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Christie in 2012?

Total Votes: 4,678

  • Malone - 14 years ago

    Too soon. Not that I don't support Governor Christie's efforts--I do! But look what happens when we view the presidency as on-the-job-training: we get a politician who bases response to every issue on how it advances him politically--and zero leadership. The fact is, until we can get the country back to center and stop governing from the far left or the far right, no president can be successful. United we stand, divided we fall--and right now we're falling HARD. Governor Christie can achieve national results by showcasing what he's accomplishing in New Jersey and others will follow suit. The good news is, there are more centered, rational citizens in this country than there are extreme left/right crazies. And let's start the process in November by sending the do-nothing incumbants packing!

  • john - 14 years ago

    2012 is not too soon for a Christie run because 2012 is still a bit away and America will be begging for him.

    Democrats have not even done their budget for 2010 because it is going to reveal such a frightening budget deficit it is going to suck what little oxygen is left out of Obama's presidency and the democrats.

    Moreover, the collapse of European socialism is well underway in spite of their austerity measures. The financial shocks have yet to be fully felt. As we get closer to the brink, people will be driven to a true leader, not a rhetorical empty suit.

    Christie is already voluntarily undergoing austerity measures in NJ that show him to be a true leader who is ahead of the other billion people living in the West. And, he is doing it in a way that inspires trust and confidence. People identify with his no nonsense style and will naturally be attracted to him as someone who has faced a financial crises before -- it's going to be the absolute best resume builder for the next president.

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