Would you change your habits to help the environment?


  • Ketutar - 14 years ago

    Or then the people saying they would change their habits for environment understand that there are hundreds of habits to change.

    No-one suffers from eating more vegetables. I don't need to turn into militant vegan just because I care of the environment.
    No-one suffers from walking more, on the contrary. People using SUVs anywhere but in difficult terrain are plain stupid, nothing more. In my mind you are personally responsible for the oil catastrophe, and I hope the prize of gas rises sky-high, because you should pay, not me.
    Saving electricity isn't taking anything from you either, on the contrary, it saves you money.
    It is stupid to buy bottled water, especially in the Western world, because it is practically bottled tap water. Get an aluminium water bottle and fill it from your tap every morning. Buying sodas is stupid too. That's the tap water, some sugar, colors and flavors, with some bubbles. Only an idiot pays for dyed and sugared tap water.
    Something as simple as picking up one piece of garbage every day and putting it in a garbage can, and not littering yourself is already a simple step for a better environment, or airing your clothes in stead of washing them, and using aprons and overalls when you do something dirty - SIMPLE COMMON SENSE!
    It's not only extreme measures that count. It's simple things that are even better for your health and economy, that count.
    Also, the intention is not to do as you are told, but THINK. It would be stupid to stop using wood, because it is thanks to wood and forest industry there is as much forests in Western world as there was 100 years ago. But using oil and oil products as if there was endless amount of that stuff and accident never happened - that's stupid. I'd rather have medicines, pacemakers and CDs made of oil than have some asshole taking a ride just to be able to be alone and think. Take a hike in stead!

    I really wish some people stopped whining because they are too stupid to find solutions that work for everyone and too lazy and selfish to change one single thing for the best of the mankind.
    "I don't live in 100 years anyway, so what do I care?"
    I live NOW and *I* want to breathe cleaner air, have a better condition, eat better food, stop wasting money by lighting up rooms for invisible people or ghosts or fairies or what ever it is that needs light in empty rooms. I want to use the light I pay for myself. I want more green areas in cities, because it is beautiful, and more forests - more hunting and fishing grounds, if that pleases you. Also, I like diversity. I like the fact that there are hundreds of different flowers and trees and animals in the world, and I like to keep it that way. I find it hard to think you want anything different.
    Environment is not only the "green bullshit", global warming and Greenpeace, it's what is around you right now, where you live.

  • mike - 14 years ago

    Most of the yes people must be from BC were pot and dope limit there brains, by not eating meat and running a real automobile they think they will live to be a few million years old.Who in there right mind cares about what will happen in a few thousand years we will all be dead and the ones alive will have adapted to the new environment just like we have all ways done.

  • Sebastian - 14 years ago

    I'm shocked at these results. I love meat and I'll be damned if I'd eat less or give it up for the environment. Yes, I'm one of those people who drives a large SUV.

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