Do you get better results from your ad campaigns here than in other traffic exchanges?


  • Chris - 5 years ago

    EasyHits4U give me lot of quality visitors,the must have traffic exchange in my marketing arsenal,top advertising platform.

  • Andrew - 14 years ago

    EasyHits4U is the best and most professional TE in my book.

  • Buy used truck - 14 years ago

    Great job EasyHits4U.......

  • Ford trucks - 14 years ago

    Thank u very much !!!!

  • loblanc - 14 years ago

    I hadn't surfed here for almost a year when I suddenly decided to give it another try. Much to my amazement the referrals started to pour in - 12 new in 48 hours from one TE must be some kind of a new wr. At least for me. Good going!

  • tthomaws - 14 years ago

    thank you

  • linda collins - 14 years ago

    i have gotten a few ref. to my sites but they don't do anything! why sign up to sites and then don't bother with them? i get a lot of hits but they do no good for me. i wish i could put in my ptp page so i could at least get some good from those hits!

  • David Smith - 14 years ago


    I've been giving "10" votes your way every day lately and for good reason: This is one of very few exchanges that I've found good results on!


    Paying for upgrades does not get you buyers. You need to change your ads. Study split testing techniques and I guarantee your luck will change for the better!


  • LUCKYBYA - 14 years ago

    I've upgraded my account for a few days and got 1 random referral but he(she) doesn't surf so, I don't earn anything with this referral. As an upgraded member, I haven't found none member to my ads. I don't get better results in here. I'll stay a standard (free) member.

  • Joedsoe - 14 years ago

    good job ....

  • Doug - 14 years ago

    I fear your policy of unique hits per 24 is actually harmful to my type of campaign which depends on Branding- I want the same person to see my page many times-

    You are to large to keep credits on even one page, so adding more pages to help the cause does not work at EasyHits4U.

    It is a case of your own success being your worst fault :)

    Branding is vital to many causes- I would love you to run a poll on this matter-but please also give the reasons why Branding is helpful- many may not yet understand the issue.

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