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Who is dumber? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 55,645

  • "gunner" - 14 years ago

    @ someguy,
    spot on, i read "dianetics, a new science of the mind" in a sci-fi magazine many years ago, it was hogwash then and its still hogwash as "scientology" now.

  • "gunner" - 14 years ago

    i doubt that you'll remember me, i commented on the ones who criticesed you having a hotel room while covering hurricane katrina. we still disagree on many things but i do not consider you "dumb". i do consider you one of the few honest reporters from the "liberal" side, and i respect you as such, which is more than i can say for some of your colleagues, even on fox news. ( i still get a laugh out of geraldo "the moustache" playing "combat reporter" in afghanistan, posing beside a broken down t-55 tank that obviously wasn't going anywhere.) keep on keepin' on greta.
    with best regards from vermont

  • Kevpod - 14 years ago

    Greta is not dumb. She is another smart person with situational ethics who succumbed to the allure of stardom via FoxNews.

  • Caribou Barbie - 14 years ago

    This is a no-brainer (get it? that's pretty funny there). Any person who posts a poll askin' if they are dumber than someone else is just beggin' for trouble. Greta is clearly dumber than Brian. Brian sounds like a socialist though, which is way, way, way more worse than bein' dumb. Also I think he runs a Death Panel.

  • Rich - 14 years ago

    Bet that poll isn't going how you thought eh? Guess what I watch Beck sometimes just to see what the moron is saying and to keep up with both sides. What was really "dumb" here is you responding to Brian here who is clearly just looking for attention. Thinking that pulling poll up on your website (because asking your fan base for opinions on your seems real "fair and balanced" and totally unbiased) was going to provide any other result then you losing by 40% (currently) is what was dumb. Remember the internet is brought to you by the likes of 4chan and lolcats, probably not going to work out in your favor and everyone knows that. FYI your aticle just hit Gawker so get ready for some extra traffic at the expenses of yourself and credibility.

  • Xenu - 14 years ago

    I'm sure glad I rid the Galactic Confederacy of dreck like Greta Van Sustren's thetans.

  • tony - 14 years ago

    Dear Greta,

    As you are on FOX, you are, whether you realize it or not, implicitly against the evolution of intelligent thought, and the general advance of Western civilization. You have bigger problems in your life than polling (which is a bit telling itself) as to whether or not you are dumb. I'd worry more about sleeping at night. Of course, this is just me with my "fancy college degree" talking.

    Sincerely yours,

    Amused in NJ

  • someguy - 14 years ago

    Anyone who follows Scientology is, by default, dumber than anyone who criticizes them.

    The fact that that cult shares so many letters with "science" is an insult to any scientist in any true scientific field. Of course, we all know that it is not science those letters refer to but, rather, to "science fiction." Hubbard was a second rate sci-fi author who decided that he'd rather be a god. If you don't think he's been elevated to that level, check out the setup he has in Hollywood/LA (which "org" you're allowed into depends on your financial clout -- don't expect to handle an e-meter that has touched Tom Cruise's hands, you're not good enough for that). There's a whole shrine set up to the bastard.

    Scientology was, and is, nothing more than a vehicle to make L. Ron Hubbard rich and then immortal. Successful bastard is successful, I suppose, since there's no shortage of idiots who will follow his crap even after reading the many expensive books about it.

    In short, Brian can only be dumber than Greta if evidence surfaces that he is also a Scientologist.

  • ott - 14 years ago

    Considering Greata is the follower of a Cult who abuses and disconnects people from their families it should be considered obsurd to place her on any level of sane intellegence.

    Brian will WIN and you will EPIC FAIL - if Greta was clever at all she would have realised the footbullet she has made for herself starting the poll in the first place. Now Greta report to one of those hubbard tables and get that needle floating again you must be covered in thetans by now from this horrible incident.

    The Data has spoken - We do not forgive - We do not forget - EXPECT US!

  • joe - 14 years ago

    Jesus, this thread is a disgusting huge circle jerk. I am now dumber after reading this tripe. Some people like to listen opposing views not agree with everything. It actually makes you think

  • jii - 14 years ago

    Greta is a who r e who's plastic surgery makes her look vaguely like michael jackson.

  • feii - 14 years ago

    Great is about as dumb as they get.

  • Xenuphobic - 14 years ago

    Does this count as an ARC break?

  • anon - 14 years ago

    "Validate me! Tell me I'm smart!" This poll is her glorified Rate Me thread. TITS OR GTFO.

  • Lisa McPherson(Google my name!!) - 14 years ago

    He may be dumb, but you're immature for posting this.

  • Anon - 14 years ago

    Unfortunately, you lose by default..
    Dont leave the kitchen

  • Anonsoldier - 14 years ago

    Angela, the only legal cases that Greta should worry about are her church's (cult's) legal issues in Italy, Australia, France, Germany, and other countries. Apparently governments don't like it when a "religious" organization actively tries to infiltrate and manipulate them, or keep storage rooms filled with documents containing private and personal data related to perceived "enemies" of the "religious" organization.

    Google Scientology, Greta, it's time to become enlightened.

  • Denise - 14 years ago

    Answering this question would mean both are dumb, which isn't the case. The only thing dumb is the question.

  • Anon - 14 years ago

    Maybe he thinks you're dumb for not leaving a church (cult?) that breaks up families, forces women to get abortions, pays its workers $50 for a hundred-hour work week, and uses forced child labor.

    Greta, I know you will get in trouble with the "church", but google Scientology. You need to know the truth.

  • Woodcock - 14 years ago

    Brian = Xenu....nuff said

  • Bud - 14 years ago

    Greta has always been fair in her reporting. An obviously intelligent woman she rarely lets her personal views interfere with her reporting of the facts. I wish more reporters and commentators had her level of integrity.

  • GRETA's A DEM? YIKES! SORRY TO HEAR - 14 years ago

    Greta is a democrat? Oh my.... I thought she was a smart lady. Oh well...

  • Sue Liethen - 14 years ago

    How can you be considered dumb when you have attended Xavier High School? From one alum to another, keep up the great work!
    Dr. Sue Liethen
    Class of '78

  • Angela - 14 years ago

    I give you much credit for even posing such a poll as this. I thoroughly enjoy your show and think you are fair and balanced on all issues regardless of your own political leanings which I suspect are democratic since your husband is a democratic fund raiser if I remember correctly.Despite this, it is never obvious what your political persuasion is. I also agree and appreciate your desire for the gov't to be honest with the American people,and for the time you spend with Tom Moore from the Walll Street Journal pointing out where we are going terribly wrong with regards to spending by the gov't,and the fact that President Obama has failed miserably at his "Transparancy" promise. Pres. Obama has changed our Great country,BUT CERTAINLY NOT FOR THE BETTER!!!
    One more thing,Greta,I know there is alot going on politically,but I really miss you covering current crime cases,and
    the regular legal panel and your guest lawyers like Geoff Feiger.Do you ever intend to go back to covering current legal cases?

  • mavis johnson - 14 years ago

    Greta, I will often watch your program twice. You are insightful, steady and always a step ahead. You keep order well and ask provocative questions. Keep it up; the news each day is so inflammatory, so many lack integrity and you confront with logical why they are out in left field. I have another hero.

    Mavis Johnson

  • Dan - 14 years ago

    Greta The more I watch your segment, the more I am impressed by your intelligence. I seriously doubt that that anyone gets anything by you. Stick to what you believe is right and time will tell who is the dummy!! Our country is in deep trouble and we need to make informed decisions based on the true facts. You need not change a thing. :)

  • Farrell - 14 years ago

    Brian, how sad; you don't have parents, do you?

  • Beverly - 14 years ago

    Greta - it does seem peculiar that Brian would not only watch you but feel he has to make a disparaging remark about you - with a track record like that it would seem that Brian watches you because you are the Best & for the same reason he wanted his name to be seen on GretaWire.
    Brian has had his 15 mins. of fame - goodbye. boy.

  • Russell Minor - 14 years ago

    Greta,I Just Noticed Your Getting A 84 % So Far,I Bet Obama Wishes He Could Get Those Numbers,44% How Embarrasing For A President!!Kinda Tells Ya Where We All Stand,Yet He Still Does'nt Listen!!

  • Greta - 14 years ago

    Greta is a dumbass. you guys are all a bunch of retards. i hope you know everything she says is writen by someone else. Its TV. seriously. and i have nudes of Greta.

  • nooneinparticular - 14 years ago

    Making a person look bad because of a specific email with name calling versus a generalized person seems pretty retarded to me. Then again both of you are acting like children so.... Your call I guess.

  • Lftcoaster - 14 years ago

    I enjoy watching OTR, your interviews are superior in that you allow the interviewed to express there opinions and or facts, then with surgical precision dismantle their premise. You exude fairness in your presentations and rarely allow your personal bias' to leak out. I only watch shows I like. Keep up the good work!

  • Russell Minor - 14 years ago

    Hey Brian,Anybody Who Says That Someone Is Stupid,What Kind Of FOOL Would Watch Your Show If Your So Dumb.Greta,I Think Your A Great Host,And Are Very Smart.Brian,Go Find One Of Your Stupid People On CNN,MSNBC,That Do'nt Know What The Truth Is.Your One Of The Morons That Complain,Yet Still Watch,Your A Pathetic Man,Get Over It,The Left Wing Is About To Go Bye Bye,And You Sore Loser Ca'nt Handle It.We Will Take Both Houses,Then As The First Order,Repeal The Moronic Health Plan By The Kenyan.Then Miss Plastic Face,And Granpa Reid Will Be Outta Here!!!!!!!Then We'll Start Bringing This Country Back To When Things Were For The People Not The Left Wing Theifs,And We Wo'nt Ignore The People That Their Supposed To Be Helping.Get Your Walking Shoes Ready,Because All Of You Leftys Are About To Be Removed By VOTE,And I Ca'nt Wait.Most Sincerely,R.M.

  • Dom D'Angelo - 14 years ago

    I believe you are quite intelligent the problem I have with Fox in general is by the time your program comes on the air we have heard the same news disseminated for the third time. It becomes somewhat redundant.

  • Donald L. Cochrane - 14 years ago

    Hi Greta,
    People with Brian's level of intelligence are why our country is stuck with the obama administration.
    You do an exceptional job, please keep it up.
    Best Regards,
    Donald L. Cochrane

  • Linda Ann Smith - 14 years ago

    Greta is one smart cookie, I have admired her because she really has a handle on what she is talking about. Greta must be up 24/7 doing her homework cause she always knows every little detail of every story. She is never caught off guard. Thanks Greta

  • Howard - 14 years ago

    Greta no you are not dumb. Only dumb is that Greta you are still a Democrat. Don't believe what the Democrats say all lies.

  • anon - 14 years ago

    When Greta talks. millions of little niggers die.

  • Jasmine - 14 years ago

    I certainly don't agree with everything Greta says, but to use that kind of language to describe Greta is simply rude and counterproductive. It makes people who disagree with Greta and what she may stand for appear to be ignorant and unreasonable. Please acknowledge that not all viewers who disagree with Greta are like that. Some of us are intellectual people trying to explore various news outlets and a diverse range of media personalities.

  • Rick - 14 years ago

    I would prefer to see Beck in your slot where I know he is reaching more of the people that need to be educated. Your show just repeats the same topics as O'reilly, Hannity, Kelly, Shep and Bret. Personally I don't think you grasp the concepts as well as the others nor do you challenge wrong thinking like the other anchors. Maybe CNN in Campbell Brown's old spot would suit you better.

  • Stanley Buck - 14 years ago

    Brian is so dumb that he thinks "Cock Robin" is a felony. Brian is so stupid he thinks "Moby Dick" is a social disease.

  • Sharon of Tucson - 14 years ago

    Bye Bye Brian. Come back when your comment makes more sense.

  • Owen W Cohick Jr - 14 years ago

    You are the greatest, you say it like it is and speak the truth. Keep up the good work and let us all know what is going on in this dumb administration. Just keep doing what you do best, and that is keeping us in the know.

  • Margarita - 14 years ago

    Wow, I don't waste my time watching people on television that I think are dumb. I'd say you have a serious face, but the attitude is all good. Go Greta, keep being you, and give us the good, straight up news.

  • Bill Wade - 14 years ago

    I did not get into this except hearing it referred to at the end of Greta's program today. From my recollection, Greta is a Democrat and the comment made by "Brian" makes me believe he is also a Democrat. My take is that Greta does an excellent job of informing and reporting on her progrzm. As a Conservative with Libertarian leanings, I appreciate Greta and credit her for her approach to the news. Individuals with the terseness of Brian only serve to make the Conservative point of view.

  • Jack - 14 years ago

    I'm impressed

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