space?

    Official 5 (amnesia): Hero awakes for short while on train crash site, he manage to notice he is highly wounded and someone is trying to rob him. Soon he looses conciousness again to wake up in hospital with amnesia. He is tormented with bad dreams, soon he starts his seek for his own past, uncovering his criminal deeds conflicting with his good subconscious side. His dreams become longer and more clear - seems that he was one that caused train crash. Police starts to take interest in him, but he still cannot remember anything other than causing the crash. Was it really him who did it and is there something behind it?

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