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Do the new Miss USA photos go too far?


  • Stellamuse - 14 years ago

    Way too far,as Miss USA! There are other venues for porn,lingerie & Playboy pics. This shows badly for the USA.Such a disgrace & lack of respect for women and this country!

  • Theresa - 14 years ago

    These photos are cheap and slutty. They look like they are modeling for Playboy or some other porno magazine. When I was a little girl we used to watch these beauty contests and be in awe of these women. Who would let their children or grandchildren watch this trash? What has happened to our society that something like this could even happen? Is this what you want your daughter to grow up and be? Where are the role models anymore? God help us, because we really need it.

  • Matt - 14 years ago

    WTF is wrong with everyone. There's nothing wrong with these pictures. People act like they're being exploited and its degrading. Chill out. If you don't like it don't look at it. These girls are beautiful and they're in a pageant where they're judged by their beauty and looks, not their character or intellect. Besides, they show more skin in the swimsuit competition, and no one makes a big deal out of that. So everyone, wash the sand from your vagina and chill out.

  • Debbie of Dallas - 14 years ago

    They all look the same - cheap, mindless and slutty. What ever happened to QUALITY and CLASS? Just another example of the downfall of America....

  • Ted - 14 years ago

    I can't believe some folks are actually defending this. WHERE DOES THIS END? Ever since Donald Trump bought the pageants, the young ladies have been sexualized, sexualized and more sexualized. There seems to be no end to it. And when a courageous young lady like Carrie Prejean speaks her mind and courageously tells the truth, she is absolutely VILLIFIED by the pageant "queens" (of all genders), and Trump does precious little to defend her. THIS IS ANOTHER SAD DAY IN Barack Obama's USA.

  • Dana - 14 years ago

    This answer to your poll is ridiculous...'Better to take real, modern photos then to pose them like fake Barbie dolls.' You're basically calling past pageant's Barbie dolls & fake. What makes these girls NOT fake..Their huge breasts?? Your questions to the poll is obviously biased towards the new pics. Ask one of these girls how they feel about gay marriage or illegal immigration it won't matter how fake or not they are..The left wing progressive will cry & whine like little infants until you take their crown away..You should call your pageant Miss Politically Correct because that's what you're all about now. I never watch it anyways..It's like watching a farm animal contest with your parading of women..I'm shocked you don't give an award for the women who gives the most milk!

  • mother - 14 years ago

    We have three daughters. What kind of message does this send to them. You already see the results on facebook and my space photos. I thought these women were examples of quality not center-folds. We will not be watching.

  • Betty - 14 years ago

    First of all, Miss USA is not a scholarship pageant. That would be Miss America. Miss USA has always been about beauty, not brains and talent. I wish the nws media would quit getting these 2 pageants mixed up. It's not that difficult to tell teh difference.I think the photos look great. The girls had a great time actually modeling for a phot shoot. For some of these girls, it is a once-in-alifetime opportunity. I say "Great job".

  • Eric - 14 years ago

    Perhaps change the contest name to "Who Wants to be a Hooker?"

  • Samsonite - 14 years ago

    Great pics! The ladies look wonderful. Where can I see the rest of them?

  • Shannon Michelle - 14 years ago

    These photos are tasteful and sensual, not overly sexual. I keep hearing Victoria's Secret (which nobody complains about being on tv) not playboy or hustler. And guess what? Being sexual is very much part of being a woman. When did we forget that? Good for them for embracing the TOTAL PACKAGE. This shoot was not required by the Miss USA pageant and the models volunteered. They are smart, educated, confident women who happen to embrace and enjoy their they should! Good for them! They look beautiful!

  • Aloha - 14 years ago

    Unfortunately, porn is a multi-billion dollar business, therefore, this is what brings in the money and viewers. I know there is a way to look sexy and still be dressed.

  • Keith Vickery - 14 years ago

    This isn't about Role models or lifting up the very best in women but rather sex driven ratings that create money. This is a business and I think it speaks to some disturbing appetites that we have allowed to get out of control in our country. Morals and capitalism works if you chose not to buy what is less than the things that lift people up, instead of categorize and weapons grade their capacity. Touting these women in the poses that they were shot in for anything beyond titillating exhibitionists is simply a lie. My question is why are we discussing these things on Fox when we could be discussing some more challenging things at hand? Oh wait... sex sells... go figure.

  • Carol - 14 years ago

    I am sad for my grandchildren, and angered by the the decadent culture into which they are being raised. And frightened for my children, who must raise their kids in an environment that cheapens women, models provocative behavior, and glorifies sexuality. If coursening the culture is what we do with our freedoms, it is no wonder that the USA is reviled by other countries and cultures who would not have their daughters become what these Misses USA depict and represent. Nothing good or beautiful or uplifting can come of this, especially for our youth, who are profoundly negatively impacted by this descent into the sewer.

  • Pam_I_Am - 14 years ago

    They need to remove the scholarship awards from Miss USA now, and award the winner with the magazine photo shoot that these women so obviously want. Save the scholarship money for people with BRAINS.

  • john - 14 years ago

    Too Far?? Heck no, these are beautiful pictures of beautiful women. I would say it's JUST RIGHT.

  • S. Collins - 14 years ago

    What a would be a joke if it wasn't so sad. What used to be a young ladies competition of physical beauty plus personality has finally become a whore show. Is this really where we want to be as women? Is this what the equal rights stuff has brought us to? We now have to take off our clothes and pose in bed to be taken seriously? If nobody cares about the USA pagent anymore, its because women are losing their interest to society because they've lost what it means to be a beautiful women. These photos show neither beauty or brains. ONLY BOOBS.

  • bk - 14 years ago

    "the difference between what we’re trying to sell in an image and what happens in real life" -- so it's ok to pretend you have nothing going for you except your body...because that's not 'real?' Disappointing for smart and attractive women to voluntarily be denegrated in a lingerie catalogue shoot.

  • MelElms - 14 years ago

    Victoria has very little "secret" anymore these days............ridiculous for a pageant. This is more like Miss PlayBoy "dressed".

  • Jeff - 14 years ago

    Hats off to Miss Utah, for showing very little skin

  • Ed - 14 years ago

    Sherman - So you cant love Jesus and feel sexy at the same time? If anything, those women make me believe there is a God..

  • Sherman T Potter - 14 years ago

    Roddy, if any of these girls said they were christian attired like that they would not be believed.

  • Viewer - 14 years ago

    What silly & unflattering photos. Every girl is 'standardized' to look the same. Make-up is garish and not individualized. The number of poses seems programmed to only a few. What poor, grainy photography and what a poor way to display young ladies who are competing. If a girl wants to win something she needs to showcase what makes her different or special. This is just more T&A and nothing to show the personality of the person.

  • roddy - 14 years ago

    If any of theas girls said they were against gay marriage or said they were christian i wonder what would happen i bet things would be differnt these people in charge are such hipocrites.

  • Ootsik - 14 years ago

    They look much like Cass (Sylvia Miles), the aging hooker, from the movie Midnight Cowboy....less the cottage cheese butt and hefty boobs.
    When I was a boy, they used to have mascara magazines (titty magazines with plump women behind the mascara).

    This is Deja Vu for me.

  • Christal - 14 years ago

    I agree with J J posted on May 10th. This is a true disgrace not only to this organization and to these ladies, but a disgrace to America! I am so sad to see this happen. As a pageant mother, I refuse to be involved in such an organization!!!!

  • irene - 14 years ago

    This is skin only their future husbands are supposed to see. Totally not cool to say that nowadays. These kinds of images give men unhealthy appetites. The runner up of a North Carolina USA pagent worked with my husband. She was always getting in trouble for wearing too little and it was openly known that she was having an affair with a married man. My first impression with these 'ladies' was negative anyway.

  • n00dl3 - 14 years ago

    More "Ahhhhhhh," less "Bawwwwwwwwww." Pics are great.

  • J J - 14 years ago

    This is totally irrelevant exploitation of charming and lovely young ladies!! This is the type of posing one would expect from a Victoria's Secrets runway shoot. This is the downfall of the Miss USA Pageant's respect and dedication of role models of young women throughout!! One could only suspect the undue pressures placed on these ladies to allow this type of abuse to be able to compete in what was once a dignified opportunity for women to express true virtues and respect for all women !! Disgraceful indeed for all involved in this charade!!

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