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What was the nurturance level of your childhood family?

Total Votes: 320
1 Comment

  • Louise Roherty - 11 years ago

    I grew up in a family of 15 children. Realistically, can 2 parents nurture that many children properly? Add alcoholism into the mix. I believe my parents were good people with good hearts but were so psychologically wounded as children themselves that they did not have the tools to do it. Neglect, psychological, sexual, emotional abuse, all of these were suffered by most of us. My father worked so hard to provide for us but by following the advise of the wrong people in the end did not succeed and it truly broke him. So much sadness. Our father and mother also gave us many gifts... strong minds and the desire for education and growth, love of music, love of beauty in life, the value of good manners. I love them and miss them.

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