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Should the American Flag be Banned -- in America?

Total Votes: 6,206,961

  • Denise - 14 years ago

    The United States once was One Nation Under God, but we've become so complacent and allowed outsiders & non believers to make our decisions for us.... Get out of the fast food line & start taking initative for your country. We have soldiers fighting for our rights while we sit on our asses and do nothing but hold out our hand and ask what's in it for me.....THE RIGHT TO PRAY,HONOR MY FLAG AND MY COUNTRY WILL ALWAYS BE FIRST AND FOREMOST!

  • Danielle - 14 years ago

    As I read through some of these comments people are leaving it saddens me. It is disgusting the way people are speaking on here. You are sitting here bad mouthing the mexicans for wanting to ban our flag (which is absolutely repulsing) because it is a symbol of our country and the thought of it is complete and utter disrespect. In the same breath you are calling them names and talking trash about them and people are writing such ignorant comments. Just as that flag represents our country so do you! So when you want to write such disrespectful things remember you are in a public forum and you are not representing this country that you love enough to take the time to write on here very well.

  • Danielle - 14 years ago

    So, I find it pretty disturbing that 30% of people voted to remove the American flag out of the schools inorder not to offend the Hispanic people that attend our schools. Are we not in AMERICA? I have NO problem with people coming to the amazing country in order to better their lives, BUT they are coming to our country knowing this is America and we are proud of who we are and what we stand for we should not have to change our country to not offend others. If they do not like it they have another option. GO BACK HOME. Just as they are proud to represent their country we are ours. I think it is amazing how others have the opportunity to come here and better their life, but if you are going to do so then respect this country as you would your own.

  • RONNIE LONG - 14 years ago


  • valerie - 14 years ago

    What is wrong with you peoiple? Have sex with children, shit on the flag? Wow it scares me that we have immature ignorant people like you voting in my country. I'm sure the people whom my flag offends are those president obama is supporting on our corrupt welfare system. Or you have probably illegally entered my country. Do not disrespect MM country. The country I am defending so you have your freedom to say ridiculous things! I am serving in the worlds greatest navy so don't you dare disrespect MY COUNTRY! MY FLAG. Have respect for those who have died for this country who sweat blood and tears. You can believe whatever you want and not be prosecuted for it. Go to iraq, korea see how great it is and I bet you will be crawling back begging to come back. You have so many freedoms here and you choose to try to abuse that freedom and try to take away my flag? Over my cold dead body you will. America we need to open our eyes, the enemy is here living among us. Those who first took prayer out of schools so my children cannot pray to God. Why should my children have to pray in silence? That is taking away our freedom of speech! If you don't like my country my flag then get out. Why should we bend over backwards? What country doesn't display their flag? What if their flag offends me? They'd tell me to bad leave if you don't like it. You don't like it then please leave. One less idiot to deal with. GOD BLESS AMER0iCA! Yes I said GOD! Because even if you choose to deny it this country was founded by christiansd and bases off christian values which many of you will deny. I will pray for you all. GOD BLES0s AMERICA!

  • Janice - 14 years ago

    You people
    are insane why should we take down our flag. This is America not Mexico. Let them go home if they don't like it here.

  • "The Gourd" - 14 years ago


    Question ..... "This poll is stupid, irrelevant, and should not be taken!"
    Answer ...... The poll is not stupid, is relevant, and should be taken BECAUSE there have been
    instances of confrontation verbal and/or physical over this issue. It is a pertinent and timely topic
    of discussion.

    Question ..... "Those who disagree with having the American flag at school should go back to Mexico,
    or their shit country." Also "Fuck, Ass, Having sex with children, etc".
    Answer ...... Rude, vulgar, and inflammatory language you think will reinforce your opinion, makes
    more of a statement about your character and level of emotional control. Whatever valid points
    you may make, will disappear due to your "dazzling display of arrogance!"

    Comment: Our flag is the symbol of the rights, responsibilities, and freedom that we as Americans
    have obtained through shed blood and the diligence of our democratic process. We acknowledge
    and honor those principles by proudly displaying it and by practicing them in our daily activities.

    I appreciate this opportunity to offer my comments for your consideration., "The Gourd"


  • L. Tolbert - 14 years ago

    The U.S.flag should never be banned. Poll all the dead U.S.soldiers who died to preserve our freedom.This is a totally stupid idea. I live in a border communitya where a lot of businesses fly the Mexican flag. I WILL NOT do business with these places. If we are going to ban flags, then start with ALL foreign flags like Mexico and everyone else does. I am sick and tired of all this bull! If you don't like it get the heck out.Down here in Texas, I saw a bumper sticker that said "WE don't give a damn how you do it uo North. This is Texas, so do it our way or get the hell back where you came from." This applies here as far as I am concerned. I recommend that all good Americans start flying our flag at their homes. Start local funds to supply every classroom with our flag. Big ones. Do not do business with anyone who flies a foreign flag. Let these jerks in Washington know we mean business. GET OUR NATION BACK.

  • JoAnna Cate - 14 years ago

    This is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, How Can You People think of such a thing?????? We fought for it from the British in 1776 & won!!!!! NOW WE HAVE TO FIGHT FOR IT AGAIN???? I SAY YES!!!!! WE NEED TO!!!! THINK WHAT IF THE WARS WE FOUGHT Didn't get won by us??? & the People we fought against had won Their FLAG Would be Flying over our WHITE HOUSE In Washington, D.C. What if it was a NAZI Flag!!!!! Or Another country's Flag!!!!! Do you think you would have the Freedoms you have Now????? HELL NO !!!!!!!You Would Not!!!!!! We need to Fight for our Flag Of The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. She Should be PROUDLY DISPLAYED EVERY WHERE !!!!! HOMES, BUSINESS, AGENCY, & ALL SCHOOLS!!!!!! & Taught there TOO !!!!!! Think of every Veteran,& soldier & Reservist who Fights for it every day & DIES FOR IT!!!!! How Would you Feel if someone did that for you & Died & Came Home in a Coffin NO Longer Drape In The Flag it would HURT YOU WOULDN'T IT??? I CRY TO THINK HOW Much We Take things for granted!!!!! YAH (GOD) BLESS AMERICA. It Says in His WORD THE BIBLE ( 2 CHRONICLES 7:14 If My People, Which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear From Heaven, and will Forgive their sin, and Heal their Land.PEOPLE WAKE UP!!!!!! NOW!!!!!

  • Debi - 14 years ago

    You've GOT to be kidding me! How is this even being considered??? This is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA........ The AMERICAN flag should fly high above any other flag and be PROUDLY displayed at every business, agency, and HOME as far as I'm concerned! That banning it ANYWHERE in America is even being considered is a disgrace!

  • Arleta - 14 years ago

    Did I die and wake up in the TWILIGHT ZONE? This is the United States of America, right? This flag is a symbol of our country and all of our glories, failures, troubles, and hope along with dreams. This flag should be in every school room in out country. The classes should be taught the pledge. A school with no flag, is like a building with no doors.

  • L.Hunter - 14 years ago

    If someone wants to go to school paid for by taxpayer dollars, the school will have the flag and citizenship and American History will be taught. If the "Parents" don't want their children to be taught these values/mores then they can send them to school in the country they came from and return there with them. If you don't like the United States then please leave (and take the person who suggested this ban with you).

  • Diane - 14 years ago

    Absolutely not! This is America and our flag should always fly proudly. We have to stop trying to please those that are not American citizens. If they don't like it then they can LEAVE!! Stop and ask yourself...would any other country even condsider doing something like that? NO

  • Greg - 14 years ago

    This poll is a joke. Americans should be pissed that this is even getting brought up. If hispanic kids are offended by the American flag their parents should take them to their respective countries so they can honor their nations flag. If they are in America they should honor our flag and learn our language

  • Linda Kerlin - 14 years ago

    I cannot honestly believe that anyone would suggest that the American flag be removed from our public or private places.

    If this President cannot protect his citizens and their (my) rights within the boundaries of these United States; how do we trust his judgement in sending our young bright men who have been taught over decades (Roosevelt/Eisenhower/Hoover/Kennedy/Clinton) to uphold everything for which our red/white/blue stood - protect the rights of all people who are seeking freedom in their own countries overseas?

    Before one more military person passes/before one more college educated American loses a job in state government/local government to an Hispanic with no high school diploma because they speak Spanish, Obama needs to go.

    While a lot needs to be done to get us back to where we should be; it's time to take back the rights that have been given pro bono to illegals without any obligation or accountability. Those who have done nothing but drained and led significantly to our current economy. Somehow they receive more privileges than those of us who were born here.

    The current government has given the same rights as those American citizens who have sacrified/paid taxes, etc., to illegals who have provided nothing and given nothing back. They have drained our economy through our generous welfare and medicaid benefits; and, taken away our jobs.

    Okay, shame on somebody..............................

    Amen to the comments of Jackson Spurlock above.

  • Jackson Spurlock - 14 years ago

    First of all. The premise is wrong. Fox should be asking, Why would anyone want to ban our flag? The Stars and Stripes stand alone in the world as the banner of hope for all mankind. We are the greatest and kindest nation that the world has ever seen and the idea that an American would even have the audacity to suggest our flag should be banned is an outrage. Too many brave Americans have died under those colors protecting and defending our freedon and liberty and to see our president kow-towing and apologizing to anyone for America is sickening and a disgrace. Do your job mr. president and defend our borders or shut the hell up and let the border states do your job for you...

  • dianne spencer - 14 years ago

    people are SICK of these slacks from other countries coming here and using up our resources and taking our jobs and wanting to have more rights than we do. they bring filth and disease to this country. i say dont even consider them at all. whether they are legally here or not. SEND THEM ALL BACK WHERE THEY CAME FROM IF THEY ARE ALREADY HERE. AND IF THEY TRY TO CROSS THE BORDER STOP THEM BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY! WE DONT RUN TO OTHER COUNTRIES WHEN THE GOING GETS ROUGH HERE! SEND THEM BACK HOME WITH THEIR 10 KIDS AND THEY CAN STAY THERE! HOW MANY TIMES OR WAYS MUST WE SAY TO THEM THEY ARE NOT WANTED OR NEEDED HERE! LEAVE AMERICA AND OUR FLAG ALONE!

  • Phil - 14 years ago

    Not only NO, but HELL NO!

  • Rob T - 14 years ago

    The fact this question has even been asked is a blight on this country and those of us who fought to keep everyone living here free.

    The American flag drops to no other, just as the President of the United States of America does not bow to any other head of state. Unfortunately the latter has happened recently and is an embarrassment to respectable citizens of this country.

    I believe that our education system should be returned to educating our children about the true history of this country. Every child should be taught the true origin of our flag and all protocol for its use and retirement. Our history hasn't always been pretty or snow white, but the truth speaks for itself. American History if taught correctly will show things that we are not very proud of. But that is history and is in the past. It doesn't need to be relived or shown in a tainted light for the political and monetary gain of certain groups.

    As for the borders. Close them completely. I'm not calling for a separatist state, Just return to the immigration quotas we have lived by. Deport all illegals regardless of their country of origin. If you want to become a citizen of the United States of America, then do so the proper and legal way. Not by sneaking in across the borders be they north or south.

    As for those who say that the illegals are filling jobs that the citizens wouldn't do, Poppycock! If the illegals weren't available to fill those jobs, the employers hiring them would be forced to raise the pay for said jobs to at least the minimum wage. These would be jobs those on welfare or the homeless could perform. It would be a way to decrease the "Welfare State" within this country. In other words, "NO MORE FREE RIDES". I remember many years ago, a friend of mine worked for a refuse company. He said that many of the collage students working their way through college, came back to collect refuse because they were making better money than the Professions in which they had their degrees.

    I have a hard time understanding the philosophy or mindset of those who have gone through the process to become a citizen of this country, (I know it is not always easy) but continue to protest when the law of this country is enforced and the illegals are deported. This makes no sense to me. If I were from another country and decided to live in the U. S., and worked to become a citizen, I would not only be offended but would be first in line to throw any person that circumvented that process on the first slow boat or other means of getting them back to where they came from. Could anyone explain the above rational to me.

    If you want to ban the Flag of the United States of America from flying in our own country, come see me. I've got a hot branding iron, a bucket of tar and a sack of feathers for you. I'll also be glad to show you the quickest way out of this country!

  • Dennis White - 14 years ago

    Anyone who bans the flag should themselves be banned - FROM AMERICA! Love it or leave it,
    by God! I pledged allegiance to it from my early childhood on, I served under it in combat, I fly
    it every day on my front porch, and they can take it down when they feel up to the task, over
    my dead body!

  • Marlin - 14 years ago

    This type of polling can be corrupted easily by groups out to push their own agenda, resulting in misleading outcomes.

  • David B. R. - 14 years ago

    Should the Mexican flag be banned in Mexico? Should the German flag be banned in Germany? Should the Iranian flag be banned in Iran? What other country would even ASK such a stupid question? Every country flies its flag! Should the Toyota logo be banned from Toyota cars? Of course not, they ARE Toyotas, so they display their logo. This IS America; we fly the American flag! There's no question to even be asked!

    Furthermore, anyone wanting to ban the American flag in an effort to avoid offending foreign people is so entirely ignorant, so perfectly backwards, that it boggles the mind! The American flag REPRESENTS freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion... and all the other freedoms that people from around the world come here to enjoy! The American flag REPRESENTS a country and a people with an attitude of welcome, acceptance and hospitality to others. That's America! That's why people WANT to come here! The American flag is the symbol of all those things! The American flag practically IS a "welcome" sign! If you don't see the American flag as a sign of welcome to others, then you have no understanding of what America is!

    How dare anyone suggest we pull down the symbol of the freedom that every human being on earth would like to possess? What fool is ashamed of freedom, that he should want to remove the flag that proclaims freedom to all under it?! It is absolutely unbelievable that we're even discussing such a ridiculous and ignorance-inspired question.

    AND... if we're considering banning the American flag to avoid offending immigrants who have illogically come to live in a country whose basic tenets they find offensive, then what of all the immigrants who have come to America and love the country and the flag that represents their new found freedom? Shall we ban the flag and offend THEM instead?! Should we please the ones who hate our ways, or the ones who came to America because they love America and its people? It's impossible to please both when they are diametrically opposed; so who in their right mind votes to offend the ones who love them?

  • Kimber W - 14 years ago

    The United States Flag should always exist. PERIOD!! People have lived, fought, died, came home maimed, and other things to make support and defend what this flag stands for. It should never be defamed or put down for anything, or any person, or nation requests...

  • Roger Gallagher - 14 years ago

    This is America. Our flag represents the entire nation and its people of all religions. Putting up another flag goes against the message of our flag. This is another idea perpetuated by the Muslims who want to gradually take over our nation and control it. If you come here, learn English and adopt our national goals. You may keep your lpelrsonal religion and language, but as you function in our country, you should recognize the ways of living here, just as you would in the MIddle East. The flag stays and rests higher than the others. The schools are American, not Muslim.

  • Carrie - 14 years ago

    How can this even come up as a question! The flag is a reminder of those who are and have sacrificed for our freedom.
    If the flag is offensive to you and you are enjoying the freedom to express thar feeling why don't they do the decent thing and find another country.
    My family has fought, served, been POW's for this country. Again this is political correctness to the extreme. This is the United States of America and if that bothers you, find somewhere else to live. That is what my ancesters did who came over on the second ship following the Mayflower.

  • de adams - 14 years ago


  • jan - 14 years ago



    MUST FOREVER WAVE>>>.........................................

  • RobertT - 14 years ago

    Not just no, but HELL NO!!!

    TSNAB, Saigon, RVN

  • Stewart - 14 years ago

    It would be nice to see the demographics of the "ban the flag" crowd. I would bet it aligns nicely with the metro areas that voted for Obama.

  • Frank - 14 years ago

    HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE? To ban the very symbol of the country that I served in the service, is utterly stupid. If those from other countries (mostly illegal) have a problem with our flag I'll be happy to ship them back to wherever they came from, it was their choice to to come here so they can make the choice to return to wherever they came from and ban that flag. There is way too much "political correctness" in the goverment now, get back to common sense. IDIOTS!!!!!!!

  • Larry Wilson - 14 years ago

    Hell no!!!!!!!!!. This question should not even be open for answering. The Flag represents what this country was built upon and what we are as a whole. Want another flag - go start another country and have any flag you wish. Live here - learn to love this one. See things here you don't like, work to get them changed; our system allows for that. Even asking this question in a poll shows no respect for the proud warriors that fought and died before and those that continue to do this so that we may fly our Colors proudly in a free land. In a lot of other countries under other flags, one would be arrested for even asking this question. Don't like it? Move!

  • Deanna Hopkins - 14 years ago

    I don't know the "premise" on which this
    question is based, but I don't know whay anyone
    would pose such a poll!

    In any case, my answer is HELL NO!

    If there are people who do not like the Flag our
    Nation was built on nor want to see it flown, LEAVE and
    go to a country that flies the flag you like!


  • W.K.Gorham - 14 years ago

    I gave(voluntered) four years of my life(1959-1963) to the USAF so that this USA remain free,so I can't imagine how a person's mind can be SO twisted as to want to ban OUR flag.Mister or madam,this is OUR country and OUR flag, so if you don't like it, exercize one of our freedoms----- LEAVE! You ARE free to leave you know.

  • dave j - 14 years ago

    He who signs a bill banning the flag shall pass on to hell at the click of the pen. Ban the flag and start a war. ASSHOLES I fought once ill fight again

  • Doug - 14 years ago

    How about we ban the people that aren't 100% on-board with the USA...including but not limited to, the FLAG. If you dont like our ways, get the FUCK OUT!

  • Hazel Brown-Farrar - 14 years ago

    And teach all four stanzas of "The Star-Spangled Banner" and how it came to be written.

  • Jesse Jr - 14 years ago

    We should not fall for the NWO ploys to get us to abandon our national sovereignty in favor of some lame
    "One World Togetherness" which they will turn right over to some laughable character called the Antichrist.

    Keep the American flag!!

  • Dianne Achman - 14 years ago

    I am absolutely appaled to see the type of comments on this issue, any adult screwing a child?? Then we ask each other why our country is so screwed up. Apparently the new attitude is "anything goes". How sick can you people be.
    My husband and I are in our late 60's, and we were taught the meaning of respect, for our elders, our family, our teachers, our leaders and most of all, our selves. How can you respect yourself with the attitudes expressed in some of these comments.
    Is this what our people have fought and died for? If so, it obviously was all in vain.
    God save America, because it doesn't look like we can.

  • Dianne Achman - 14 years ago

    I am absolutely appaled to see the type of comments on this issue, any adult screwing a child?? Then we ask each other why our country is so screwed up. Apparently the new attitude is "anything goes". How sick can you people be.
    My husband and I are in our late 60's, and we were taught the meaning of respect, for our elders, our family, our teachers, our leaders and most of all, our selves. How can you respect yourself with the attitudes expressed in some of these comments.
    Is this what our people have fought and died for? If so, it obviously was all in vain.
    God save America, because it doesn't look like we can.

  • rosa - 14 years ago

    I came here from Mexico a long time ago. I love America and what it stands for. For me, it gave me freedom and a better way of life. So not all "wetbacks" or illegals are bad. Most of my friends respect American and the flag. Please give us a break. God Bless You

  • DD - 14 years ago

    I'm a U.S. Navy Vet and yes we fought for our freedom and for our flag. If any of you idiots think we should ban the AMERICAN FLAG u must be part of the Obama administration and must be kin to ben lauden like obama is one of his cousins

  • Connie - 14 years ago

    Apparently you are a LEFT WING piece of SHIT....GET OUT!!!

  • Connie - 14 years ago

    Oops...That is the Obama administration...and they are an absolute JOKE!!!

  • Jack Stratton - 14 years ago

    Totally ABSURD !!!!!

  • Connie - 14 years ago

    To all of you Left Wing pieces of SHIT!!! Open your eyes and catch a clue!!! The Obama administation are nothing but a bunch of Liars, Crooks and Idiots!!! Most of them belong in Prison...If you even think of banning the American Flag...then get the F--- out of America!!!

  • Robert - 14 years ago

    No only NO, But HELL NO! In fact every student should be required to learn about how the flag and what inspired the flag and be required to recite the pledge to the flag daily.

    Time to bring back the 'Melting Pot"... The US has become a Salad and that is not good.

    English is the uniform language of this nation, and in fact the language of many other nations through out the world. Time to require all children to speak and write English in its proper form. A common language makes for a strong nation. Learning about other cultures is OK but the major emphasis should be place on our US English heritage, with the intent of assimilation into this American quilt.

    If I were to move to an non English speaking country to live, I would make it a priority to learn that language.

    The American Flag is the marque of the UNITED States of America. Let's keep it that way.

  • Jarod - 14 years ago

    I don't know how stupid you have to be to even entertain the idea of banning the American flag, but the very idea is repulsive. The best beginning we could have is to kick the U.N. off American soil, then proceed down to lesser enemies of America.

    For all those who voted "NO","HELL NO", and who are convinced that we will take back the greatest country on the planet, thank you. Let's never let them forget that we won't forget at the polls.
    Now, let's go out there and offend someone today. (Who knows? Maybe they'll leave.)

  • ILD - 14 years ago

    I must have awaken from 40 days asleep because I have no idea what prompted this unscientific opinion poll. If anyone in real life is thinking that our nation's flag is inappropriate for our nation's schools, then I am simply stunned by their ignorance (not stupidity, but ignorance.)

  • Dan Davis - 14 years ago

    Ask the soldier in Afghanistan or Iraq the following question: Do you fight for the American flag or does your safety come first? Ask the millions of American vets the same question. Ask the soldiers who died if it was safe for them to fight for the American flag. Are we going to ban the American flag in all schools because it might be unsafe for children? Our country and schools fly the American flag because the American people believe that American ideals and principles outweigh our safety all the way to dying for those ideals and principles. Surely their are very few incidents where flying the flag has resulted in violence or injuries, or prejudice, or hurt feelings in schools. And even if there are such incidents, what's more important? This is a ridiculous poll.

  • Carl Snider - 14 years ago

    The flag shouldn't be banned, but the idiots who voted yes should be!

  • kathleen dennis - 14 years ago

    NO!!!!!!! And anyone that thinks it should , should be ran out of our country. We are free because of our flag. Is everyone going crazy? America, look at what is happening to our country since Obama took office. He wants to rule the world and you!!

  • ChuckL - 14 years ago


    The second paragraph is supposed to start with "You" not "Yo".
    Sorry about that, it's a new keyboard.

  • ChuckL - 14 years ago

    Don, You only quoted part of the first clause of the First Amendment. The whole clause is: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; ..." Properly interpreted this clause, which ends at the semi-colon, not the comma, prohibits the federal government from any action when the subject is religion. If you disagree with my English lesson then you must also find that while we have freedom of speech, we do not have freedom of the press because these clauses are also separated by a comma. WE also have the right to assemble, but no right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. It is the same problem with a comma deleting the following item in the clause.

    Yo may have a problem finding an English teacher who understand proper punctuation now, but it was taught in the 1950's in both primary and secondary schools. Basically the theory is that commas separate lists in a clause and semi-colons separate clauses. This procedure allows for the application of a single directive to be applied to multiple clauses without repeating the directive, which would be necessary if the clauses were to be separated into separate sentences with a period.

  • ChuckL - 14 years ago

    Wrong flag in this question.

    All other country flags should be prohibited.

    Those who want to see another country's flag above their school should change countries, and MOVE_OUT of this one.

  • ChuckL - 14 years ago

    Perhaps Fox will publish the associations tht are connected with the "yes" answers. Does anyone want to bet against

  • ChuckL - 14 years ago

    The Flag of the United States of America should be the only flag allowed on the tallest flag pole on the campus which must be at the front entrance to the school and at additional locations where appropriate, such as sports fields. Additional flags such as the School flag, and the state and county flags must be on shorter flag poles. No other political flags should be allowed. A single flag for a religious or political speaker should be allowed, but it must be placed on a temporary portable pole not taller than 10 feet.

  • sandra - 14 years ago

    Are you KIDDING me?? !! This is America!! America!!! Fly our flag. No others!!!
    If you don't like it, go back to whatever country you are from and fly YOUR flag there!!
    There shouldn't even have to be a discussion here! I'm furious that this would even be brought up!
    America people!!! Fly our flag, and only our flag proudly!!!!

  • hamrntong - 14 years ago

    The leftwing scumbags absolutely despise America and they wear their contempt like a badge of honor.

  • janice - 14 years ago

    WAMAZING. JUST F__KIN AMAZING. If you don't like it leave. She is our signature.

  • Jonathan Black - 14 years ago

    Not only do we need to fly the AMERICAN flag in AMERICA, we need to remember what it stands for and fight to get that back. We have lost most of the freedom the flag stood for. As for the comment that America is not a Christian nation - YES IT IS! It is what this country is founded upon. Go back and read your history....One Nation, under GOD

  • Fu ck you - 14 years ago

    I can believe you fucking idiots would even consider this. Here's a suggestion. Go down to your local gun shop, buy yourself a 12ga. and blow your fucking brains out. We don’t need people like you reproducing. If these fucking wetbacks have a problem with the American Flag then they need to pack their shit up and move back to their piece of shit mexico.

  • DMAURO - 14 years ago


  • Don - 14 years ago

    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion means they can't enact a national religion. It doesn't mean they can not acknowledge religion exists."

    Your reading comprehension skills needs some work. All I said was Congress can't support ANY religion with laws.

    Any retard that thinks you cant say a private prayer in any school needs to eat a bullet.

  • Michelle Astley - 14 years ago

    R.I.P Rick Astley, 1967-2009, murdered by pranksters

  • Johnxy - 14 years ago

    Does anyone really think that 67% would vote Yes? This poll was flooded by pranksters. The true Yes result was about 1% before they started having their fun. Remember Rick Astley?

  • Don - 14 years ago


    Your ignorance is astonishing. There is no law that says your child can't say a silent prayer in school. You just can't broadcast a prayer in school. This is nothing new, its been around for a long time. I honestly do not want you pushing your retarded religious beliefs upon my child. This is NOT a christian nation. This is a mulit-religious nation. And the state can not support any form of religion.
    Posted by Don on May 8th 2010, 11:18am
    Actually it's your ignorance that is astonishing. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion means they can't enact a national religion. It doesn't mean they can not acknowledge religion exists.

  • carltoncuse - 14 years ago

    Not even Lost can figure this one out.

  • Commander Shepard - 14 years ago

    I'm tired of your snide insinuations, Fox.

  • Jack Shepard - 14 years ago


  • Conan O Brian - 14 years ago

    Needs more coco.

  • ,foxnews - 14 years ago

    We cheating on every poll to make the government not shoot us on sight.

  • Obama - 14 years ago


  • Fred Phelps - 14 years ago

    God hates flags.

  • Bill Clinton - 14 years ago

    I did not have sex with that flag.

  • diditforthelulz - 14 years ago

    Call up godhatesfags so they shit all over it, at obama's place, sounds like a shit stained situation. Extra lulz, obama bodyguards shoot them on sight.

  • Nocando - 14 years ago

    FOX NEWS SHOULD HAVE SEX WITH KIDS MORE. Maybe then the american flag can be banned. Parents should investigate this idea further.

  • Anon292 - 14 years ago

    Bill having sex with kids is a great idea, the poll should be shoved up his ass for his extra enjoyment of patriotism.

  • Anonymous - 14 years ago

    I agree, bill should have sex with kids, also, should shit on the american flag as well, I applaud you.

  • Ben - 14 years ago

    Have bill oreilly to have sex with all the kids, this is a good idea coming from a intelligent viewer of fox.

  • Don - 14 years ago


    Your ignorance is astonishing. There is no law that says your child can't say a silent prayer in school. You just can't broadcast a prayer in school. This is nothing new, its been around for a long time. I honestly do not want you pushing your retarded religious beliefs upon my child. This is NOT a christian nation. This is a mulit-religious nation. And the state can not support any form of religion.

  • Diana Sanchez - 14 years ago

    America is doomed as are its citizens. Every ethnic group that has entered the U.S. has more rights than U.S. citizens, they have taken our right to have our children pray in schools, they want to remove the word God from our Pledge of Allegiance, we can't say Merry Christmas, and on and on. All of this so that we don't "offend" others, what about us? It offends the hell out of me that my child can't pray in school in the mornings, it offends the hell out of me that some stores don't allow their clerks to say Merry Christmas. This is MY country, adopt my customs or get the hell out. If you want to follow your beliefs and your customs that's fine and great but DON'T try to push them on ME!

  • Anonymous - 14 years ago

    I think its about time for change, and no, I don't mean the type of change Obama offered. Its about time we as Americans stop joking around and letting our flag be used in vein as our leaders just bury us the people in more taxes and make decisions that hurt us more rather then help us. Look at our health care! You mean to tell me that we cant get that right after all these years?? Come on people!

    Soon this country wont be known as "The land of the free" but as "The new land of communism".

    I think our flag needs to be taken down. We have already taken something great and tarnished it. I would rather it be tarnished when taken down then have it broken when its taken down, because it looks like thats where its headed right now. The decisions our government has made over the years has just astonished me, not to mention all of these people WORKING in the senate that are corrupt! People are resigning left and right due to corruption. I was watching Fox News two nights ago when a man in the senate was caught looking at pornographic images while on the job.

    Our bills and laws are nothing what they was. Is this the America we fight so hard to protect? I don't think so!

  • Anon - 14 years ago

    We always deliver.

  • Akmed - 14 years ago

    "I have no country to fight for; my country is the earth; I am a citizen of the world. "
    — Eugene Victor Debs

  • Tom K. - 14 years ago

    "Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind."

    - Albert Einstein

  • Alicia - 14 years ago

    lol @ the Republicans who cannot spell principal or use proper grammar for that matter.

    Sad days.

  • Adam - 14 years ago


  • Rick - 14 years ago

    @ Paul:

    You right wing pieces of sh!t are the reason this country is in ruins. Keep blaming the "bleeding hear libs" for everything. For some strange reason, I recall our last president doing a horrible job and further putting us into the economic mess we are in now. I'm not saying the Democrats had nothing to do with it, because they definitely did, but I'm tired of the ignorant comments I hear daily that are similar to yours, from the similar party.

  • Paul - 14 years ago

    Has the principle been fired? If not, why not? Does anyone realize this is AMERICA, not Mexico? Close the borders, fine businesses that hire illegals, fine anyone that rents housing to illegals, no more welfare, food stamps, or medical for illegals. No more illegals PROTESTING our time, encircle the protesters and check the IDs for each, if illegal, deport them. Have the buses waiting, and driver them to the nearest border crossing and let them out. Take back this country. Oh, and if you bleeding hear libs don't like it, you can leave too.

  • Bob Noel - 14 years ago

    Can we use four letter words on this site ??
    The answer to question above would be: HELL NO, AND _ _ __ NO !!!!!!
    Who would come up with such an idea ??

  • rjf - 14 years ago


  • tomdinri - 14 years ago

    This current administration has lead to these types of "lame decisions" as being Patriotic. Remember in November please!!! We must take America back from these morons who would stand by and watch our flag defiled. IN OUR OWN COUNTRY!!!!!!! Secure the dam border and deport every dam illegal and their children. God Bless Arizona and every blessed American who supports the Arizona Law. Not you Obama!

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