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What would you like me to write about for Script Fenzy 2010? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 11

  • Paul Campbell - 15 years ago

    NUmber One, I reckon. Plenty of fun and games to be had, and a challenge with making the central protagonist an anti-hero? But I think you'll need some kind of twist to make it more interesting. I wondered about making it about the two women after the event and their relationship, rather than about the murder itself. just a thought.

    Number two could be grreat, but you haven't said much about the story, so it's difficult to tell. What makes it stand out?

    I wouldn't go for number three. Why imitate someone else's style? Especially in piece that you might hope would turn into a calling card script, where you'd want to demonstrate your personal voice.

    And number four... Well, initially I though this was a really dumb idea - why write what someone else thinks is a good idea?!!! But, actually it's not so dumb after all. Most professional screenwriters make most of their income from writing to other people's commissions - TV series episodes, adaptations etc. So, it coujld be an interesting challenge simply to take someone else's "commission" and see what you can do with it.

    Whatever you do, good luck!


  • Lucien - 15 years ago

    When I say "this one" in above comment I mean the first choice - the drugging couple story.

  • Lucien - 15 years ago

    This one has most tension/jeopardy in the way described and the one I'd like to see most.

    Second choice would be grandparents but only if their story was interesting/different. What was it that was keeping them apart or fueling the hate? There's a famous romcom film with James Stewart set in a dept store. May be worth a look for research.

    Good luck!!!

    Lucien (on script frenzy too)

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