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Should the American Flag be Banned -- in America?

Total Votes: 6,206,961

  • justmesal - 12 years ago

    If we wanted to fly the Mexican Flag we would have stayed in Mexico!

  • Richard Bohnert - 12 years ago

    Will there ever be politicians withe backbone to stand up for our flag and country, and tell anyone who doesn't like our flag and country to get the hell out of this country and go to a country that fits their agenda. there are plenty countries that don't like us. Anyone here who doesn't like it can leave. I will help get their stinking asses out of here. Shall be same policy as long ago anyone who betrays this country shall be punished to death.

  • Gary L. Weeks (USAF Ret. E-7) - 12 years ago

    Who ever has even suggested this absurd idea should be deported from the United States, no matter how many there are. You don't like it here, don't like the flag being displayed to represent solidarity then you are welcome to leave forever, never to return... I'll even up this I will donate $500.00 towards your airplane ticket anywhere in the world you wish to go (one-way). That is if you'll find any country willing to take you. Actually you might find some sympathetic soles in the middle east maybe Asia. Anyway anyone else want to donate so these folks can leave forever?

  • Richard - 12 years ago

    PLEASE IN THE NAME OF GOD, let us join hearts and shut down the insanity that is going on here in our AMERICA. If these people do not like our laws, religion, culture, let them know that the road that brought them here will certainly return them to their home where they will not have to make any changes. Tell our elected officials that are backing this stupidity that we will see them at the POLLS. Thank GOD for the privaledge of voting, wake up AMERICA and understand whom you are voting for. Know that those whom are seeking office to lead this great and mighty nation have the constitution of these United States of America in their hearts and will protect the laws of the land as they promise under oath.

  • Norma - 12 years ago

    This should not even be an issue. Why are you even asking such a ridiculous question?

  • sam - 12 years ago

    Why has this lame poll been up for 2 years? NOBODY is trying to ban the flag. That's FIX news for you, always trying to stir up sh*t.

  • Pat Wright - 12 years ago

    Absolutely not! How ridiculous can we get? This is, after all, America, our home, and we should act like Americans and be proud of our flag. School should be a place to learn patriotism. My sympathies to those who don't like our flag. Why are we listening to them?

  • Mary - 12 years ago

    I can't believe this was even considered. Who is promoting this? If any of our congress members are involved they should be impeached, along with the President if it involves him.

    Please don't share my email, I don't want to be receiving emails. Thanks.

  • Jeani - 12 years ago

    I am sick and tired of people coming to America and wanting to change everything that makes it great. I am sick of how the number one concern of everyone and everything is who will be offended when something is done or said. If you want to come to America, GREAT, but do it legally and respect what is here...if you do not want to do that I am sure that your country will be happy to have you back! Stop the insanity!!! This question should not even be asked!!! God Bless America, God Bless the Military who protect her and everyone else can leave!

  • Carolyn - 12 years ago

    I am 70+ and grew up saying the Pledge of Allegiance every single morning I went to school. I have children who are in the military serving to protect Old Glory. I agree, if people don't like our flag then go where they don't care.

  • J Pomerance - 12 years ago

    Of all the stupid ideas I've heard in 50 + years of my life, banning the American flag in the USA is the worst! If the Hispanics don't like OUR flag, then they can go back to where they came from!

  • don guettler - 12 years ago

    as far as soros goes----where is hitler when we need him?

  • jerry c - 12 years ago

    if it weren't for us they'ed have no school

  • Judy Spivey - 12 years ago

    We were stupid not to oppose that dingbat that opposed prayer in schools, and she won. Since when does the minority win... we were always taught the majority wins. But, this is America and if we cannot proudly fly our flag as an American, let those that oppose the American flag go back where they came from because they are not an American, by birth or otherwise! I have two (2) American flags flying at my farm and dare anyone to oppose it. And, what are our elected Congressmen, etc. doing to preserve our America. Appears to be nothing if it has no 'reward' for them.

  • Larry - 12 years ago

    Ban the people who want to ban our FLAG. They can move to any country they wish.

  • ron drake - 12 years ago

    i fought and defended this country when it wasn't cool to be in the military!(1973-1977) know i stand up and proud to be a U.S citizen. i fly my American flag in front of my house. if some people say i cann't fly the American flag they will have to kill me first. i also belong to the Patriot Guard Riders and i will stand with my American flag when ever i go with the Patriot Guard Riders

  • American Paitriot - 12 years ago

    What we need to do is, Send all the foreigners home that think this way. If you don't like our flag Go Home!!!! Close the Borders Now!!! " One Language English !!!" That includes our President. Vote No in 2012. We can't afford any more change!

  • Mike - 12 years ago

    You have got to be kidding RIGHT?!!!!! With everything else going on in this world, we are going to even consider banning the American Flag. Who is the DUMMY that thought of this one. Bet you they got paid for this CRAP. Like the old saying goes... " If you don't like America get the F*&^ OUT!"

  • Big AL - 12 years ago


  • Big AL - 12 years ago


  • Robin Kelley - 12 years ago

    ARE YOU SERIOUS????? Take God out of the schools and NOW ban the American Flag????? Why not just get it over with and declare America a communist country???? Those who don't like the American way of life, the American Flag and God should just "Get The Hell Out Of Dodge"!!!!!!!! Go back from wherever you came because you ARE NOT wanted here!!!!!

  • Pam - 12 years ago

    I agree with Cowboy Gary...what should be banned from this country are the people who want to change it, i.e. mexicans, muslims, the unions and barack hussein obama!

  • Steve - 12 years ago

    Oh My GOD! Who are these idiots and who are the idiots that allow these idiots into our great country? Why does our goverment allow these people dictate to us true Americans? Will the leaders of this great nation not be happy until everything this country was built on and founded upon is destroyed? Are they out to make God turn his back to us and our brave and loyal servicemen that risk and give their lives everyday for this country a reason to no longer do so? I'm not saying these idiots have to believe or except our values but I am saying to them keep your dam mouths shut and opions to yourself. If you can't do that or dis-like it that much take your dumb ass back to where you came from and please take our idiot leaders with you that allow such things and are more concern about other countries then their own and NEVER come back. GOD BLESS AMERICA !and I'm still proud to stand and salute our flag.

  • Penny - 12 years ago

    You have got to be kidding me. Leave it to the idiots to think they will get away with banning our flag. I will defend my right to fly the American Flag and I will Kick Ass if they try to make me take down my flag. My country's Flag. If you don't believe in the meaning of the flag Get out of Our Country.

  • carol - 12 years ago

    What is our country coming too? Do we even have a country any more? We are losing our rights has American citizens to pray in our schools, to say the Pledge of Allegiance, our flag is banned in certain areas, and coins are being made without the In Trust in God on them. Why is this happening and why is it being allowed? Immigrants are coming over here to get away from their country but do not like our flag or prayer in school!!! Then what are you here for? Are you wanting our country to become like the one you left behind? All of you that want all these changes need to just go back to where you came from. Evidently you liked it there more than you realized and want it here too. We don't!!!!! We want the freedom this country has always fought for. We want to fly our flag and be proud of what it means. We want prayer back in the schools and to be able to say the Pledge of Allegiance in our schools. We want In God We Trust on our coins. What is wrong with our government allowing all this to happen? Is this a sign that the end of the world is near and everyone is just giving up? Our country means more to me and so many others to just sit back and let immigrants, politicians, and the government take it away from us. We are fighters and will not just let our country go down. Our country means too much to the Americans and the Christians to let this happen. Go back to where you came from and if you are American and don't care then you need to go with them.

  • CMC(SCW/EXW) James Clarke - 12 years ago

    You have got to be fraking kidding me? How this ever came up for debate is beyond me. The flag is the Foundation of our great country, What it stands for can never be diminished. The sacrifices of the hundreds of thousands of men and woman who have fought to keep us free would be all for naught! I guess next we will be hunting down and killing every Bald Eagle on the continent to appease the backwards people who proposed this. The flag does not indanger anyone on this continent. The Spirit and Will to be free is what intimidates countries who dispise the U.S.A. With that being said who ever decided to put this to a "VOTE" is definately not an AMERICAN, or ever served in the Military in the Defense of this Country! Unfortunately One of the rights given to people in the God Fearing COUNTRY is freedom of speech. Which means you can have a voice and agree or disagree anytime you dont like an issue that involves politics or personal well being of the Great Democracy we live in. Yes one of the Many "Rights" that was earned through blood ,Sweat and Tears of the Soldiers, Sailors ,Airman, Marines and civilians who made the sacrifices so ignorant people can propose things like this. If you dont know what the Colors, Flag, Ensign or Old Glory stands for then you should get the hell out of this Great Country so those who love it and the personal sacrifice that where made to preserve it can live in harmony with the "TRUE FELLOW AMERICANS" who deserve to be here and proudly display the FLAG of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! I encourage you to stand with or in front of the Military and true Americans on this. If you stand with us you are a true American. If you stand in front we can atleast keep an eye on you and prevent you and the other Anti American sympathizers, terrorist and upstarts from hurting our beloved COUNTRY . If you dont agree with this feel free to leave at anytime. This Country doesnt need you. But rest assured you will need it if you denounce your citizenship. We will be coming to your rescue like evry other country in the World who is oppressed and in fear of dictators who kill and slaughter innocent people everyday. Take care and good luck.

  • Geri - 12 years ago

    This is awful....If you don't believe in our flag and everything that it stands for, if you don't believe in patriotism of our country, if you don't believe in the USA then get your ass out. Get out and never come back. If you think the grass is greener somewhere else then go. We may have problems but who doesn't. This country is made of good hard working people, people who live and die to keep us safe and protect us. Remember we are the land of the free, free to express ourselves, free to make the american dream come true for ourselves and our families. Teach our kids and remind ourselves what the American flag means. Don't ban our history, our heritages, our hopes and dreams, our lives. As rue Americans we need to come together and fight for our freedom, our country and keep OUR American Flag flying proudly everywhere.

  • debbie,Michael, Kayla, Brittany Hoey - 12 years ago

    I say if you don't like our flag, get the hell out of our country. Like this president who is a communist, muslim,and hates our country, get the hell out of here and go back where you came from. You know it offends me that these useful idiots are trying to ban something that has been a part of America forever. The muslim so called religion offends me to no end. This president of our country OFFENDS me, UNIONS offend me, So, why aren't we doing away with what offends 99% of the people? Most of the country believes in Christianity and God so why are we doing what just a few people want? STAND UP to these communists, socialist pigs. They are using and hijacking the democratic party and the muslim religion to make our country a socialist and communist country. I got news for them though, IT"S NOT WORKING!!!!!!!!!! GET OUT OF OUR COUNTRY.

  • cowboygary - 12 years ago

    Let's ban the Mexican flag so not to enflame patriotic Americans. Let's ban Soros, SEICU, radical islam and whoever initiated this disgusting idea. I am the second of three generations of career military men, and I resent the hell out of the mere proposal. This is AMERICA--love it or leave it....

  • Rex T Baggett - 12 years ago

    There is no justification for hiding or being ashamed of our flag. There is justification for censuring anyone who trys to discredit the flag in any way.

  • Michael - 12 years ago

    What have we become as American citizens? Puppets of the rest of the world. For the love of God we have fought for and defended the Flag for centuries! We have lost a lot many of good lifes, both young and old, over defending the Flag that flies over our country! And if you have a problem with the AMERICAN FLAG flying in our Country - MOVE YOUR STUPID SELF SOME WHERE ELSE. You moved to this country for the freedom you enjoy, and unfortunately stupid is one of them. And if it ever gets to the point that we are planning on banning the AMERICAN FLAG it is time to show the immigrants the door and close our borders!

  • hyg - 12 years ago

    are we that fucked up as a country

  • Ron - 12 years ago

    GOD BLESS AMERICA, the people that don't like AMERICA the way it is, should move back to where they came from and make that place the way they want it. IT'S SIMPLE, EITHER BECOME AN AMERICAN OR GET THE HELL OUT. Which means learn the language, and FIGHT FOR THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE. FREEDOM, and The CONSTITUTION.

  • Randall Spry - 12 years ago

    Hell no this our country not the fucking mexicans,muslins,and all other foreigners, wake up AMERICA KEEP OUR FLAG IN THE WIND.

  • Brain Engle, an American an Proud - 12 years ago

    Apparently we have a lot more anti Americans than we thought. The fact that this poll does not reflect 95% plus amazes me. Anti-Americans, you can leave now. Go back to where you came from. We do not want you here.

  • Caroline - 12 years ago

    This is insane. They came to our country willingly and now we're worried we might offend them by flying OUR countries flag and symbol of freedom? Rediculous!

  • Henry Ayer - 12 years ago

    Our Country is lost..... To have a poll like this is proof!! The Devil has won!

  • Glenda Duncan - 12 years ago

    You have got to be kidding about taking this poll. This is America which our forefather fought for and it is our duty to keep this America and to honor the flag they fought for and the beliefs they set up for us. They set up Christian principals and rules to help govern us which over the years we have allow people to abuse. We need to start standing up for what we were taught this country stood for and quite setting by and letting people change thing to benefit themselves, espically those who have never done anything to enhance the American way of life and take what ever they can get from the Americans. Personally I think if you live in America you should have to speak, read and write english which is our chosen language and not cater to their flag, language or religon. If they don't like what we have here then let them go somewhere else, whether it is back to their original home land or to another country, but quit changing our country to meet their desires.

  • Reed Boyter - 12 years ago

    Would this question even come off of the tips of the tongues in any other country.
    It is time to stand up and be heard. This is America, a country founded on Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We have the RIGHT to fly our flag high, the RIGHT praise our God, you have the right not to, BUT quit telling me I can not. If you don't like this country you are more than welcome to try another, I won't stop you.

    Do you think there are any drugs or violence in God's house? There sure are drugs and violence in our schools, but then again God is not allowed in our schools!

  • warren laquee - 12 years ago

    you really have to question the people that voted yes!just what is wrong with them?

  • warren laquee - 12 years ago

    you really have to question the people that voted yes!just what is wrong with them?

  • warren laquee - 12 years ago

    you really have to question the people that voted yes!just what is wrong with them?

  • Jim McConneha - 12 years ago

    I am glad i am as old as I am If I was 30 yrs younger & someone suggested banning the Flag to me, it could be very dangerious for them. I dam well wuld not be part of the silent majority.
    I would be part of the evening news.

  • bob - 12 years ago


  • David R. Ayers - 12 years ago

    How dare you disrespect the millions of American families that had members of their families give up their lives so that people such as this can propose such drivel. Yes, fought for freedom of speech and freedom of choice. Your choice is stay and be a patriotic American, or leave.

    I used to think I would not see the next American Revolution in my lifetime. I'm not so sure anymore. With the lack of honesty, integrity and respect in this country, especially by our leaders, I fear the revolution is not in the to distant future.

    We need to take our country back. The government needs to flushed and we need to start over. For now your most powerful weapon is your vote. Get to your local city and town halls and register to vote. Come November make your vote count ! Otherwise there are people who will do it far less peacefully ;-(

    BTW, I am a born American and I can prove it. I was raised in a small New England town. I served my country in the USAF for almost 6 years and helped protect the Eastern seaboard during the cold war. My Dad was Marine in WW II in the South Pacific. My Grandfather was in the Army in WW I in Europe. We paid our dues and now we are going to exercise our options to speak. Merry Christmas and God Bless America and the Red, White and Blue !

  • Madelyn - 12 years ago

    What I think is that we should get rid of channal 6 and this instead, as to me they are anti American. Who would post such a question to us the Americans, if you don't like our flag or country take your sorry ass out of it, 747's leave for other countrys everyday, Go get on one, and if this is for the muzzies, tell them to talk it walking, and if they don't like it, as for me I'm tried of channels taking others sides instead of their country. To me if you can burn my flag ( The American flag) I can burn your bible too as thats you. so lets boycoth channel 6.

  • Andy Bird - 12 years ago

    I'm a grammer school student. And banding the American flag in America? I've herd of some stupid ideas before but this is the stupidest one yet!!!!!!! leave the American tradition alone. How came up with this ida anyway. Deport the people to Jupiter how vote yes :)

    RED,WHITE AND BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    People how vote yes are a disgrace to America:)

  • GARY RADOVANIC - 12 years ago


  • Linda Hebert - 12 years ago

    This is American and to think that we are letting a minority try to take our country and turn it upside down makes me sick. It is past time for we the people to take bavk our country. Stop worring about what the minoroity thinks and lets get American back and Proud again. We need more attention on getting out jobs back.

  • Leora - 12 years ago

    Honored men worked to draft our Declaration of Independence and also our Constitution. Blood was lost in making this a free nation and keeping it a free nation. Our beautiful flag helps us remember the struggle to become and stay a free nation. Our flag gives us pride in our heritage and the struggle of our forefathers; and the flag encourages us to hold up our heads when we look at, sing about, and pledge allegiance to our flag. Keep it flying before us in schools, public buildings, places of worship, parks, homes, offices and everywhere we go. Display of our flag brings joy to our hearts that we are citizens of the United States of America!

  • SCParis - 12 years ago

    This country was built and founded on certain principles - and that's what OUR flag stands for. If people don't like the flag, or those principles....go elsewhere. Stay where you are, but don't change our country for YOUR benefit.

  • Jim Rediker - 12 years ago

    No Flag... No Prayers in our Christian Schools ..... No pay,,,, any more SCHOOL TAX

  • Manuel - 12 years ago

    Oh and by the way. For those idiots that bring up ethnicity really haven't a clue. The question was not posed by Hispanics, Greeks, Jewish, English, Asian, Middle Easterner's, etc. Therefore, stay on topic and quit trying to segrate this great Nation. We are all made equally under GOD. We all are protected under the Bill of Rights, therefore, quit being stupid...Its about political myhem and we the people need to get a grip of our politicians and vote them all out of office so that these stupid time wasting legislation never come up for a vote. PERIOD..

  • Manuel - 12 years ago

    Look everyone here who is not an American Indian is a traspasser. The Indians are not requesting for the removal of the American Flag. In fact American Indians have fought bravely under this flag and are also proud American's. Therefore, no on has the right to request that the flag be removed. I dont care who you are. I joined the miliatary in the 70's when it was unpopular because of my family heritage. All of my forefathers were ex-military personal and fought for this great Nation from WWI to the first Gulf war. If this was to happen it would awaken the great giant and the people will fight this action. After Pearl Harbor the Japanee's General said I am afraid we have awaken the great giant and will pay for this day. They did and we won..The people of America may seem complacent, but if you think you can tread on the Flag your dead wrong....Try and see...

  • Gregg - 12 years ago

    Are we such idiots as to foget that pride in our country IS important??? PLEASE spare me another person being offended by American Pride. This is enough!!!

  • LOAH HELDERMAN - 12 years ago

    what idiot came up with this?

  • Vicki - 12 years ago

    I'm sick and tired of hearing how WE might insult another Americans, we should not be identifying anything other than that "I AM AN AMERICAN"...who is standing up for that? Who is saying anything about being afraid they might be insulting Americans? or Christians? (another group under attack)...I'm an American Christian that feels insulted two fold. I have rights too. Why are my rights under attack? What ever happened to 'LIVE AND LET LIVE' ?

  • Mushroom444 - 12 years ago

    This is downright unAmerican!!! Who ever thought this up should be arrested by Homeland Security and held at some unknown location till they die!! If our flag upsets someone who has come to live here does not give them the right to take away our way of life. Go back to where you came from and change your country!! USA is the best nation in the world and we are happy with our flag and for what it stands for!!!!

  • Justin Joseph - 12 years ago

    Very Shameful Act, even though I'm not an American I feel so sad about the situation America "The Great Land" is in.

  • Allen Cathey - 12 years ago

    This is really sad. Of all thje things to vote on, this shouldn't even be a thought. We've had soldiers fight and die for our flag and this is a slap in the face to all veterans!!! If you don't like this flag, I've only got yhis to say, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart," GET THE HELL OUT AND GO TO WHATEVER PLACE YOU DO LIKE". A that goes to the politions who would even bring this stupid idea up!!!

  • Carmen - 12 years ago

    I cannot believe there is a poll of this nature. Come on AMERICA STAND UP FOR ARE FLAG!! I know there is many sicko's in this world and see it gets worse every day. Something of this nature going on really shows what kind of sicko's are in AMERICA.

  • Carmen - 12 years ago

    I cannot believe there is a poll of this nature. Come on AMERICA STAND UP FOR ARE FLAG!! I know there is many sicko's in this world and see it gets worse every day. Something of this nature going on really shows what kind of sicko's are in AMERICA.

  • Carmen - 12 years ago

    I cannot believe there is a poll of this nature. Come on AMERICA STAND UP FOR ARE FLAG!! I know there is many sicko's in this world and see it gets worse every day. Something of this nature going on really shows what kind of sicko's are in AMERICA.

  • Carmen - 12 years ago

    I cannot believe there is a poll of this nature. Come on AMERICA STAND UP FOR ARE FLAG!! I know there is many sicko's in this world and see it gets worse every day. Something of this nature going on really shows what kind of sicko's are in AMERICA.

  • Carmen - 12 years ago

    I cannot believe there is a poll of this nature. Come on AMERICA STAND UP FOR ARE FLAG!! I know there is many sicko's in this world and see it gets worse every day. Something of this nature going on really shows what kind of sicko's are in AMERICA.

  • Carmen - 12 years ago

    I cannot believe there is a poll of this nature. Come on AMERICA STAND UP FOR ARE FLAG!! I know there is many sicko's in this world and see it gets worse every day. Something of this nature going on really shows what kind of sicko's are in AMERICA.

  • Sue - 12 years ago

    What in the world is going on in this country? Why are we so afraid to offend Mexicans, Arabs, or any other visitor to our country. THIS IS OUR COUNTRY NOT THEIRS. If they do not like our flag then go back home. Do we go to other countries and tell them not to fly their flag because it OFFENDS US.....NO!! We need to stops bowing to other people. This is the United States of America. What about our rights?? I am proud to be an American and I will be darned if I will stop flying the flag of my country in MY OWN COUNTRY just because if offends someone. I say go home where you belong if you do not like it here. I wonder what these same people would think if we went to their home country and tried to pull the same nonsense they are doing here. Get a backbone and stand up for your beliefs and for your country. There have been a lot of men and women who have died so that we can be free. I will never let their families feels that they have died for nothing.

  • Redhead1980 - 12 years ago

    @ Tin Machine,


  • Tin Machine - 12 years ago

    Of all the asinine suggestions I have heard recently this has got to be the topper. If the American Flag in an American classroom inflames Hispanic student, then something is terribly wrong. I am pro (Legal) immigration and still think that America is the land of opportunity and if one can get here (legally) then one has the right to rise as far as his/her talent will take them. Of course the caveat being that they must become AMERICANS.
    Not Mexican-American, not Polish American, Not German American and not even African American, just Amricans.

    This means swearing allegiance to the country in which they choose to profit from. They must promise to defend this country and the flag against all enemies foreign and domestic. Promise to be loyal and peaceable citizens in the state in which that reside.

    If all that is too much for someone coming here to live a better life, then don't come, because that is what the price of freedom is.

    National Pride in this country is been battered and beat over the last 40 years and the gallant men and women who paid the ultimate price to secure those liberties we hold so dear, from Bunker Hill to the mountains of Afghanistan, would turn over in their graves to even hear this question posed. Shame on any who voted yes or even maybe.

    believeve any illegal immigrant caught should be given choicece, serve 4 years in the US military and if discharged honorably, they will receive citizenship for themselves, spouse (if married legally) and children (if they have any) only.

    While in the military they will become proficient in English and complete a citizenship course. The alternative is deportation to the furthest most point from American soil as possible in their country of origin and completion of the boarder wall post haste!

    It's time to take America back from the jellyfish apologist Libs that want to make us bow down to every country that has some 'issue' with us. Enough is Enough! I am a proud American Gulf War Vet. My children attend the local public school where the flag is proudly saluted each morning and is given respect and taught about American history, the good and the bad alike.

    End of Rant!

  • Dick Roloff - 12 years ago

    What a "stupid" idea. I agree that we must get back to god, family and country as our main priorities.

  • Kelly Miller - 12 years ago

    Images used by media sources and advertisers has led this country down a unholy road. A return to family and a faith in all that is good is what America needs.

  • Barbara Smith - 12 years ago

    No, the flag should never be banned in America. If it offends someone, that someone should go to some other country where they do not have to be offended by the flag that our brave men and women have fought for. If you come to America, you should be thankful for a place where you are free to pray as you choose, work where you choose and live where you choose. That is what freedom is all about and the flag represents that freedom for all to see. It should fly over all schools, universities, public buildings and private homes. It is the symbol of American freedom.

  • Sean - 12 years ago

    If we were to ban our flag, then all of the other countries should do the same, because there might be something about that flag that would offend someone, somewhere. This is getting very childish, we will not have a world left if we started doing all of this nonsense that these so called leaders want to to. I think that this current administration needs to disparately grow up. Stop trying to turn this country into something else, or a revolution will happen again.

  • Forest Hansen - 12 years ago

    I have reservations about sending Mexicans back to Mexico but, if they feel this way, I'll encourage and help them to leave.

  • J. COZART - 12 years ago

    I think The Flag should be present at all public events, Sports or otherwise. The National Anthem played or the Pledge recited. Anyone that is offended by that should not be allowed to attend the events or should look for another country in which to reside. I served this country for 28 years and I don't like what some of the "Politicians " are allowing to happen to the country. The history of the Flag should be taught to all grades in School. An d the day should be started with The Pledge of Allegiance. If not, get rid of the school officials that do not enforce this policy.


  • Mae Alice Crawford - 12 years ago

    How stupid can people of American get to even think of such a terrible thing. Safety. what a lame comment. That would mean banning all banners everywhere, all signs, they could fall. How can a flag be of danger. Be proud of American through her many faults. If you find a fault and can't live with it go to another country. If America is so bad why are people from every land flowing and fighting and yes some even giving their lives to come and live here. So be PROUD of the little freedom that we have left and fight to bring back what men and women have fought and given their lives for to preserve. Stand up and shout to the top of the roof. This is my country, if you don't like it get out. I LOVE WHAT AMERICA USED TO STAND FOR. FREEDOM. Not government how to even sit on the pottie if they could.

  • Lou Zeiler - 12 years ago

    I'm appalled to even think some people think we should cater to people who sneak into our borders and then expect our taxpayers to take care of their needs. It seems to me that our own citizens are given less help and opportunities than the noncitizens who don't respect our laws.

    Our flag is the symbol of our country where we have always had freedoms that many other countries have never had. It seems to me that we have too many people who don't belong here who think they have the right to tear down our freedoms and change our culture and the thing that scares me is that there are too many people in our country who seem to be allowing it.

    What is the matter with our leaders????????

  • Lou Zeiler - 12 years ago

    I'm appalled to even think some people think we should cater to people who sneak into our borders and then expect our taxpayers to take care of their needs. It seems to me that our own citizens are given less help and opportunities than the noncitizens who don't respect our laws.

    Our flag is the symbol of our country where we have always had freedoms that many other countries have never had. It seems to me that we have too many people who don't belong here who think they have the right to tear down our freedoms and change our culture and the thing that scares me is that there are too many people in our country who seem to be allowing it.

    What is the matter with our leaders????????

  • Dogmama - 12 years ago

    Have people LOST their minds? If you don't want to see the AMERICAN flag flying in AMERICA, LEAVE THIS COUNTRY. My grandparents and hundreds of grandaunts/uncles would give anything to become U.S. citizens. The govt gave them nothing. And they adopted our flag and country as their OWN. And they were PROUD to 'come to America' and work their tails off since no one gave them a free meal or home. Whiny sniffling asswipes who have their feelings hurt were raised by asshole parents who did not teach them well.

  • Marauder - 12 years ago

    That this is even a question shows how far this country's left-wing loonies have taken us down the path to what they THINK would be a Utopia.

  • Irwin Lengel - 12 years ago

    Why is this question even coming up? Anyone entering this country should be swearing allegiance to the American Flag - that is the flag of the United States of America. If they want to see the flag of their country flying, they should have stayed in that country. This is America, not Mexico, not Germany, not Ireland, or any other country people used to live in, and besides that - looking back throughout history, immigrants coming to this country years ago recognized that they wanted to live in America and that they were leaving their other lives behind. Anyone coming here today should do the same. You have now entered our country and the flag of the USA is the one to be honored and respected. Anyone not in agreement with that should stay in their own country or return to that country. If you are not happy with the way the government of your country is being run, stay there and make things different. Do not come to the USA and expect to fly your colors instead of the USA flag. Wasn't that the reason you came here in the first place - to be free. Freedom comes at a price - you enter US soil that means you want to be an American - not a Mexican American, not a German American, not an African American, not a Muslim American, - pure and simple - An American. Everything else becomes secondary! This is the United States of America and as such it is the US flag that should be flying in every school and government establishment. God Bless the USA!

  • Kathryn Tomlinson - 12 years ago

    What is wrong with you that you could even think of such a vile thing? Why would flying OUR FLAG in OUR COUNTRY inflame anyone???? Are you nuts????

  • BOB HENDRICKSON - 12 years ago


  • Peter Watson - 12 years ago

    I think that whomever the American flag bothers should pick another country and move there---the sooner the better!!
    Peter Watson
    Vietnam veteran 68-69

  • Daniel T. Marthers Sgt. U.S. Army Retired - 12 years ago

    The Flag of the United States, AChristian Nation,English speaking nation. I fought and Bled for. It is my Flag, not to be burned,Banned, worn on the seat of your pants or crapped on! I don't understand the people who have not earne their place in America or their illegal disrepect to a nation that they invaded. Get the Hell out of My Country, take your language and flag with you as well as your terrorist ideals and socialist agenda. We don't want it!

  • Daniel T. Marthers Sgt. U.S. Army Retired - 12 years ago

    The Flag of the United States, AChristian Nation,English speaking nation. I fought and Bled for. It is my Flag, not to be burned,Banned, worn on the seat of your pants or crapped on! I don't understand the people who have not earne their place in America or their illegal disrepect to a nation that they invaded. Get the Hell out of My Country, take your language and flag with you as well as your terrorist ideals and socialist agenda. We don't want it!

  • TLMLS - 12 years ago

    This is America, all of these people who want to ban the flag, please do America a favor and leave the country. Because this flag stands for freedom not for some blood sucking leach that comes here to feast on as many freebies as they can and then not honor what this country stands for.
    Only in a America can they get away with it. It is time for Americans to stand up for the brave and the free for All.

  • Stacey Korman - 12 years ago

    If you are offended by the American Flag, you should NOT be in an AMERICAN school that is located in AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • pg - 12 years ago

    You do not ban a countries flag because there is a large immigrant population. You instill pride in those who have immigrated to this country so the flag becomes a sense of pride to all who live in the USA. It's really not a difficult concept.

  • michael - 12 years ago

    it started when our president Barry O and his merry band of bandits wanted GOD removed from money to government buildings and got away with it! went after our education system no prayer, now the FLAG. you know we have let them strip everything that made it AMERICA WHY ? if that flag is there to remind them every day when they pass it in school that it is that same flag that is PAYING for the education they are getting in an AMERICAN school as a citizen of that country. and are always welcome to return to whatever country they come from and everyone remember VOTE in November !! we need to do WHITE HOUSE cleaning

  • HT - 12 years ago

    If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything. The flag issue is silly, but if those opposed to real freedom can get us to fight just "over the flag" while at the same time the courts are taking away our freedoms by every decision coming accross the bench, and if those supporting Sharia law gain footing while we are asleep at the silly notion of the "flag issue", then we will get whatever we fall for.
    We need to get our heads out of the sand and look around at what is going on. FREEDOM is NOT FREE!!! But the battle is now so much more sophisticated than just military.
    By the way, your children are being taught right now in your favorite school to hate America. Just WHO owns and controls the school systems? Conservatives or Liberals

  • Scott Hartzel - 12 years ago

    Seriously, this country belongs to Americans and if you can't accept this then time for those who do not love our flag and country to leave...

  • no - 12 years ago

    I spent two years of my life in viet nam, fighting to preserve the right to venerate our flag, and now you idiots want to cow tow to these commie pinko freaks, no way. Come try to take away my
    OLD GLORY, I,ve got a little round present for you.

  • L W T - 12 years ago

    Why in America are we going backwards?We are allowing chemicals,poisons,things we have outlawed years ago,we are accepting in America now.Sad when the news tells us we are the only country accepting the formula for our babies that has a chemical that is dangerous to our babies.
    Now we continue to want to remove the flag,take God out and off of everything.What has happened to all our fore fathers beliefs and what this country was founded on? I will say!In God I still trust here in America and I'm so sorry greed has taken over our wonderful country.
    God Bless America and God will always reign to the end of time.

  • Matt F. - 12 years ago

    I think it's time we offend MORE people. If they don't like it, they can leave. They choose to be here. If they don't want to abide by the laws and customs of this country, they can return to their own. There is WAY too much "political correctness" in today's society. That phrase in itself is an oxymoron. This country needs a serious wake-up call! And FYI, I'm not even FROM this country, but it has been my home most of my life, and while it has its faults, I have come to love it and think of it as my own. I may not agree with everything that goes on in this country, and there are many things I'd like to see changed, but issues such as this are ridiculous, and a waste of time and tax payer's dollars.

  • kroywen - 12 years ago

    Please God Continue to bless the USA and Her FLAG, where is SEAL TEAM 6 or any other SOP's unit when you need them. Sorry they are probably somewhere wavying our FLAG and kicking the S--t out of .............fill in the blanks. God Bless us ALL!

  • Mr. B. - 12 years ago

    This is unconscionable!!! Why are WE even discussing this issue?! I say it's time WE join OUR efforts to clean up OUR COUNTRY and kick out of the offices all the spies and morons who come up with such ANTI-AMERICAN ideas!!! - Has the word IMPEACH completely disappeared from our dictionary and the AMERICAN SPIRIT? - Let them pull this stunt in Russia, China, Japan or any other country in the world, including Africa, they'd be eaten alive!

  • Esther Keller - 12 years ago

    If someone wants to worship a particular way, they can. If they want to say something against the government, they can. If they want to protest something, they can. If they want to bear arms, they can, and WHY can they do all these things. It is because of THIS FLAG and what it stands for. What all our past and present men and women have fought, are fighting, died and are dying for.

    If they are affended by OUR flag, then let them return to the country they fled from because of oppression, so they can stand under their own country's flag.

    I understand some one being proud of their country and its flag and wanting to show it even though the government of that country is not a government for the people as is ours, but how dare they come to our country, not even try to learn our language, demand and get government help, have all, or nearly all, of the publications printed in their own language and then have the audacity to want to ban the "American Flag" from OUR schools, that are teaching their children so they can get an education to better themselves and their families lives as all AMERICANS are intitled too.

    If anyone thinks this is rational in any form, then we are all in trouble. To want to ban the symble for the very thing that is allowing you to say this. TRULY, WHAT IS THIS COUNTRY COMING TOO.

  • John T Moore - 12 years ago

    Our forefathers and each and every generation since have fought, shed blood, and died under this FLAG for the freedom we have today. Many Fathers and Mothers have lost sons and daughters to keep this land free. It is truelt THE LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE. In large part the flag is the guiding light so to speak for our BRAVE to continue.
    We need to teach our young people just how we became and continue to be THE LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE, respect and honor those who make that possible and honor the FLAG FOR WHICH IT STANDS ANDFOR WHICH WE STAND. Remember, Freedom is not FREE. Embrace and respect it.

  • cactusman - 12 years ago

    Now I am pissed.!!!!!!!!! I see 10% of the voters are trying to dog paddle in the shallow end of the pool.

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