I personally think that a good majority of people who say they work 50+ hours a week are way overestimating. If you kept a log of every task you do throughout the day and how much time is spent on each task, most will find that a lot of their time is used chatting with co-workers, browsing the internet, daydreaming, texting, etc.- basically doing everything but actual work. I've witnessed this with my own eyes, and heard conversations where it's almost a competition to see who puts in more hours. The prize: loneliness and stress! The concept of working smarter and not harder has died.
I personally think that a good majority of people who say they work 50+ hours a week are way overestimating. If you kept a log of every task you do throughout the day and how much time is spent on each task, most will find that a lot of their time is used chatting with co-workers, browsing the internet, daydreaming, texting, etc.- basically doing everything but actual work. I've witnessed this with my own eyes, and heard conversations where it's almost a competition to see who puts in more hours. The prize: loneliness and stress! The concept of working smarter and not harder has died.