Does age difference matter to you?


  • Fabian - 9 years ago

    It depends on the individuals. Is the older male willing to wait for her till she graduates. And I understand she could be into new age stuff the male has been through already. But if he still feels the same and wants her still. He should show interest with no problem. And live happily ever after. And if the male age's well, and always had a young look,that look like her age. Not bad, great even, good for him. He's probably a late bloomer and is a great level for him to be with younger her. And as for sex drive the male should have no problems with sex drive. He should be extremely full of stanima forever no blue pill involved. Cause that's what you always wanted that's what you always fantasized that's what he deserved and make him feel greatly ready every time they get intimate. So age don't matter depends on the couples. If there both still in it together. It's beautiful. Male and female love at any any any age gap is the best.

  • David - 9 years ago

    Only good for mentally ill, ugly, user and unemployed women who have no life to see the reality of life. These animals only good for sex partner and in not mother type of materials. To those men who preferred younger ones have serious issue about understanding of love and relationship, these asshole very good in using fame and materials to attract younger children. Apart from these things they worthless to women who are same age like them. Another thing is these gentlemen never age 'appropriately' according to their real age. I mean 'kiddy' kind of stuff.
    We can not said society is changing when the number of men are less then women greatly, and some of them are gay. So many offers out there with just a little time.

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