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Does the First Amendment prevent Hastings from imposing its nondiscrimination rule on student groups? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 445
1 Comment

  • Steve - 15 years ago

    While the Hastings College requirements for official recognition of a student organization appears neutral in theory, it is not so in practice. A religion - whether you believe in them or not - is a set of rules, moral codes and core convictions built around a set of beliefs. I know of no way to separate out the rules, code or core convictions of any religion without fundamentally changing the religion itself. So asking any religious student group to adhere to a requirement that is either counter to or accepting of aspects that are not acceptable within that religion is, in effect if not in design, asking the followers of that religion to change either their beliefs or ignore the rules of the religion in order to qualify. And since there is a "statement of faith" involved with nearly all of the major religions , how can any religious student group hope to qualify based on the College's stated requirements? And what, in fact, is a requirement that effectively excludes some student groups (or perhaps all, if applied evenhandedly) based on the religious beliefs of the members of those groups, if not discriminatory against those religious beliefs, and therefore the religion itself?

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