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Should the Mets fire Jerry Manuel?

Total Votes: 3,230

  • Chas - 14 years ago

    I'm not a Met's fan but they are my local team so I really can't escape them. BTW, I'm also not a Yankee fan. That said, yeah, Jerry should have been gone two seasons ago, but he gives a great press conference so the media let him slide Send Omar out on the same bus. Time is up on both of them. Wright is the face of the franchise and his numbers are too good to belittle. He leads by example and is a winner. Keep him! Reyes, on the other hand, doesn't have a high enough OBA for a lead off man, gets thrown out too much and doesn't hit enough in general to be considered an elite SS. Plus he is injury prone and IMH acts bush and plays stupid. Get something for him while you can. Get the minors producing players for you and stop looking for the free agent market to solve all your problems. Good Luck Met fans you deserve better for the money this franchise charges you to watch them!

  • Jersey Met fan - 14 years ago

    The Mets have major problems, which start at the top. Omar has created this problem, he should not have appointed Jerry as Manager, he should have acquired pitching this past off-season instead of leaving a gaping whole in the pitching and adding Jason Bay. I am sure Jason will have a better year than he is currently on track to have, but right now it does not look good.

    Omar, Jerry and although I love Hojo I do not think he is helping on offense

  • Dirk Duggler - 14 years ago

    Last time I checked it wasn't Manuel who is walking evrbody nor is he strking out evry game (sorry David Wright)!

  • larry - 14 years ago

    Minaya should be fired first - he put this team together - get a new gm and then see what Jerry and the team can do.

  • Bobby - 14 years ago

    The mets are mismanaged from the top down,from wilpron's all the way down to Manuel.

  • Anthony B - 14 years ago

    Jerry and Omar both need to go, Jerry for not knowing how to mange to win and only to lose. Omar should manage and see if he can do better with what he has. I think Jerry will be gone real soon, and Omar is not far behind. The damage is done the bullpen is already burnt out and the starters aren't worth the headaches (the 2.5 we have left)

  • Victor - 14 years ago

    I think Omar Minaya should go and also Jerry Manuel. They should get Wally Backman or a Gary Carter to manage the Mets. They need a firery Manager!

  • tony Sparro - 14 years ago

    This would defiinitely solve two problems and the other would be D. Wharten the pitching coach. I can't believe such a rapid decline since the departure of Peterson.

  • Lew Levetown - 14 years ago

    The Mets do not have sufficient starting pitching, this is not the Manager's fault. However, I believe that Manuel does stupid things twice, which is a cardinal sin when you don't learn from yur mistakes. For example, he had Reyes attempt a sacrafice bunt that failed, when the game before, Reyes had attempted a sacrafice bunt and failed. As the announcers pointed out, Reyes has not had a succesful sacrafice bunt in two years. The question is why put Reyes in a position to do no good for the team. As well, batting Reyes 3rd was okay as an experiment but once it was failing, don't wait for every fan in NY to tell you how dumb this move was before you change him back to leadoff.
    Managers can effect the outcome of 10-12 games a season, so if Jerry is gone, the Mets stilll won't win, Bobby Valentine or not unless Bobby has learned how to pitch.

  • Josie Velez - 14 years ago

    Bring in Bobby Valentine please. Dont forget to get rid of Ho Jo too.

  • jetspete - 14 years ago

    anyone who blames jerry before omar doesnt deserve to be writing for the Post. What a hatchet job.

  • BP - 14 years ago

    Minaya should go too. Kill two birds with one stone, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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