Editorial Board Poll: Should the Town of Ramapo proceed with the development of a 3,500-seat ballpark on Pomona Road and Fireman's Memorial Drive?


  • Jeffrey Genser - 14 years ago

    I never made the comment posted above regarding "I can't wait to get a hotdog" at the new stadium. This is a blatant attempt at spreading dis-information.

  • Manhattanite - 14 years ago

    This whole entire forum sounds like there is only ONE person writing the supporting posts. All the posts that are supporting this stupid project have the same voice. Hey, idiot that keeps writing the same supporting posts using different names: GET A LIFE! This project is a joke. Wait until the proverbial PEAK OIL Sh*t hits the fan and no one can drive to this stupid (and probably ugly) baseball debacle. You'll all be losing your cheap-a$$ houses up there in hick Rockland County. The bank is coming for you! The bank is coming for you!!!! Keep paying your stupidly high taxes in the crappiest part of the Hudson Valley!

  • zipit - 14 years ago

    Looks like the no(true) votes are winning. All the computers at Town Hall( yes votes)must have run out!

  • C ST LAWERENCE - 14 years ago

    I will make, I mean the town will make so much money from the mass hasdic weddings & chicken swinging , I mean the from the baseball team . I will raise taxes even more when the team tanks and are stuck with a stadium when the team goes bankrupt then the land gets sold for pennies on the dollar to a hasdic group , I mean taxes will drop from all the revenue the team will bring in. I will get so much money from kickbacks , I mean the town will make so much money . And because the chosen builder was Scott Vanderhofs best man at his wedding he get a piece of the pie too , I mean using a local contractor is good for the county .

  • samuel - 14 years ago

    dump st. lawrence

  • bob m - 14 years ago

    Its 2010 get with the times, stop living in the dark ages build it now

  • Hugo Bumbaco - 14 years ago

    If only the economic climate were different I could agree with the construction of a new baseball stadium in Rockland! In fact it would be very exciting! That is, if only times were different. The fact is that residents are losing their homes to forclosure! The value of Rockland's homes have dropped so low that they have little or no equity and many are virtually under water! In addition many tax paying residents are out of work and can't find or maintain secure employment.
    On top of that we have an administration that continues to raise taxes, is oblivious to the needs of it's residents, and acts as if there is no crisis! Our leaders should be spending every waking minute to help ease, abate, and mitigate the crisis instead of wasting their opportunity to " serve" the people!
    Your typical Nero fiddles while Rome burns to the ground scenario!

    I say revisit the idea of a stadium in 5 years! The timing is not right!

  • Janet DiLorenzo - 14 years ago

    I moved to Ramapo 44 years ago. The Spook Rock Golf course was put to a referendum. Why hasn't the baseball stadium proposal been put before the taxpayers for an up and down vote? How dare this so called supervisor get away with running our town without the support of we the people. CSL, your parents must be turning in their graves for the manner in which you have defiled their name. You will be stopped. Who is paying for this nonsense? People of Ramapo, nothing else matters but your vote. Use it. Janet DiLorenzo

  • John Mcrory - 14 years ago

    Whether or not the ball park is going to be built or not shouldn`t be the concern. What should be addressed is how our Supervisor can just decide to spend 25 million or there abouts without taxpayers being allowed to vote on the expenditure. IF this is ok what`s to stop future endeavors that cost us as taxpayers and us not having any say in the matters. When did this town become a dictatorship where one or a small group of people decide how to spend everyone elses tax money. If the Supervisor and his crack committee are so convinced this is best for us all then why not put it to a vote to confirm that .

  • Nick - 14 years ago

    Many of the comments posted under this poll are falsely attributed to well-known outspoken members of Preserve Ramapo . . . the deception is obvious to those of us who know.

    St Lawrence is a criminal . . . we know that. It's just a matter of time until we see him indicted. And the stupid baseball stadium is just as much an ego thing as the $250,000 talking clocks he wasted out money on.

    He'll get what's coming to him . . .

  • Susan C Montemorano - 14 years ago

    Please be careful about what you read here - CLS's people are impersonating and making false statements, such as this one:

    """I wish all the nay sayers like Michael Castelluccio would finally shut up - he doesn't like this project ONLY because he hates St. Lawrence. This property is nothing but a depository for garbage - about time something good is done with it and I can't wait to take my grandson there.

    Posted by Susan C Montemorano on June 9th 2010, 6:29am"""



    Everybody please be warned, there are a lot of false posts here!

    If you want the TRUTH - go to http://preserveramapo.org/

  • Mike Simon - 14 years ago

    As the father of two young boys, I would very much like to have a local sports team to call our own. In fact, I take my boys to Madison NJ for the Jackals games a couple of times a year. The real question is not whether or not I want a local team, it's whether or not we as tax payers should pay for it.

    In different economic times, maybe, but in our present state, with the Rockland having the 5th highest taxes in the COUNTRY. How could any so called "leader" justify such an expense. If as the powers that be have stated, it's going to generate positive cash flow in a few years, great, then let the owners put up the money...I'll support the team by buying tickets and hotdogs. Taxpayers shouldn't have to foot the bill.

  • AFriend - 14 years ago

    Be careful who you listen to - Christopher St. Lawrence obviously has his propaganda people at work.

    Do you want to know what this is really about?

    It's giving the Hasidics and Ultra Orthodox a place to hold their mass weddings and chicken rituals.

    But anyway, read the Journal News articles and just make up your own mind. Think about traffic, noise, location, and what other uses this might be for.

    Then decide for yourself if you want to risk your taxes going up to support something like this.

    Here the link to the last Journal News report on June 7:

    And more good information here:

    And just in case you want to read the FEIS, you can download it here:

  • Firefighters Support Baseball - 14 years ago

    I work at the Rockland County Fire Training Center. The events at the stadium will not affect our response time to an emergency.We are trained and equipped to respond to emergencies under any circumstances and a stadium will not affect our response time. The stadium will create jobs and blend our community.

    Our training center staff will be planning fund raisers and a family night at the new stadium. I can't wait to take my 12 year old son to the game. Anything worthwhile costs money, nothing is free. To see my son enjoying himself at the baseball game is worth it to me. I don't think you can have a better bonding experience with your kids and family than cheering on a team and spending quality time with family. Thats what life is about.

  • Robert Wright - 14 years ago

    This is a ridiculous waste of money. Ramapo does not need a baseball field. What we need is more open space like parks that everyone can use and enjoy. Rampapo was once praised for its beauty. It had a great mix of development and open space that made people want to live here. Now, thanks to St. Lawerence and crew, it is becoming just another over-developed, crowded hell hole.

  • DONT SIGN OUR PETITION- WE LIE! - 14 years ago

    At Preserve Ramapo, we will lie about the facts if we need to, to get your signatures. As volunteers, we've been asked to lie to people to get their signatures on the baseball petition. I have decided to end my volunteer work with the group as I will not lie to the public. Two facts they have lied about in their documents:

    1. We were told to tell people there is no business plan, even though we know there is one.
    2. We were told to tell people there is no ownership group, even though we know there is one.

    The above statements are listed on the Preserve Ramapo fact sheet and they are misleading.



    I love our town, but I cant be part of such calculated mis-truth and disregard for the truth

  • JP - 14 years ago

    I personally think that this is a waste of our tax dollars. Especially since the league that they want to put in here has been proven to fail again and again. Also for those who do not know right next to this site is the Rockland County Fire Training Center where all of the firefighters from Rockland County go to train. What this means it that when ever there is a game or function at the stadium that the firefighters can not do live burns which is needed to train them. I feel that if the town wants to throw away money and waste tax dollars they should just give us all a check.

  • ira - 14 years ago

    Another self sustaining project. I hope everyone believes in the tooth fairy as our tax rates continue to go thru the roof.

  • Dear PomonaPal - 14 years ago

    You obviously dont know a THING about baseball. Team buses blocking the road? ARe you kidding me? The TWO team buses show up hours before the game even starts and leave way after the fans have left.

    Noise Level ? Oh cmon! Your obviosly worried that the games will sell out and raving fans will actually be cheering for their team. Ahh, thats the purpose of the game you fool. If the noise levels at stadiums are so high, why are so many other facilities built around neighborhoods? You have NOT done your homework my friend.

    Emergency Response Time- you must be smoking dope to say something as stupid as this! How do ambulances respond in NYC with all the traffic there and save lives?

  • PomonaPal - 14 years ago

    Wrong location - wrong time!
    Traffic will block the entire area - team buses and trucks will have to take Route 45 which already is a traffic nightmare in Spring Valley.
    Put the ball field in the Thorne Valley where we have the Thruway and Route 17. People could come from Orange County, Rockland and Bergen. There already is a sports facility - now that would make a lot of sense.

    Also, this is a residential neighborhood - the spectator noise that this facility will generate will be heard by many residents and disturb their Saturday night peace and quiet for miles around. Can you hear the traffic on the palisades now? Just wait and see how loud this will be!

    Also, this will block emergency responders from the Fire Training Center.

    Bad location and bad timing.

    The economy is down and it will not recover any time soon. If this venture fails to make a profit - our taxes will go up again. Yes, you and me will pay for a big elephant that we don't need right now.

    Is that what you want?

    Jobs? Just a few low paying ones. But lots of money into CSLs pocket. That's why he created the Development Company. He's taking care of himself.

    Oh, yeah! And typical for CSL - the chosen builder was Scott Vanderhofs best man at his wedding.

    Good grief, this looks like just more of the same Ramapo politics.
    You think this is for the people? Think again!

  • SHUT UP Michael Castelluccio - 14 years ago

    When are you ever going to shut up? Guess what......we want entertainment in this community and we want baseball. You are against EVERYTHING that Chris St. Lawrence is FOR, and everyone realizes that by now. You stand behind a wall of dislike on anything that Mr. St. Lawrence does. Let it go and get a life! Have you ever said anything positive in your life? You have a very mean spirit and maybe going to a baseball game and having some fun would help you out a bit.

  • I Michael Castelluccio, love baseball - 14 years ago

    I've decided to change my mind and support baseball because of all your comments. Your right, I am nothing but a hater and I should be ashamed of myself.

  • Stan L. - 14 years ago

    St. Lawrence and his gang have been slowly destroying the beauty of Ramapo. He places a beautiful sports facility at the very end of Rockland County and it is rarely utilized. Now he's placing a baseball field in an area that is surrounded by residential, medical facilities, and soon to be audult condominium complex. Why didn't he look to place the baseball field in the middle of Rtes 45/59? Does he not know how to plan properly? Does he not know what to do with money? There are roads that are in very serious condition; there are sewer and drainage problems; etc., etc.

  • JTD - 14 years ago

    If a piece of land is wasting away...why not breathe life into it. Create jobs. People should gather around the idea and support the plan. Go Ramapo Baseball!!!!

  • Go Ramapo Baseball!!! - 14 years ago

    Way to go Susan! All the haters out there like that Michael guy and his "group" whoever they are. My family can't afford to go to baseball games like the Yankees and Mets. Next thing you know they will want to take away our town pool as well. My oldest is already hoping to get a job at the stadium.

  • Susan C Montemorano - 14 years ago

    I wish all the nay sayers like Michael Castelluccio would finally shut up - he doesn't like this project ONLY because he hates St. Lawrence. This property is nothing but a depository for garbage - about time something good is done with it and I can't wait to take my grandson there.

  • Jeffrey Genser - 14 years ago

    What a great coup for the town board - good for them! Now finally we can have something to rave about instead of all the fighting here recently. I look forward to having a hot dog there!

  • Bo Belinsky - 14 years ago

    'You'll Know' is crafty with his trick question! The Durocher black cat incident was well prior to the World Series that year. The Mets played the Orioles in the Series. The Cubs were, and are, an NL team. But "You'll Know" proved his point. Not only did Castellucio not even pick it up - Castellucio wouldn't know the difference between Jake Gibbs and Bill Dickey if it was force-fed to him. Jim Bouton? Who you 'gonna quote next, Casty? Jimmy Piersall? Rod Scurry?

  • Kerry - 14 years ago

    We have the best recreation facilities in Ramapo - thanks to St. Lawrence! Camp Scuffy, The Joseph T. St. Lawrence Center the Equestrian Center and beyond! I can't wait to take my family to the ballpark and cheer on the Rockland Team! These facilities provide income and wonderful ammentities for our community. Let go of the negativity and enjoy life!

  • "Jim Bouton"? You're citing Jim Bouton as authority - on a baseball topic?? - the one guy with whom virtually no one in major league baseball speaks anymore, because he betrayed their trust and is viewed as the Game's worst negativistic nay-sayer Eeyore and utter Pariah?

    I realize that you may not know much about baseball, but let me assure you that citing Jim Bouton as authority on a baseball item, is the equivalent of citing Luis Polonia or Joran van der Sloot on the topic of dating advice.

    Then again: Negativistic naysayer. Eeyore. Hmmm. Come to think of it, maybe Bouton is an inspiration to you. I take back everything I just said. I bet you even know the names of the two pitchers who stopped Yankee Joe DiMaggio’s 56-game hitting streak - and which Met player actually trained the black cat to walk in front of Durocher during the 1969 World Series - and which Met player put the shoe polish on the ball in the same series (he swore me to secrecy, but Bouton probably blabbed it to you because that's the kind of guy he is).

  • Elizabeth Diamond - 14 years ago

    How come the people who live in Ramapo didn't get a vote on how our tax dollars were going to be spent? I can think of a lot better ways to spend my money than on a stadium!! Where did this idea even come from? It's ridiculous - we have bad weather 4-6 months of the year! What a waste of money! And they already cut down all those woods without even asking our opinion!!

  • Michael Castelluccio - 14 years ago

    An earlier poster fraudulently used my name and then praised what is, in my mind, one of the more absurd debacles launched in the name of our esteemed Supervisor.
    If you want my opinion of the project, go to www.preserveramapo.org and read from the top.

    Ex-Yankee pitcher (quoted at the top of the home page said) summed it up when he said:
    "The only people, besides team owners, who want new stadiums are politicians, lawyers, and the media. Politicos like to swagger around a palace—and stadiums are the modern palaces—the bigger the better, especially for mayors suffering from stadium envy. They like to watch games from the owner's box in full view of the TV cameras and hang out in the clubhouse with the players. This is in addition to the usual perks, graft, kickbacks, and patronage that accrue to politicians on big construction projects."
    Michael Castelluccio
    Preserve Ramapo

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