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Vote On Sophie's Challenge May 5, 2010 (Poll Closed)


  • di - 14 years ago

    Bob is THE MAN! end of story! now stop this silly contest and go listen to some live music! OH, lucky me... I get to go hear Bob! doesn't get any better than that!

  • cherlyn - 14 years ago

    Adam Lambert has plenty of talent also. He can take a song and change it up and it sounds so beautiful. Or he can rock it out with the best of them. Slash wants to make a song with Adam. Queen would like to collaborate. U2 gave special permission for Adam to sing "One"; No one had sung Whole Lotta Love on AI before but he was granted permission by Led Zeppelin because he CAN and DID justice to their (U2 and LZ) songs. Adam's "If I Had You" gets you up and moving and is sung beautifully.

  • Sarah - 14 years ago

    I love this new Adam Lambert song! The other song is a snoozefest.

  • Steve - 14 years ago

    Ain't no party like a Scabs party! Go Bob.

  • JustSayin - 14 years ago

    I voted for Adam because I love him and his music!. If I Had You is going to be a smash hit!!!!

    I NEVER heard of the other guy.

  • dfwmusiclvr - 14 years ago

    @Gemerman, according to a fairly long list of industry professionals (like Queen founder Brian May) Adam Lambert has the charisma and the vocals to last. I expect him to be a player 30 years from now.

    @Eliza, your arguments remind me of the logic of the Republican Party in 1996 when they chose Bob Dole to run against Bill Clinton. As a Republican (now Libertarian), that election was just painful. I think the comparison is appropriate because Bob Schneider has an impressive history of accomplishments and is clearly very talented and diverse, but he's only 2 years younger than I am (about 237 in pop star years), and is still working toward his first breakout hit. In any case, this competition is supposed to be between songs... not singers.

  • Gemerman - 14 years ago

    Why vote for someone that's not going to be around in a few years, like most of these "reality t.v." contestants are?
    They are "One Offs".
    I'd rather go with someone who's talented in every way in regards to the music industry and who's proven himself over and over again!!!

    GO FOR BOB!!!!!!!!!! FAYM!

  • dfwmusiclvr - 14 years ago

    @nina, unlike most songs from the artists you named, If I Had You has an uplifting message... about the relative importance of a meaningful relationship over material possessions and money. The song doesn't have a "soul" sound because it's not in that genre, but it's not soulless. I watched Bob's video and you were right... it did sway me his way, but not far enough to change my mind. While watching it it occurred to me that the sound of 40 Dogs reminds me of Train, which is not a bad thing. I researched a little more and discovered that he's actually opening for Train. I expect to hear more from Bob Schneider in the future, but I still prefer IIHY as a summer hit. I disagree with your comparison of IIHY to existing pop songs. I think it has a unique sound, combining some current and retro elements of rock with electropop.

  • Eliza Cherry - 14 years ago

    Bob definitely deserves this award. While Adam makes fun music to dance to, Bob's talents highly surpass him.

  • TJ - 14 years ago

    Bob all the way suckas!!!!!

  • nina - 14 years ago

    you should see Bob's video.... it'll sway you his way

  • nina - 14 years ago

    LIke I said, this song of Adam Lambert is completely soulless and I've heard it before from Britney Spears, Beyonce, and all the other's who are out there. It's time for something new and better!

  • lynn - 14 years ago

    Adam Lambert can sing every genre. This one is pop. It is a great song to turn up and cruise with and just have a good time dancing and singing with. He's a good guy with vocals out-of-this-world. I listened to Bob's song, and it is good, but I prefer the up tempo beat of Adam's song.

  • nina - 14 years ago

    I think it sux!!!

  • cara - 14 years ago

    Adam Lambert has a technically gifted voice. Listen to some of his stripped down version songs. But this song, "If I Had You" was meant for people to dance, or sing or just feel good. It is upbeat and meant to get you moving. Great summer song to party to!

  • Nina Caneen - 14 years ago

    I agree, Adam Lambert's song sounds to overproduced and soulless.... and he's a perv!

  • dfwmusiclvr - 14 years ago

    I thought this was a contest between two songs. I'm sure Bob is a well rounded artist and a great musician, I'm just not a big fan of 40 Dogs... it's a little sleepy for me.

    @JC... Adam Lambert sounds better live than recorded-- check his acoustic performance of Whole Lotta Love at Fantasy Springs. With talent like Ke$ha and Justin Bieber topping the charts, you should be thankful for the few successful pop artists who can actually sing.

  • kenz - 14 years ago

    Couldn't agree more with JC and Don; Bob all the way.

  • Don Heller - 14 years ago

    I agree Bob can, rap, sing, & play multiple instruments. He can do it all. You do this poll in a few years and hands down Bob wins. Adam will be like most AI contestants, forgotten. For those voting, do some research on Bob he has been around for years. He can pretty much do it all. Also look up his other bands, Joe Rock Head on Youtube, The Scabs (Be warned some dirty songs on that), & Lonelyland. I vote for well rounded artists.

  • JC - 14 years ago

    Gotta vote BOB here… I prefer a little talent to over synth’ed, over produced “American Idol” type fluff!


  • justme - 14 years ago

    I 10000000000000000% agree with Daneen. If I Had You will be epic. PLEASE vote adam. =)

  • daneen moore - 14 years ago

    "If i had you", is the song of the summer. It makes me want to get up and dance.

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