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Do you think private clubs should be exempt from the state's workplace smoking ban? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 507

  • Don E. McCormick - 9 years ago

    If I go to the library, what will I find there? Books! If I go to the grocery store, what will I find there? Groceries! If I go to a PRIVATE CLUB that allows smoking, what will I find there? Smokers! If you don't smoke, don't go there! I don't think non-smokers are concerned so much about a health issue, as they are about getting even!

  • Lawrence McManus - 14 years ago

    This is nuts why protect the general public, then say club members such as VFW - American Legion - DAV and others you don't care about, they have to live with the smoke. I smoke cigars, but not around people and surely not inside a building. I don't want my family to die nor my friends either of lung cancer or other smoking related disease. Thanks for looking out for me.

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