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Should the American Flag be Banned -- in America?

Total Votes: 6,206,961

  • tammy - 13 years ago

    why is evrything being taken away. what ever happened to or country really stinks. All americans were taught to pray and all of that when their started in school, not anymore, it mind offend someone, well to me it offends me to have our flag and constitution taken away. I guess some people(the lawmakers) in gov. cant seem to understand what they are doing to everyone. In my opininon, people need to wake up to what going on around them. I say this, but dont intend to offend anyone.

  • David - 13 years ago

    Its retarded (politically correct because you do have a brain function deficiency) to even put this poll up. I pity your life in such a diminished state of reasoning to think. I do hope you improve.

  • John C - 13 years ago

    Come on this is messed Up !! I did 11 1/2 in the sevice for MY country and flag ! .S ome dirt bag a-- hole wants to do this never !. I long as Ilive My sons Daughters and all others will hear about and Honor MY FLAG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Barton Smith - 13 years ago

    ARE YOU SERIOUS !? This type of crap shouldn't be allowed. FOX should be ashamed of themselves for even allowing this type of crap to be associated with their Network ! As a matter of fact why dont all of the people who don't like The United States of America get the bleep out and see how they would like to live in some country without freedom. Why don't all of you try a dictatorship and then maybe you'd have some thing to whine about!

  • Diane Dickey - 13 years ago

    True Americans love the Flag and what it stands for, long may it wave! Others can have their opinions and keep them....outside our borders!

  • Mary Lee - 13 years ago

    THIS IS AMERICA!! If they are here, they should respect our values and our flag. Many veterans have paid with their lives to protect our flag. They need to speak ENGLISH here!

  • Eric - 13 years ago

    Ban the American Flag here in America? No, lets ban the Hispanics and Muslims who would love to force THIER values and ideas on us.Less rugrats to feed,also.

  • Bernice Shepard - 13 years ago

    I support this 100% this is America and we need to stand up for our great Country. I am so tired of this mamby pamby attitude of babying the Mexicans. If they want to fly their flag, they need to go back to Mexico and stay there. We give drivers tests in Spanish, have Spanish language in our store signage and on many products in our stores. This is America and We speak English in America. Wake up people and take back our Country. They have dirtied our land enough and need to go back to Mexico and live like the pigs that they are !!!!!!!

  • Sue - 13 years ago

    This is absolutely ridiculous & shouldn't even be up for discussion or vote!! If you don't like this country get the hell out and don't bother returning. "Political correctness" is destroying this country and those who are offended by our flag, holidays and other American traditions need to either shut up or get out. Get a life and quit looking trying to change America into Mexico.

  • Marthon Bower - 13 years ago

    This is ridiculous!!!!!!! Hispanics and other ethnic groups are destroying America!!!!! And Americans are allowing it!!! We need to take a stand and stop letting this happen. The hispanic community is taking our jobs, milking the system (fire, police, etc.) and a good part of them are not contributing to society (working). The American people need to peacefully stand up and fight for America. We are losing what America is and what it stands for!!!!! These people came to America, we didn't go to their country. We should stop worrying about being politically correct and STOP adjusting the American way to the Hispanic way. They need to adjust to our ways. This is AMERICA, not Mexico, Cuba, Honduras, whereever!!!!! Stand up people, let's peacefully take back our country!!!!!

  • Cilia Vidal - 13 years ago

    Who in their right mind would vote to remove the AMERICAN FLAG from AMERICAN SCHOOLS. Only in America can such a stupid thing be put to a vote. Please tell me HOW MANY countries would allow the removal of their flag from ANYWHERE in their country. These individuals that arrive as visitors and soon thereafter think they can dictate ANYTHING should just go back where they came from and try to make changes in their own country. Leave the USA alone with your stupid ideas. We are PROUD of our country and our flag. And for those that don't feel the pride, in their homeland, should leave.

  • Lulla Albright - 13 years ago

    We can not allow the flag to be taken from us. The soilders that have fought and died to keep the flag as a simble of are freedom would have been in vain. I think that any one that does not like having the American Flag Flying needs to be removed from our country. This is America and if you do not like it here get out. We all have an option fight for what we believe in and do not give up. We lost prayer in our schools because we had our head in the sand, we need to stop these people that wish to take away our rights as American Citizens.

  • Dennis - 13 years ago

    If you don't like the American flag, or what it stands for, then please feel free to leave

  • Jack Smoak - 13 years ago

    Hell NO! I you are offended by the American Flag, then get the hell out of the US.

  • DLF - 13 years ago

    This is America, we should be proud to show our flag everywhere and anywhere. If these people are living here then they should live like Americans, become a citizen, pay taxes,
    show their patriotism.............if they can't do that and be happy the go back where they came from.

  • RockfordRed - 13 years ago

    Are you serious?? you need a poll like this?? Why don't you find some NEWS to write about!

  • timmy conley - 13 years ago

    I think if you live in a country you should honor and respect that countrys flag and laws. How you feel if i come to live in your country and desided i wanted your flag or banner taken down . If your country is so much better ,GO BACK HOME. GOD FAMILY COUNTRY AND FLAG

  • Bobbie - 13 years ago

    I agreewhole heartly if you dont want the flag to fly go back to where you came from' and if you are from AMERICA go some where else we dont need you anyway and as for SEX with a child i hope the ones who do it rot in" HELL'."it runes a child for life

  • Kathy - 13 years ago

    Are you kidding me????? What it going on with this country??? This is America, we have a flag and it is American.... If they don't like it, then LEAVE and go back to your OWN country.... I am all for others coming and living the American dream but don't be changing us... We would be shot if we went to their country and demanded them not to fly their flag. I need to get off of here, the more I think about it, the more I am getting frustrated. This bull crap to even suggest this................ Common!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Timothy Emmons - 13 years ago

    I have an open mind on many issues but this isn't one of them. To ban the American flag anywhere in the country is ridiculous. We need to focus on taking care of our own country and our own legal citizens. Everyone who is here illegaly or anyone who is offended by our country's flag needs to be sent back to where they came from. This is the first time I've gotten this e-mail but it infuriates me that anyone would even consider banning the American flag anywhere in the USA.

  • Billy Shivers M/sgt USAF(ret) - 13 years ago

    I do think that the few Americans Left in the U.S. need to keep fighting to the bitter end,which is coming for the U.S. There are millions of U. S. citizens, not many Americans left. The Marxist, socialist for the past hundred years have slowly changed our government and way of life by dumbing Americans down to sheep. The election of Hussein Obama is proof that America has about had-it. The sad thing is the same old white headed white people that elected this commie muslim are still hear and will elect Hussein Obama and his cabinet of radical Marxist again. Maybe even make him president for life??? The only hope of our country surviving and getting back to our constitution, (which has been used as toilet paper for the last 100 years), is the Tea Party and there is only a 10% chance of that. No hope fron the Republican Party because they are a bunch of wimps scared of their own shaddow.
    Billy Shivers
    Longview, Tex.

  • David Nicely - 13 years ago

    Why would this be an issue? If anyone in this country doesn't like it, leave it. If anyone is in this country only for what it can do for them and doesn't like it, leave it. If you come from another country to live in America you either become an American or go back to your real home. We are Americans, in my eyes we are AMERICAN'S, not African American's, not Spanish Americans, not irish Americans. We are purely AMERICANS. I have a europen heritage but I am an American plain and simple. Do not ban the flag, the pledge of allegance, or any American Patriotic symbol just so not to offend others. Stand up and be counted. Are you an AMERICAN?

  • Rick - 13 years ago

    I can't believe that this is something that would even be considered. Between the Dirty and the Greedy politicians, it is just the few that make the decisions for the many that will ultimately bring this country down. We will feed, shelter and even fight for the poor, tired and the hungry of just about any other country while our country is crumbling at our feet. America used to be looked upon as a symbol of hope and freedom. The flag was flown with pride. We said the Pledge of Allegiance in school every morning. While a diversification of cultures come to the states to take refuge or build a life here, it is still the America and our Flag shall fly above all others. And at no time shall the laws or beliefs of another country be placed above Americas. What ever happened to the U in USA? It stood for UNITED. When will we reunite and become the nation that everyone loved and dreamed of?

  • Charlie Bepler - 13 years ago

    What the HELL is going on with this Country !!!!!! We let these people come into OUR COUNTRY to get, & lead a better life and they don't want to respect our FLAG or OUR ways of living ????? !!!!!!! I say Send ALL them MO---- F------ back to THEIR own country and live their ways of life !!!!!! Don't come over here and try to change OUR way of LIVING !!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Robin Crowder - 13 years ago

    The country of residence usually flies their flag. This is the United States. The military fights for the United States. When they come over into our country and apply for ASSISTANCE.................they want federal aid from the UNITED STATES. Let them stand and PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE to the flag that is handing out all the charity to the foreigners..............and the soil they are standing on. If we are not that revered and important to them, let them return to their own precious homeland where they can earn a living.

  • Jim Toom - 13 years ago

    Any who want's to band the flag and prayer, should go some where else to live ,not in America.

  • Don Neer - 13 years ago

    This has to be the dumbest Fu#%ing thing I have ever heard!

  • joe - 13 years ago

    we should never take down the american flag it is part of who i am im from the south and their trying to take down the confederate flag there and its not coming down if it does they will half to go through me and all of the other proud americans

  • Rochelle Sturm - 13 years ago

    With inflammatory (and useless) polls like this, you become part of the problem! Let's use our energy to remove this anti-America regime, who mistakenly presumes we-the-people are still easily intimidated by their 4th Grade mentality, and their silly demands, and even sillier fantasies of undeserved rewards.... illegals should especially stand warned!!

    But the ACLU and the Unions deserves credit for ONE THING: they have awoken us to how valuable and important - and generous - is our Land of the Free, and now, more than ever, we will fight to protect our unique and magnificent nation, freedoms, flag, anthem, etc., etc... We'll remember in 2012 November!

  • John R - 13 years ago

    This is such B/S. No other Country would even be discussing this. This is the flag that Thousands upon Thousands have died for. This is the symbol of the greatest country in the world. I so agree with Tomdinri and many others who have posted their thoughts. If these people have a problem with "OUR" flag, then get the hell out. WE WON'T MISSS YOU.
    "GOD" yes i used that word..... GOD BLESS AMERICA. Yeah, I Know, we can't use that word either. KISS MY RED, WHITE & BLUE ASS.................

  • Mitch Rapp - 13 years ago

    In stead of any talk about anything to do with banning "The American Flag", we should be talking about Banning the Koran in America.

    Also, schools should me concentrating on Reading,Writing and Math, or soon we will have to start teaching Field stripping a Weapon, and hand to hand combat

    America Take your pick

  • pete - 13 years ago

    Get the ---- out , and take ,la raza, aclu, the unions,naacp,and for good measure take the elite corporations

  • Patricia Smith - 13 years ago

    Teach the AMERCIA kids how to fight for there Country and not be Idoit. Stand up and fight. This is our Country. Go home Muslins,Mexican, and the rest of you whom hate our flag and our God. Get out before we run you all out. GET OUT.

  • CJ - 13 years ago

    Seems to me the media is out of control and out of line here.
    Ridiculous polls mean nothing. Political correctness is a laugh at best.
    What other people, or media, seems so offended by their own history?
    You won't see any extremists anywhere burning their own flag or questioning its validity.
    Far too many opinions are tearing away at the fabric of what is still a strong nation.
    Allowing every opinion to register as though each one has meaning is wasteful in times like these.
    Your question is posed to inflame the wrong kind of "passions".
    Why do people come here from other countries to begin with? If their own countries were so great, they would never have defected. To those people, be gone!

  • Peggy - 13 years ago

    And...they wonder why this country is so screwed up?

  • ang - 13 years ago

    Safety of students? The flag is OUR safety, shining light and OUR reminder that OUR legal immigrant forefathers gave their life for and OUR children and grandchildren continue to do so. There is no way around that.

  • Shirley - 13 years ago

    My Uncle was killed in the Korean war fighting for the freedom that the American flag represents - his casket was drapped with the flag. My grandfather fought in WWI fighting for the freedom that the American flag represents - He displayed the flag every chance he got, when he passed away his casket was drapped with the American Flag. My father fought in WWII fighting for the freedom that the American flag represents - for many years, He marched proudly in hometown parades carrying the American Flag. When my father passed away his casket was drapped with the American Flag. When my Son was in the Navy for 6 years during the Irag War, he did it because of what the American Flag stands for ! So, in my home and in the homes of my family and friends --- the American Flag will always be !!!!!

  • Mike - 13 years ago

    Are you kidding me? Who's stupid idea is this? Hell No... this is America, the American flag is the symbol of the freedoms we have and the lives spent to defend them.

    If you're offended by the flag of the country you are a visitor...leave!!

  • Mark - 13 years ago

    I feel that it is a shame that we Americans allow other people from other countries tell us what we are and are not going to do. If we don't ban together and fight for our rights then we are a weak people. If we offend them so what they can get over it.

    Remember the terrorists of 911 and what the Government had to say about fear. We will keep on living and as we always have and show those people that we are not afraid. Well look now years later, we are a scared people. We are afraid to offend others and use it as an excuse to respect them. Thats bull. I feel that we have become a scared people. They have their ideas for us not ours for them because we are afraid they will attack us.

    I am a Christian man and my savior is Jesus Christ. If that offends anyone so what.

    I have my prayer every morning and I thank God for America. If you're offended so what.

    I have my guns and will plan to own them. If your'e offended so what.

    I respect our troops and our flag and feel that it should fly over our land. If your'e offended so what.

    Remember a disarmed people is a weak poor people. Lets keep our freedoms and again let the flag fly. If your'e offended so what.

  • John - 13 years ago

    At first I thought this was some type of joke. Still think it is. who in thier right mind would even consider such a moronic idea. Men & Women have sacrificed there life and limb for this flag that it may fly high for all who come too this country to see. I personally may not like all the dicision that are being made in the name of this country. But I have and will again bear arms against anyone who tries to take that right away from me and my children.

  • Genny Amos - 13 years ago

    Why should OUR flag inflame Hispanics??? They came to OUR country of their own free will. We didn't rope them and force them to come. It should mean something good to them since they wanted so badly to come to OUR country. If they don't like it, let them GO HOME!!!!

  • Steven Green - 13 years ago

    Its pretty sad when a poll like this should even be done. The Latinos came to our country (mostly illegal I might add) and now the liberal left is doing anything, including ruining the country just so they can get all of the votes. Even if it means trashing every kind of moral fiber that is left. We work hard, pay taxes and lose our rights to those who don't. Its like we are being used for income and providing everything for those who are ruining our country. And now to speak out about it means to be pranded a bigot and hateful. Why can't we be offended with all of the anti American stuff going on right in front of us. But these un American parasites come over here and arrogantly complain about the American flag waving at schools. This shows that our leaders no longer care about what the citizens of America stand for. They are also un patriotic and walk with another agenda. If the people don't speak out and maybe even protest like they are doing all around the world, our rights will be taken away and new rights will be given to all of the un American arrogant complainers.

  • Cecilia Gast - 13 years ago

    Old Glory has been the symbol of our freedom, our sweat and blood, from the beginning. How sad that it has come this...that we have to have a take a poll. For those with no respect for our flag, for our laws, there is always a place to live outside our borders.

  • John Feurt - 13 years ago

    Lets get rid of fox news forever, and we won't have such stupid things like this going on.
    Why don't you jackasses leave this country now.

    Not yours John

  • F. G. Bennett - 13 years ago

    This is our country. Since the Revolutionary War my family has fought for it !!!!!!!!!!

    LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We love our FLAG AN DCOUNTRY.! If you do not appreciate or like it find yourself another Country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • W. Boliek - 13 years ago

    I am of the belief that GEORGE SOROS is as much of a terrorist to this country as BinLaden was, only SOROS hangs out at the White House and is welcomed there by its occupants. He uses his money to reek havoc on us instead of bombs. I recently saw a T-shirt stating: "Dear God why do you allow all the violence in my classroom. Signed THE STUDENT--- Dear Student, I'm not allowed in your classroom. Signed GOD" Why are we AMERICANS allowing 15% of the population to dictate to the rest of us 85%. Get off your comfy, secure buts and take a stand to keep our FLAG in schools and every other public place in this country. Remember it was our forefathers that fought and a lot of them died for this freedom for all of us. People remember it is still WE THE PEOPLE not I this administration.

  • ANNE DOERFLER - 13 years ago

    Could it be that we are seeing the disintegration of our basic American rights and privileges? Wake up, fellow citizens, before it is too late!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Carl Fischer - 13 years ago

    Someone's kidding here, right? Taking the flag out of schools and public buildings is just a joke, right? Does anyone care what is happening to this country? Volunteers of America, did I hear someone say revolution?

  • Deborah Johnson - 13 years ago

    i think that the BIBLE is fulfilling it's self fast. We as Americans need to stand up and keep what has always been special to us. We can't even pray anymore without it offending someone. I say if people don't want us to fly the American flag then those people need to go to another country. GET OUT OF AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'll fly my flag, i'll pray, read my bible until God takes me home................GOD BLESS THE U.S.A...............

  • G. Hall - 13 years ago

    Those who voted to ban the flag should first have their butts kicked up to their ears and second they then should be kicked out of the country. Kruschev once told Richard Nixon that we would be defeated from within and no shots would be fired...well foks Communism did not die in Russia it just migrated to the United States..keep in mind all you entitelists..when we are overrun by a foreign entity.just remember they wont give a rats ass about your civil rights and entitlements ..they will kill, rape and take away your precious rights ..most of you younger people, in fact most of you have no idea what a war is or the consequences of a war..there are only two rules of war..kill the enemy and survive..and it is the epitemy of man's inhumanity to his fellow man..selectivity in a battle is the most stupid concept ever conceived...these fools that keep hacking away at your freedoms need to be stopped ...BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE...THE FLAG IS A SYMBOL OF OUR FREEDOM DON'T YOU EVER FORGET THAT..

  • Wanda Mayhall - 13 years ago

    All Americans should support the flag and remember what it stands for-our freedom bravely fought for all through the history of our country by Americans even to the present day. Children need to be taught history and to protect and honor the flag and who it represents.

  • Robert Smith - 13 years ago

    Why would we want to abolish our flag? This our country, this is America what the heck are people thinking. We have taken a wrong turn and it's not good. Let me ask one questions has there been any other country to take their flag out? Our country is a disgrace and we need honest people back in our government.

  • Helen - 13 years ago

    GOD BLESS AMERICA !! NO is my vote, and that goes for my family as well.. This thought of destroying our country from inside out, started a year or so back. Just count the men and women who gave their lives for our FLAG, our COUNTRY over all the years of wars . She is the best flag,that ever flew because when seen you have that pride, that love of what she stands for. YOU ALL have allowed the ten commandments to be removed, and we are fighting now to keep our CROSS on the graves of our men who died for that freedom. That freedom is now at stake, to take down the FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES from our PUBLIC SCHOOLS is the last straw !! As if this is THE CHANGE, then you deserve all that is coming ! If you came to this country to live, then honor her, live in love, for wht SHE stands for. DO NOT TRY AND DESTROY HER. She has helped millions of people all over the world. without her all will fail. FLY THAT FLAG !! SHOW YOUR SUPPORT, be all you can be and live the American life that she represents. Follow the written laws, don't try and change what works, or you loose..

  • Karen - 13 years ago

    If you Don't like America and what it stands for .......GET THE !@#$ OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • leah - 13 years ago

    What is the name of this country we all are living in anyway? AMERICA! We're not in Mexico, or Honduras or some other country. A lot of people from those countries wave their flags but live in America. Why do they stay in America? It's still the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. They can get everything free if they live in America, their countries don't believe in handouts. Do you want foodstamps and free medical care? How about all the good benefits? Mexico says Nada or No Mas, make your own way. America needs to say that too. Wave our flag proudly of the United States of America. We fought for our freedom here. We deserve it.


  • carol graves - 13 years ago

    what the hell is the matter with Americans. take back our country. if you want to live in america speak english and respect our way and customs. or go HOME where it is. if is so good there why did you leave? my dad husband and son put in their time to protect all of us here in america. i am proud of them and those who stood beside them. AMERICANS STAND UP AND STAND FOR SOMETHING. if you don't whant to be here go back where you came from


  • Rick - 13 years ago

    I can't believe that a question like this is even necessary to answer. Don't we live in America? This flag is our heritage--13 stripes for the 13 colonies and of course the stars are the amount of States we have today. Where is the teaching of our history, we learn from history and we are learning right now with the way the country is being governed now. The whole crew in DC is out of touch with reality. Soon they will want to tax toilet paper--come-on when will it stop. It's time for the adults to teach history at home before it is too late and we will have to start all over again.
    Thank you for reading.

  • D. Salerno - 13 years ago

    NUTS! what a foolish idea.

  • Karen H - 13 years ago

    What fool thought this one up? Maybe the fool needs to get a hobby or interest to keep busy. If an American visits another country and takes the United States flag, they are most likely to get shot and the flag burnt and now some idiot is trying to take the US flag out of the US. The recent celebrations in the United States shows the pride within the hearts of Americans and our children and grandchildren deserve to share and become part of that pride. No one can take away our pride and therefore the United States flag will forever waive!!!!!!!!!!

  • GERRY USNRET - 13 years ago

    Thaat flag that I offered my life for in the jungles of Viet Nam is part of this country. If you don't like it go back where you came from. I will willingly offer my life again to be sure it stays in the classroom.

  • Bill - 13 years ago

    If they don't like the flag, leave the country. You don't see people fighting and trying to sneak out of the USA but they sure are coming in by the back door (border). They shouldn't come here and try to change us to be like where they came from.

  • Ella H. - 13 years ago

    i feel ashamed of my country, my uncle was wounded in Iraq and i can't even imagine what he would say to those people who dishonor our country it is so volatile!!!!!!!!!! and i'm only 13!!!

  • irock - 13 years ago

    this is total BS nobody should want the flag banned!!!! it's our symbol of freedom, take that away and where does that leave us!!!! if someone has a problem with it they should take it up with Uncle Sam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jeff Peebles - 13 years ago

    Our AMERICAN FLAG bows to no one! (Unlike our president). If you don't like it, go back to where you came from. When I was in the military, as most current and former military, I was prepared to die for what the American Flag represents. I still am. God Bless America!

  • Glenn - 13 years ago

    This idea is treason

    This isea is pure treason! Would any other country even consider eleminating their flag for the same reason??

  • Kevin - 13 years ago

    This is America if you do not like the flag in school move to another country like Iran and tell them you do not like their flag.

  • John Lenthauld - 13 years ago

    The American flag should be subserviant to NO OTHER FLAG.
    It is the Standard of this nation and bows to NO-ONE.

  • Mildred Rickett - 13 years ago

    We live in the United States of America. We have a flag. We have students in school. If they live in the USA and attend our schools, the American flag should be prominently displayed for all to see. As a student in school sixty years ago, I learned about our flag; I recited the pledge of allegiance, and to this day, I still swell with pride, and sometimes shed a tear when I recite the pledge. God Bless America!!

  • Richard - 13 years ago

    How stupid can people get?

  • m. Schwendemann - 13 years ago

    I don't care what country the children in our schools came from, they are now in America and if they want to be educated in "America", accept our flag our anthem and our language or go back to where they came from and get their education there. Whichever country you are in they fly the flag for that country. Why can't we?

  • Jon Williams - 13 years ago

    What can the person be thinking when they want to ban the American Flag? Using the point of the children's safety is an unbelievable excuse to ban an American Flag. Are people thinking the schools will be attacked because it has an American Flag. Are terrorist going to attack it because it has an the flag? For someone thinking that a flag would be the reason for a terrorist attack of a school is from someone with zero intelligence. Terroist will attack a school in America with or without a flag, just as they will in any country. Terrorist attack schools in their own country and have no regard for what flag is there. Are they afraid that it will offend someone from another country. If that is the case, we shouldn't allow those children to go to our schools. The schools are paid for with American Tax Payer Money and should be for American children and not everyone that decides to rudely critisize our flag and America but use us and our schools for a free education for their children. The argument that they pay taxes is completely out of line because if they do pay school taxs, it is in some out of the usual way through renting or they are here on Visas. This doesn't mean they have the right to threaten the safety of our school children and other Americans, or have the right to dictate whether we fly a flag over our schools. Next, they will want to fly their flag over our schools and tell us we can't fly ours. If this threat is from rude foreigners, we need to kick them out of the school, arrest any one making threats, and extridite them from our country.

  • Jerry C Hogan - 13 years ago

    To even think about this is lunacy. This is the United States of America and the American flag should be displayed - proudly I might add. I do not care about students from other lands. If they live here they must live under the American flag. If someone is offended they can leave. If a teacher or an administrator or a school board member objects, they should be fired.

    I have zero tollerance for this kind of unAmerican thought much less action.

  • Terry Hylton - 13 years ago

    What should be band is all the flags from other countries that fly in the U.S.A. If these people are so proud of their countries then they should take their flags and go back from where they came from. Immigrants come here for a better life but then want to change it to what they had back home, just go back home and leave the good old U.S. of A. to those that believe in what it stands for.

  • Cheryl L. Amspacker - 13 years ago

    My question.............What the hell is happening to our country???? This is the stupidist thing I have heard yet. This is AMERICA- anyone that is living here and doesn't want our flag-get out!!!!!!!!! We have already changed so many of the things we believe in and what our country stands for in order not to offend those who don't support or believe in AMERICA. I say GOD BLESS AMERICA & IN GOD WE TRUST. If you don't agree- just LEAVE-FIND ANOTHER COUNTRY TO TRY AND CHANGE.....I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN-BORN AND RAISED AND WILL BE SO UNTIL THE DAY I DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Linda Turnage - 13 years ago

    Not 'NO' but HELL NO. Everyone that wants to even consider doing away with the flag needs to go to another country and live.

  • bob kelly - 13 years ago

    I am not certain why would are even polling this. We are the United States. Poll would suggest that we are searching for an answer. Do we not know who we are as a country? If not, then we best get to it. Our flag represents us and what we stand for. It stands for our principles and what we will do to protect them. At some point, we need to remember that we the people put this country together, not politicians. It is we the people that need to decide who and what we are. There are 300,000,000 of us and about 550 of them. Why are they deciding our fate? Shouldn't it be us?

  • Michael Alan Dekle - 13 years ago

    This is another example of the type of idiosy to come out of theis regime and all of the cronies of Obama. George Soros should be tarred, feathered and deported for being an idiot . And take Obama with you.There has been more and more desecration of our flag since these demon-crats have been in control. It goes back to Love this country or leave it and I'll pay the fare to ship you commies out.

  • Jeff - 13 years ago

    Not NO But HELL NO!!! Should the flag be banned in America.
    If they don't like it ship them back where they came from.

  • KLH - 13 years ago

    What idiot even suggested this???

  • M. McKinley - 13 years ago

    This is the stupidest idea I have heard in a long time! Blood is being shed every single day so we have the freedoms we do including flying our flag. Leave it alone!!!

  • veteran family - 13 years ago

    This is beyond insulting to America. There are no other countries in the world that would even think to do this. Seems like we will need new laws to protect America. Leave my country and flag alone and if you don't like it go back to where you came from. See if they take down their flag if I come there and don't like your flag.
    This is not about protecting students, this is about bullies. If they can not come to school and abide by the rules and regulations, that we all deal with on a day to day basis, leave! I am first generation this country and appreciate all that my country has provide to me and my family. Guessing from what is said in the poll it is a further way to divide and stir up hatred, follow the smell of this it sure does "stink'.

  • Raymond Entzel - 13 years ago

    It's time to pass legislation to immigrants that they may not meddle with our Heritage. When they come here, they must adapt and comply with our laws and custom. The entry door swings both ways. If they don't and can't adapt without interfering with our live, they are welcome to return to where they came from, or elsewhere. U. S. citizen have been too polite. It's our country. If don't like it, LEAVE!! POSTHASTE!

  • Donicker - 13 years ago

    The SEALS should visit George Soros who concocted this idiotic notion.

  • Joe - 13 years ago

    If our flag offends anyone, give them a free one-way ticket to where they came from.

  • Rascal - 13 years ago

    Why is this question even being asked? This is the United States of America and the stars and stripes is our flag. If it offends someone, they can leave.

  • J. Greene - 13 years ago

    What in the world are we thinking this is AMERICA red, white & blue not mexican send them all home along with every other group that wants us to make it better for them... Make it better for us!!! Wht have they done for America, What?

  • Esther Shoemake - 13 years ago

    No a thousand times no, my husband fought for our country in world war 2 and he has suffered all his life because of his wounds. Our American flag should fly in all public places in America, if it offends anyone they can go back to where they come from. This is our country and our flag, ( OLd glory.) Let us fly it proudly. I am hurt to even think anyone should suggest it.

  • sohail khan - 13 years ago

    I recently became a U.S citizen,I would die for our flag and this great nation.
    Have these people lost their minds?
    I wish they could spend one day in a different country so they can experience what our FLAG means and stands for.
    Anti American Bastards.

  • Gloria - 13 years ago

    How DURN STUPID IS THIS! This country was established by ALL OUR FORE FATHERS.The men and women that fought their way from OUR MOTHER COUNTRY to settle this wilderness; to establish a country where we all can be free to VOTE FOR OUR LAWS ETC.Teach our children what A GREAT SACRIFICE THE men and women of this UNITED STATE went thru; GIVING THEIR LIVES TO PROTECT OUR FREEDOM. The FLAG stands for what these people gave up for us all. Don't let people from another country DICTATE what we teach our children; this is my country and proud of it. Like I've always heard; IF YOU DON"T LIKE IT GO BACK TOO YOUR COUNTRY!

  • Scott Craft - 13 years ago

    I was born and raised an American, I have worked for everything I have, I hope to die an American. Love it or leave, but rember it is what you make it.

  • P.J. H - 13 years ago

    I thought this was America. Why would America ban the American flag? If I went to a foreign country I would not expect them to change their ways to please me. We need to stand up for who we are and be grateful for our heritage and stop appeasing those who would like to change what we stand for. Those who are wlecome here are free to change or not to change but they are not granted the right to change America.

  • mary ann - 13 years ago

    This is America, love it or LEAVE it!!! Mary Ann

  • Mitch - 13 years ago

    OMG....This is the most rediculous thing I have ever heard. If you don't like the AMERICAN FLAG then why are you living in AMERICA. Find something else to banish like people that can't speak english.

  • Zak - 13 years ago

    This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! How the hell can you ban your own country's flag?!?! If you don't like it, then get the hell out of the USA. We obviously would be better off without you.

  • Cheryl - 13 years ago

    I don't usually take time for such idiocracies but sometimes an American has to just stand up to say "PLEASE let's stop this ignorance before our children think this is acceptable!" Obviously, some adults are easily confused too...GOD BLESS AMERICA!

  • BR - 13 years ago

    fox news you are a complete joke. Not that i ever liked you guys anyway, but seeing this poll has guaranteed you're POS news cast will never be seen on my television ever again. Do us all a favor and leave your half-assed questions to yourselves

  • Robert Longo - 13 years ago

    I do not believe this is an issue. All STUDENTS who attend Schools in the USA need to taught what the Flag stands for & to respect it. This Country was & is a Christian Nation as Jonathan Black said in his Comments go back & read your History.

  • Robert Longo - 13 years ago

    I do not believe this is an issue. All STUDENTS who attend Schools in the USA need to taught waht the Flag stnds for & to respect it. THis Country was & is a Christian Nation as Jonathan Blacl said in his Comments go back & read your History.

  • Sandra - 13 years ago

    Why would a United States citizen support such an idea? If your are not a citzen, you have no rights to suggest such a thing; if you are an organization proposing this, then where is your national pride? THIS IS AMERCIA!!! The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, not another country! If there are Hispanic, Asian, Europian, Middle Eastern, Canadian, Africian or any person of a different nationality, who take offence to flying the American flag in AMERICA, then return to your own country! If children are offended by the flag, why are they in a school, college,universitity, or anywhere the flag is flown for long enough to be offended, unless their parents are now living in the UNITED STATES! and so are they! (hang your flag in your house or under the AMERICAN flag in your yard). The flag should not become an item of shame, nor should the pledge of allegence be a statment to be slienced! The AMERICAN Flag should be flown in AMERICA without appology to no one!!

  • Donna Redfeather - 13 years ago

    What is happening that folks want to strip America of all that has had meaning to us.
    I grew up saluting the flag - and ejoy seeing our flag waving.
    Stand up for our AMERICA!!!

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