How often do you see children or grandchildren?


  • Sucie - 14 years ago

    We have 2 years and 7 months before we hit the road. Our first grandchild is due in July. We have talked it over with our children and they are happy that we want to fulltime and encourage us to do it. We plan to be there for the special occasions and spend winters in the area where the kids live so we can see the little tyke. We also plan on vacations together as a family, so by working it out in advance we all seem to be happy.

  • Liz Bard - 14 years ago

    We weren't blessed with children, so no grandchildren. We do have family in Texas, Colorado, Ohio, California, West Virginia, Virginia, Alabama and friends whose children visited our house and thought of us as aunts and uncles. We have 4 furkids - cats - who are indoors and rule the house they allow us to live in.

  • Anita Couts - 14 years ago

    We have 10 grands, 2 in college, 2 in hs, 2 in middle school and 4 in elementary, 3 in Oregon, 2 in TX and 5 in IN. We are full timers and spend winter in TX near them and will travel to OR for grandson's graduation in June. "Home" is So IN and So IL so spend majority of time there

  • Jean Liddell - 14 years ago

    Not full-timing yet. Another 17 months at work. Right now about once a month. Both children and 6 grandchildren with another on the way are only about 150 miles away. Once I'm on the road, I expect just for Xmas and big events like graduations, marriages, etc. Maybe my birthday!!

  • Wandrin Lloyd - 14 years ago

    Neither of my children has children so there are no grand children. However, there are grand dogs and grand cats. Summer visits are with TJ etal in Denver. Winter visits are with Vanita etal in San Diego.

  • Carol - 14 years ago

    We are not retired yet---children and 4 grandchildren are all in our area and 1/2 of both still live with us!! Honestly don't know how I will be away from the family--it's something I debate, since I LOVE to travel, but am also accustomed to being so close with family.

  • Don - 14 years ago

    My wife and I love our MotorHome and have traveled a few times with it but the wife has to be home to play with the grandkids (3) all the time. If we are gone over 3 weeks I cannot live with her. I have been toying with the idea of selling the MH and forget about traveling any more as she cannot be with the grandkids.

  • Barbara Kirkhart - 14 years ago

    We have grandchildren in Florida, Wisconsin, and Washington state - part of our rationale for spending most of our time traveling in our RV is to spend time with our children and grandchildren - we have our own place to stay, and can be available when they are available. Having spent 5 months in Florida this past winter parked in our daughter's yard and spending time with 2.5 and 5 year old grandchildren, we can attest to the fact that even when we're right there, the kids have so many other things to do that we didn't spend hours and hours with them - nor are we up to full days in the company of young-child energy! We won't likely spend that much time in one place again, although we do try to time our stays to coincide with significant events in the lives of our children and grandchildren.


  • Judy Haphey - 14 years ago

    As often as possible. Six of them are in the toddler/preschool age bracket, 11 are school age with only one in his teens. Two more are due before the end of 2010.
    Having said this, we don't get to see them very often, but spend 2-3 weeks at a time when we are available to them to attend school functions, dance recitals and just to play.

  • Brent Simpson - 14 years ago

    We see our grandchildren on a weekly basis. They all live within a 30 mile radius. We are not full timers!!
    We have 12 grandchildren with #13 due in July

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