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Have you given up bottled water?

Total Votes: 2,061

  • Diane Koyich - 15 years ago

    HAving been an activist for a couple of decades before simply being a person who watches their carbon footprint, I am amazed that environmentalists are buying the ridiculous comment that tap water is "as good as bottled" or, even that it is safe and pure. There are dozens of boiled water orders in Canada each year, there have been documented accidents regarding the addition of chemicals to drinking water, we are not told of the things that CANNOT be filtered out of our tap water (pharmaceuticals and pesticides for two), we are not aware of all the things added to our water so that it does not pick up the junk on the inside of the pipes (have you ever seen the inside of a plastic water pipe? and you dont want to know about the old metal ones), not to mention the addition of poisons like chlorine and flouride that we swallow!!!! I am careful to eat organic food, which generally has a higher footprint than regularly farmed food, but it is a weighed choice I make. Similarly, as I use water as a nutrient, de-toxifier and refresher, I want the purest I can find. I always choose bottled in large bottles for coolers if I can, as spring water has ions that cannot be found in filtered water, but I would also use filtered tap water. If i could find glass bottles, I would use them, but it is not practical. I am with the previous persons comment about Polaris wanting to make sure all communities have access to pure water - surely a noble thing.........but banning bottled water, which provides for jobs and a healthy vended drink option does nothing to ensure that aim. I have been using bottled water on a cooler for 30 years.........and I will not stop for any misguided environmental campaign.

  • Richard Griffith - 15 years ago

    Bottled water is ridiculous. I'm surprised some quick buck entrepreneur hasn't yet come up with "bottled air" to be sold for $3.95 on street corners on hot, humid days. Should be a sure-fire winner. Remember "pet rocks"??

  • Sandra Franks - 15 years ago

    It seems that two years ago the mandate of the Polaris Institute was to ensure clean and safe drinking water for all communities. To date I am questioning what they have done to meet this mandate, and I question the focus on bottled water?It appears that this is out of hand by attacking manufacturers of natural spring water.I don't understand? There is a big difference between chlorine treated water and Ozonated Natural Spring Water! There should be no war against tap vs. bottled water? Bottled water is a safe Healthy alternative to sugar and caffeine laden beverages!! Why don't they consider the fact that pop is 90% water, and sugar & sodium and perhaps food coloring make up the rest! So it is ok to bottle this crap So it is ok for these bottles to end up in a land fill? And to go on to these reusable bottles-people! Take a look at the bottom of the container, look at the recycle symbol number and tell me if it is good for the environment? or for you? Is it safe to be sterilized over and over? Do you know? What plastic did you put in the microwave today? And where did it go? Water bottles have a recycle mark of # 1 which means they are PET and fully recyclable! Go to CBWA for more info re the recycle numbers found on the bottom of plastic containers. If you want to here something really scary I have seen plastic with no identifier on the bottom which is law! So I ask how did this get into our Country?? Scary ehe! What is this plastic, and what do we do with it? By the way, it is mostly the reusable containers that claim to be the be all and end all!! That don't tell what type of plastic you are using!! . Have we looked at the lead piping systems for water supply?Do we understand? This? Do we understand child obesity? Do we know what heart disease and diabetes is? We need clean natural water to drink whether it comes from a bottle or the tap. The Polaris institute's mission is to provide clean safe drinking water for all communities! So it was stated two years ago!! Banning bottled water should come after they have met this mandate do you think???

    We are a small business in Ontario which employees 15 people in the rural area of Muskoka. There are very few manufactures left in Ontario, can we preserve what we have? And at the least get the facts straight before we destroy someone's business?

  • erin - 15 years ago

    Soft drinks do not come out of taps. In many municipalities perfectly acceptable drinking water is available just by turning a faucet-and it is FREE! I agree that we produce to much waste. It would be a dream come true if 100% of recyclable materials to actually made it to a recycling depot. But let's not forget that it costs lots of (taxpayer) money to recycle, better to not use the plastic bottles in the first place when it can be avoided-PRECYCLE!

  • Gisèle - 15 years ago

    Actually you make a good point, we live in a world where we produce so much garbage, and plastic is one of them...

  • lawrence groves - 15 years ago

    Why pick on Bottled is a heathly drink alternative to all the bottled soft drinks....The lack of recycling is the problem.....

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