The Highway Traffic Act says bike riders should share the roads with motorized vehicles. What do you think?


  • Jeffrey Rex Button - 14 years ago

    Last Saturday I covered 300 kilometers on my bike. Saturday before that I did a 200 kilometer ride. Last summer my vacation was a 780 kilometer bicycle tour of the Avalon peninsula. I'm not exceptional in this. If it can cover these distances efficiently, the bicycle should definitely NOT be considered an inferior or secondary form of transportation. Yes, I do these rides for pleasure mostly, but let's face it, most people flying madly around urban streets in their cars are doing it for no better reason. It's time to get beyond this un-debate; bicycles are a legitimate, efficient an enjoyable form of transportation. Cyclists and motorists require only ordinary courtesy and caution from each other in order to coexist. It's not too much to ask of either.

  • Don - 14 years ago

    I feel for the bike riders , but I don't think you should be on the same roads . While the Highway Traffic Act says bike riders should share the roads with motorized vehicles , the roads aren't made for it . Everywhere you go the roads are falling apart . They weren't made big enough to have a bike beside you in the first place they sure can't fit both now . Wake up , if there's an accident you lose ....right or wrong still lose !!!

  • diane - 14 years ago

    I think one of the responses should be, "We need to educate bikers about how to respect drivers". I have no problem with sharing the road, but we have to SHARE it. I see tons of bike riders with no safety gear, cycling on the sidewalks, choosing as it suits them whether to act as a vehicle or to act as a pedestrian.

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