When do you think Justice Frank Iacobucci will complete his review of Afghan detainee documents?


  • Joan - 15 years ago

    Addendum: correction: "wa" in second sentence should be corrected to "war."

    Add: Iacobucci's job should not be executed in slip-shod, slap-dash manner. This is not the type of thing that should be speedily run through and published with lightening speed; it requires thought, wisdom, research, deliberation and will therefore be time-consuming.

  • Joan - 15 years ago

    This is NOT a Fabian delaying tactic. There are international agreements, partnerships and laws that must be honoured in the prosecution of wa and war crime ALLEGATIONS. Some Canadians don't like to admit that reality, alas, many Canadians can't even admit there is a war with a known and verifiable women-hating, human rights-denying ENEMY. (Shall we equally ignore the fact Canada's 5th on al-Qaeda's hit list?) Therefore, Iacobucci's review will mitigate the potential damage to Canada, to our troops, to allied coalition troops and other allied nations and agencies. He will ensure the enemy has nothing to gain by disclosure of classified information.

    He will also maintain the delicate tendrils of diplomacy which, of necessity, connect Canada to her partners. No man is an island, said John Donne, and the same goes for nation-states. Canada relies on her allies and international partners.

    Security in Canada has always trumped public disclosure of classified information. (How long before most Canadians even heard of Camp X, for example?) By reviewing what can be safely disclosed and what cannot, Iacobucci will do this INDEPENDENTLY without PARTISAN political bias. Parliament cannot, must not, be trusted with this job--they are too partisan and unprofessional. It's an embarrassment watching them perform like grunting, jeering circus animals on Question Period. (Thank you CPAC!) NONE of of us have any ENTITLEMENT to view these documents before Iacobucci decides what's safe to place in the public domain.

  • richard - 15 years ago

    This is quite ironic. Aren't the Conservatives fed up with courts having too much power? Didn't they oppose the courts deciding gay marriage? So why are they throwing their lot in with this Justice?

    This is just a stalling tactic for sure.

    I really like the idea Derek Lee floated of of incarcerating those three Tory ministers. :D

  • Daisy Griffiths - 15 years ago

    When did we vote to put justice iacobbucci ahead of our elected representatives? The members of the house are entitled to see these papers in full ,why does the speaker not attend to this matter?curious

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