Should videos of animal cruelty be illegal even if they are made or owned by people who didn’t commit the cruel acts?


  • Alicia - 14 years ago

    Anyone who voted yes to allowing animal cruelty are sick and need help. Animals are no different than human beings what if that was your child, a friend or a family member would you allow them to be cruelly treated.

  • Alicia - 14 years ago

    No! Animal cruelty should be illegal. regarless if you own the animal i dont care. what if that dog wasnt theres and had been your, would u be ok with someone taking your animal that you care for bought and loved to abuse them and use them for fighting so their lazy asses can earn money off of them because their too damn lazy to earn the money themselves and cant get a damn job. No you wouldnt so nobody has the right to be cruel to an animal regardless if you own that innocent animal or not. personnel you should spend the time in jail that that poor innocent animal had to endure and suffer the cruelty and torture you put it through and all the animals you caused to be killed along with those whom agreed to the fight.

  • Ellie Cory - 14 years ago

    Child pornography is illegal whether it was made by the person caught with it or just obtained by him/her -- what is any different about films of animal cruelty which is not only illegal but is one of the most disgusting, low-life crimes on the face of the earth just as is the act of and filming of child sexual abuse. ANY human being who takes advantage of the innocent, be they animals or children should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. SADLY, the law often doesn't recognize animals as important to the earth or the humans whom they often serve. And even juries, sadly, refuse to take the responsibility they are charged with -- as in the case of Allison Dinsmore who willingly, knowling starved her cats to death - leaving them in her apartment for months without food and water; yet the jury found her not guilty. I'd love to meet THAT jury -- just as I'd like to meet those who feel that animal abuse is OK and the filming of same (or ownership of those films) should be legal! God help the countries who allow such evil behavior.

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