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Who will be at fault if the Coeur d'Alenes and Benewah County can't work out their differences over policing authority w/o legislation intervention?

Total Votes: 176

  • george - 15 years ago

    This is a needed legislation for all Indian tribes, many times the story is not revealed in its true form but for a one sided view. This is one of the long standing facts that Indian people have struggled against because of ignorance caused by misinformation of written history of the area and the entire country as a whole being told from a one sided view. St. Maries has always been a troubled town with anti Indian sentiment. Not to say that everyone there is of this mind set, but there are a majority there, starting with a certain County Commissioner and his wife. "slapping the officers hand" when stopping the boat?

  • Marilyn - 15 years ago

    In these economic times, one would think that to be able to add law enforcement to our county at little to no cost to the tax payers would be a no brainer. I have tried and tried to find the down side to this bill, but noone seems to be able to articulate any.

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