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  • Brian - 14 years ago

    There's no doubt about who wins this contest. When your in Detroit and you want a coney there is no place to go to other than Lafayette Coney Island, hands down the best coney dog ever. When you order your coneys at Lafayette the server shouts the order back to to the cooks from across the restaurant and you get your coney's in about 30 seconds, lighting fast speed and excellent coneys.

  • Bill Fournier - 14 years ago

    I drove from Beaufort SC to be part of the largest coney dog eating contest ever. Piscture is in the wall at Lafayette. Ate 9 and came in Second. Wild Bill Best dogs ever!!!!

  • valuableedition - 14 years ago

    american coney is such a sell out - lafayette stays true to all that is detroit. it is unique and original and doesn't need to upgrade or conform (american ships their coneys now?) to society's standards...other positives are the diverse staff and cool tricks. p.s. joe biden chose lafayette, ENOUGH SAID

  • Tweb - 14 years ago

    My buddy and I did a whollly unscientific taste test one night after an evening of hitting Detroit watering holes. We tried American then went and tried Lafayette. Lafayette won. But at that time of night and after all the beers we had, they both hit the spot.

  • Oscar Meyer - 14 years ago

    Ahhh, American uses better dogs. Plus, American is cleaner. The stiarway down to the dirty bathroom in Lafayette can kill you if you;re not careful...

    American's dogs just taste better.

  • Wayne - 14 years ago

    I always liked Senate, myself....

  • SS - 14 years ago

    Charles and JH, no they are no longer owned by the same family for quite some years, they were at one point owned by cousins, and quite frankly the lines around the block are true and yes both places are iconic and wonderful, and yes i know the places are next to each other, and JH you seem to not have your facts in order...Lafayette is the best and has been for years!!

  • JH - 14 years ago

    Yes, Charles, they are still owned by the same family (cousins). Both of these places are awesome and iconic! Whats funny is comments by people like Al...have you ever eaten at American? You cannot get any faster service...and the atmosphere is just as good...its comments like that that make it appear you have not experienced both places like I have. And Servets? lines around Lafayette while American sits empty is just plain false...Come on already...stop it! And then you mention the the Olympic Torch and Stanley Cup at Lafayette, you do realize that the places are next to each other don't you? I was in American when the Cup was brought in again, stop it! Again, both places are fantastic and I visit both of them often. But, this was a blind taste test and quite frankly the judges got it correct...American uses better dogs in my opinion!

  • simdd - 14 years ago

    Well Miss Sweet Pea, out of 30 years of eating at LAFAYETTE I have never found any under total and complete EXCELLENCE!!!!!

  • Sweet Pea - 14 years ago

    I found some HAIRS in my hot dog AND my french frys at Lafayette Coney Island.

  • Charles H. Jackson - 14 years ago

    I always thought they were the same.Were not they both owned by the same family at one time?

  • Michael Levine - 14 years ago

    My oldest friend and I were so passionate about Lafayette that one night when we were at dinner with our wives here in Los ANgeles where w both lived, we started talking about "Coney Dogs" and immediately drove to LAX, hopped the first plane for Detroit just to go to Lafayette. Of course our wives thought we were nuts ,,,,,,, until they got their first taste.

  • whiz - 14 years ago

    In a blind taste test 97% of the people could not tell which coney island is from American vs. Lafayette. They are virtually the same, and taste is objective. Therefore other issues count - like service, value, and speed. American wins hands down for cleanliness, bathrooms, comfort - and yes, the best coney in the "D". After years of professional analysis - you can take that to the bank!

  • Serveta - 14 years ago

    Lafayette All the way!!!!!!! 100's of well known actors, musicians, athletes...etc as well as movies being shot with scenes taking place in Lafayette cant all be wrong?? The lines around the block at Lafayette while American is almost empty? Stanley Cup and Olympic Torch making special trips to Lafayette and not to American??? Come on, Lafayette is the only winner here, no and, ifs, or buts about it!!!!!!!!! LAFAYETTE IS NUMBER 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Servets - 14 years ago

    Lafayette All the way!!!!!!! 100's of well know actors, musicians, athletes...etc as well as movies being shot with scenes taking place in Lafayette cant all be wrong?? The lines around the block at Lafayette while American is almost empty? Stanley Cup and Olympic Torch making special trips to Lafayette and not to Stanley??? Come on, Lafayette is the only winner here, no and, ifs, or buts about it!!!!!!!!! LAFAYETTE IS NUMBER 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Al Emmons - 14 years ago

    Funny how the poll that Freep took shows 81% Lafeyette, and yet somehow American wins??? it isnt just about taste... it is about the experience... nothing compares to the service and speed and atmosphere of Lafeyette

  • Detroitchik - 14 years ago

    Lafayette - hands down

  • Dave Glaser - 14 years ago

    Listen folks,its a shame that american has to share the stage with LAFAYETTE CONEY ISLAND.Its no contest.LAFAYETTE CONEY ISLAND should be included in Dave Bings strategy for revitalizing DETROIT.

  • Rob - 14 years ago

    I ate at Lafayette Coney Island ALMOST EVER DAY for 14 years when I worked across the street. It is one of the few thingd I miss about living in Michigan and Detroit. As far as I concern "LAFAYETTE CONEY ISLAND" is DETROITS ONLY FIVE STAR RESTURANT. GO RED WINGS and TIGERS

  • greg matigian - 14 years ago

    I would't feed a street dog american coney island

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