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How frequently do you eat fast food?

Total Votes: 14,246

  • Sarah - 14 years ago

    It reminds me of being a kid. I don't think about the horrors of the meat industry or how it's probably giving millions of people a heart attack as we speak. Every once in a while, I crave a cheese burger. Hello McDonalds and thank you for making something that tastes so good.

  • Linda - 14 years ago

    I've had no problem giving up McDs, Taco Bell, etc. To me they mostly disappoint. Living in a rural area also helps to lessen temptation. However, when I go to the closest "big-little" city for my haircut and other errands I MUST stop by Jimmie John's for a superlative sub made of fresh top quality meats, cheeses, etc., and the awesome daily baked sub-rolls. Then I race home to my treadmill and walk, walk, walk...with a smile on my face and a purrrr in my tummy!

  • Caroline - 14 years ago

    I really don't eat fast food that often, a couple of time a year, and it's usually the egg and cheese biscut from McDonald's. I know it's fat laden and bad for me, and I usually I hate myself afterwards...but every now and then, I just have to have some crap.

  • Mildred - 14 years ago

    I try to stay away from fast food. I'm changing my habits (to get healthy and loose weight) and it's better to cook for myself as much as possible. But if I'm on the road, and really rushed, I'll hit McDs or Taco Bell and try to make the best decisions possible (smaller sizes, water instead of soda, chicken instead of beef).

    Now to kick the Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts habit (not that I get the pastries anymore, but the coffee with what I add to it can get pretty high in calorie count).

  • Roberto - 14 years ago

    I eat two to three times a month from McDs out of economic necessity (Im kinda poor) and for quick service; and sometimes it tastes fine. I don't think about the horror these animals suffered or I'd give up living. Veggians smell funny (no offense meant), and I have never seen a strong muscular person who is a veggian, unless they're on steroids. What I don't get: why do fast food joints can't produce a lean low fat low sodium burger at a reasonable price that TASTES good! 5 guys comes very close but they're far from my route. I jog, work out and eat meat and an occasional pizza WITH MEAT (i.e. pepperoni, sausage, etc.). I get an occasional Big Mac attack (I remove the bread in the middle and feed the ignorant birds who can barely fly afterward) and (small) fries to keep me in touch with the other economically poor like moi.

  • Mpool - 14 years ago

    I've viewed the "behind the scenes" of mass produced meat - chicken and beef. After watching that, I can't bring myself to eat meat unless I know exactly where it was raised, how it was treated when it lived and how it was treated when it was slaughtered (as well as the quality of the slaughter-house). I refuse to blindly support an industry that abuses animals used for food. Often, when I craved a burger, I'd make a trip to my local fast food drive thru. No more. Now, if I have a craving, I'll buy from a local farm or do without.

  • vanilla gorilla - 14 years ago

    I used to sell process control equipment into the commercial food industry and got to see first hand what goes into processed foods especially those products used in the fast food industry
    if everyone saw what I have seen McDonald's and other national chains would be out of business - they are poisoning the citizens of this country
    our cats and dogs eat better food then what the national chains serve our kids
    just rent the movie Food Inc and you will see for yourself
    you are what you eat

  • SJF - 14 years ago

    I eat it more than I should and more than I want to. With a new baby and busy work schedule I end up rushing through a drive through for breakfast or lunch at least a few times a week. Near my office there isn't any easy healthy option and it is killing me (literally). I always make plans to try and shop better on the weekends and be prepared to pack during the week but lately those have been falling apart. I am trying the new idea of examining the nutritional facts of the restaurant I am visiting before ordering, those big numbers in fat, saturated fat and C's will hopefully help keep the Fast Food purchases down.

  • single foodie - 14 years ago

    I don't eat it every day, but almost and sometimes more than once. I am a single person and cooking for one is a pain. I can get by on Fast food for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but since I LOVE to cook I try to cook at least 3 times a week for dinner. The rest of my meals are Fast Food.

  • B - 14 years ago

    I used to love fast food and ate it fairly often. Now that I am a vegetarian, I barely ever eat fast food. My palate is more varied, as my tastes have opened up. As a result, I feel healthier and am more conscience of what I put into my body!

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