Which Wonder Woman is keeping it real?


  • Kokolady - 10 years ago

    I'm a strait woman and I'm sorry but why is she so covered up? It's not sexy nor does it look Wonderfull like the Classic Lynda Carter did. She was showing skin and kickin butt and that's how I want to see Wonder Woman always. If it ain't broke don't fix it. Please just leave it alone.

  • Mia - 13 years ago

    The new version is so stupid. Just stick with old school Wonder Woman. I am a huge WW fan, and it's the original Wonder Woman I fell in love with. Not that stupid, poorly drawn new version. There's NOTHING wrong with WW so don't change her!

  • Comics Fan - 14 years ago

    Why does Hollywood ALWAYS feel like it has to 'fix what ain't broke'?!!!

    Seriously, there is way too much money and way too little brains in Hollywood. Always has been, always will be.

  • Arin Couchey - 14 years ago

    the new version looks like a communist. Single red star on her head band, red shirt, black everything else. Keep the patriotic look but maybe ditch the star spangled panties (or make them a little sexier).

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