Are you encouraging your children to maintain or learn a language other than English?


  • Gio - 15 years ago

    My wife and I, both born and raised in Canada learned our mother tongue, Italian, from birth onwards to elementary school, thereafter went to school in English and learned French from late elementary/early high school through to university. We then decided we would impart our gift of Italian to our son just as our parents had, send him to a Francophone school for French instruction and well English is everywhere here. As trite as it may seem, language is the primary key to culture and culture is the key to being open to the world. These intangibles are as important as hard core math or science subjects both on a personal and work level.

    It is not surprising therefore that most persons we know who have not had the same opportunities as we have, or have lost their opportunities due to their parents' past neglect or indifference, nonetheless want their own children to learn more than the one main language, usually English, and want more not less institutional support through the school system to try to achieve this goal.

    Is our province and our country up to the challenge?

  • LIZ - 15 years ago

    My parents always spoke a second language to me. I came to canada when I was 9 years old I had to learn english from nothing. I still speak my mother tongue and it helps me to remember tests. I think its a great idea to speak your mother tongue.

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