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Should libraries stop buying paperbooks?

Total Votes: 93

  • Bufo Calvin - 14 years ago

    Thanks for commenting, Allen!

    What if the library was checking out EBRs (E-Book Readers) as well? That would make every e-book they have a large print book, of course. That might meant checking out Sonys, if what they have is EPUB only. With the relatively high cost of large print books, it wouldn't take many checkouts at all to cover the cost of an EBR.

  • Allen - 14 years ago

    It is way too soon to stop buying paper books. The vast majority of readers don't have e-readers. I recently had to wait 3 weeks to get a paper book in large print from my local library when I put it on hold. It then took only 2 days to read it and back it went to the library. Meanwhile I read on my Kindle. I happen to have a PID for my Kindles, but the library doesn't stock Mobi e-books for checkout, only Adobe in e-Pub.

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