St. John's city council has been warned a significant deficit is looming. Your advice?

1 Comment

  • Rick Hollett - 14 years ago

    Maybe council should look at ways to improve how services could be delivered.
    1) streets: as in the poor quality of paving. If any_business_was subjected to the 2nd rate work carried out by these companies, do you think they'd get hired back? Not bloody likely! The city in the meantime, keeps using the same bunch time after time...because they choose the lowest bidder, so maybe they're getting what they pay for.

    2) Salt. Does someone on council have major shares in a salt mine or something? No where else I know of uses anywhere near the amount of salt that gets slathered on all the roads around here. Just look at any car coming from any other province to see what I'm talking about. Cars from here rust at almost twice the rate of anywhere else. How about some sand for traction?? One doesn't melt and needs to be applied LESS! Maybe status quo isn't cutting it. Also, there's a false sense of security when so much salt is used. Hey, it's winter driving...slowing down is an option.

    3) Studs: Does anyone really think studded tires are better? How about for the roads? Maybe the lousy pavement would last longer without them. I say ban the studs. If you don't have good winter tires stay home or take the bus! Maybe the painted lines would last longer w/o studs and salt...just a thought.

    Savings: If the city adopted the ideas proposed in this rant alone, savings of millions would acrue, thereby keeping the taxes at bay(I'll save that for another time), and allowing sensible programs to continue. Salt, pavement and paint and all the tens of thousands of person hours to apply it wonder we're broke!

    Rick Hollett

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