I dont know how to thank you enough for this poll COOL COOL COOL
Andrea P. - 15 years ago
We have hundreds of options on which credit cards to use. If i had one that charged a fee for not using it i would cancel. We don't have those same kind of options when flying. The airlines know we have no choice but to pay these fees. we need to get where we are going, and we need our luggage when we get there.
bobfromwork - 15 years ago
baggage fees help keep the cost of flights low for people who aren't bringing bags. I think they should change it and just charge people (including their bags) by the pound. That would be the fairest and most equitable way to do this. Planes have a certain weight capacity, and each additional pound on the plane equates to more fuel. So, pay by the pound.
CC non-use fees, on the other hand, have no financial basis, other than a company trying to recoup costs that they didn't bring in, by you using your card. It doesn't cost them anything to maintain your account in their system, so the fee is purely a money grab.
tanya kristine - 15 years ago
How can the fee charge on the credit card not be in the 90%!?! You're being charged becuase you don't want to charge anything??? a baggage fee: at least they're loading up your heavy baggage and flying it somewhere then unloading it! but to be charged becuase you might be financially savvy for a while? ridiculous!
Robert L. - 15 years ago
I read a piece months ago where it said that baggage fees gave the flying public a choice of not having to pay for something vs. paying - and on the surface that sounded great. BUT - unless you are taking Southwest for a day trip, most folks fly because they will be there days and not hours. Which means that you need a bag or two. If I eat on the plane or drink, fine I will pay. But to be charged to take your clothing with you is a JOKE. And, its just a way for the airlines to make money. The thing I do not understand is a plane is mostly full or all full. Day in and day out its full. They have cut flights to cut cost. Granted fuel is expensive and the planes are expensive too but even with all the added fees they have they STILL ARE NOT making money. Sounds like an accounting issue as opposed to a revenue issue. The public likes flights that are cheap and I do too. Most recently looked at flying from a small city in Arkansas to Memphis - flight was like $180 or so. Not too bad! Southwest is not in Memphis so American can charge $780 for that flight from Memphis to Dallas plus fees. Southwest will fly from Little Rock to Dallas for around $150. They get to charge for the baggage because they CAN. Folks have to have their stuff. Its just like the credit card companies charging 30% interest; because they CAN. We, the American people, have let corporate america run ALL over us. What happened to saying, fine, I will drive or ride the bus or not go vs. letting the airlines or any other company for that matter RAPE us. We need to vote with our dollars. Send your luggage fee to the government and have it applied to the national debt, send your 30% interest payment to the government and let that be applied to the national debt. The world is out of control, we are all just numbers now. The banks are here to make money for themselves - not to help individuals or business or anyone else get ahead other than themselves. It's called greed. I can not ask for a pay raise just because I want to overspend my budget. Why should they ask us to give them money for something that should be part of the service provided?
GREED - and the cost of business now is out of balance with what folks earn and can afford - so its get money from any source you can find even if it's not reasonable.
Arlo Payne - 15 years ago
They have it all backwards.
They should charge for carry on not checked bags. Carry on is why it takes forever to load a plane and deboard along with making the plane packed like a trash can.
Dawn - 15 years ago
I can get around the "non use of credit card" fee...by making one purchase a month and paying it off. Plus, the fee is MUCH smaller than a baggage fee.
I cannot get around the baggage fee. It's bad enough when I fly alone, but I shudder every time our family of 6 has to make a lengthy trip (length = suitcases = hundreds extra in fees).
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I dont know how to thank you enough for this poll COOL COOL COOL
We have hundreds of options on which credit cards to use. If i had one that charged a fee for not using it i would cancel. We don't have those same kind of options when flying. The airlines know we have no choice but to pay these fees. we need to get where we are going, and we need our luggage when we get there.
baggage fees help keep the cost of flights low for people who aren't bringing bags. I think they should change it and just charge people (including their bags) by the pound. That would be the fairest and most equitable way to do this. Planes have a certain weight capacity, and each additional pound on the plane equates to more fuel. So, pay by the pound.
CC non-use fees, on the other hand, have no financial basis, other than a company trying to recoup costs that they didn't bring in, by you using your card. It doesn't cost them anything to maintain your account in their system, so the fee is purely a money grab.
How can the fee charge on the credit card not be in the 90%!?! You're being charged becuase you don't want to charge anything??? a baggage fee: at least they're loading up your heavy baggage and flying it somewhere then unloading it! but to be charged becuase you might be financially savvy for a while? ridiculous!
I read a piece months ago where it said that baggage fees gave the flying public a choice of not having to pay for something vs. paying - and on the surface that sounded great. BUT - unless you are taking Southwest for a day trip, most folks fly because they will be there days and not hours. Which means that you need a bag or two. If I eat on the plane or drink, fine I will pay. But to be charged to take your clothing with you is a JOKE. And, its just a way for the airlines to make money. The thing I do not understand is a plane is mostly full or all full. Day in and day out its full. They have cut flights to cut cost. Granted fuel is expensive and the planes are expensive too but even with all the added fees they have they STILL ARE NOT making money. Sounds like an accounting issue as opposed to a revenue issue. The public likes flights that are cheap and I do too. Most recently looked at flying from a small city in Arkansas to Memphis - flight was like $180 or so. Not too bad! Southwest is not in Memphis so American can charge $780 for that flight from Memphis to Dallas plus fees. Southwest will fly from Little Rock to Dallas for around $150. They get to charge for the baggage because they CAN. Folks have to have their stuff. Its just like the credit card companies charging 30% interest; because they CAN. We, the American people, have let corporate america run ALL over us. What happened to saying, fine, I will drive or ride the bus or not go vs. letting the airlines or any other company for that matter RAPE us. We need to vote with our dollars. Send your luggage fee to the government and have it applied to the national debt, send your 30% interest payment to the government and let that be applied to the national debt. The world is out of control, we are all just numbers now. The banks are here to make money for themselves - not to help individuals or business or anyone else get ahead other than themselves. It's called greed. I can not ask for a pay raise just because I want to overspend my budget. Why should they ask us to give them money for something that should be part of the service provided?
GREED - and the cost of business now is out of balance with what folks earn and can afford - so its get money from any source you can find even if it's not reasonable.
They have it all backwards.
They should charge for carry on not checked bags. Carry on is why it takes forever to load a plane and deboard along with making the plane packed like a trash can.
I can get around the "non use of credit card" fee...by making one purchase a month and paying it off. Plus, the fee is MUCH smaller than a baggage fee.
I cannot get around the baggage fee. It's bad enough when I fly alone, but I shudder every time our family of 6 has to make a lengthy trip (length = suitcases = hundreds extra in fees).
Hading over big bucks for baggage checks :(