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Did Health Care Summit Accomplish Anything?

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  • Jim D - 14 years ago

    Yesterday I watched the hole debate and all I got out of it is that all the democrats had was sad letter were the republicans had the facts. why is it all the democrats have is to play on peoples emotions and not the truth. I also learned that Obama has showed himself to be nothing more then a smog high school professer.

    People have to understand the republicans have had no power till the election of Scott Brown and even wiith that victory Obama,Pelosi and Reid still run the show. Anyone who thinks the republicans have any power to stop anything must be spending to much time reading the Daily Kos and Media Matters. The true battle for the future of America is between the Blue Dog Democrats and the Progressives. With the help of the American people we should be able to help the Blue Dogs fight against Obama and his progressive agenda.

  • B J Bragg - 14 years ago

    The whole debate just proved that the ones running our country, mainly the Democrats, are bigger idiots than I thought they were! I have to keep asking myself: what's in it for them? Why would they risk losing the American sentiment for health care they aren't even under? Answer: Money & power.

    I'm for prosecuting anyone, from now on, that's in a public office & decides to change the laws laid out in the constitution. Wait until "We the people" have control again! Besides, if Congress persists with this healthcare arrangement, knowing full well the public is against it, then next term we will pass a law placing Congress under the same health care & place them back into social security without grandfathering them in!!! The money they have in their retirement will be seized to help pay back social security.

  • Stan - 14 years ago

    "Republicans can not stand the idea of a Black President."
    Oh...come on! I have heard this or similar for the last 40 years or so.
    Can't you come up with something different? This has gotten old!

    Republicans cannot stand the way that "this President" operates which
    "Here it is, take it and like it. I know what is best and there is no need
    to waste time on compromise."

  • Turophile - 14 years ago

    In Article I, Section 8, the Constitution enumerates the powers of the Federal Government. Nowhere in that list is Health Care nor anything else relating to Health. The 10th Amendment to the Constitution states: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Therefore, any Federal legislation relating to Health Care is clearly unconstitutional.

    Our Representatives, Senators and the President of the United States have all taken an oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic and to bear true allegiance to the same" Therefore, any Representative or Senator who voted for this Health Care bill and the President, if he signs it, have violated their oaths of office. They immediately forfeit their legitimate power.

  • Wanda - 14 years ago

    It just show that the Republicans are set out to destroy Obama no matter what the cost to the American People. Most of the reason is that the Republicans can not stand the idea of a Black President. Truth be known.

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