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Would you rather have

Total Votes: 88

  • Dorothy - 14 years ago

    I prefer 7 years of secondary school. It's because under the current policy of 6 years of secondary schooling, many students are experiencing much pressure from their teachers and parents than that they would receive if the policy is not amended. Their teachers are pushing them to learn what they should learn in 7 years all within 6 years which is not an easy task.
    Moreover, before this new policy, students have to sit for both the HKCEE and the A-level examination. This gives them two chances that even if they don't do well in the first test, they can still strive for their best in the A-level two years later. Under the new schooling system, students have only got one chance and it would be really bad if they didn't do well. Their prospects might all be ruined based on this exam.

  • Dana Tsoi - 14 years ago

    I chose 6 years of secondary school as nowadays, secondary school give pupils a lot of stress so decreasing a year of schooling means less stress, and even 6 years of secondary schooling has already given suitable knowledge for the students to either study in university or look for work in the society.

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