Who do you think was the hero of Lost?

1 Comment

  • Addy - 15 years ago

    Desmond was key to getting everyone together and in place until jack could turn up. Admitedly Jack was pretty important and a bit of a hero, but it could have been anyone. Until everyone was together again they could not move on. So for me Desmond was the hero. He also made it possible for Jack ... well Kate, to kill old smokey.
    Although as I write this it occurs to me that Desmond would not have woken up without Charlie's help and Charlie himself had a pretty heroic demise.
    In fact many of the characters displayed heroic behaviour over the 6 yrs and to brand one person as the hero of the show is doing a disservice to them.
    This was a group of people that needed each other and needed each other to be strong and heroic at certain times. This may even be what gave them such a strong bond that death could not break it. Although Christian's statement about certain people we travel the universe with, lifetime after lifetime, would allude to a stronger connection. Perhaps they could not help but behave in an heroic way when they as a group are threatened.

    In any case I cannot see any one character as being more heroic or less important than any other. The survivors of oceanic flight 815 ( and a few others ) were all heroes in my opinion.

    Dude, I loved lost and am really gonna miss it, What a ride, What a ride !! :-)))

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