Should drivers 21 and under have a zero blood alcohol level?


  • P.Witruk - 14 years ago

    I answered no To this question based on the fact when they made this law in Ontario that it singled out new young drivers rather than all new drivers. I felt this law was a challengeable law in court based on the fact that only those 21 and younger can be charged. I have seen a lot of older new drivers that can barely take everything in on the roads let alone add a drink to the mix. This law should have been written as all new drivers shall have zero BAC for the first 5 years of being licenced that way young or old new drivers are prevented from making potential deadly errors on the road.

  • Doug Wedel - 15 years ago

    I heard recently that the province of Manitoba has a zero alcohol tolerance for all drivers for the first five years. This is the right way to approach zero tolerance. Teens are more likely to crash. I think it's because they're less careful and more adventuresome. Why they're like that and how their minds can be encouraged to see the physics of road safety is what we need to discover.

    There are simple solutions to road safety dilemas. We need to work hard at finding them. We have a way to go yet, so everyone should be encouraged to share new ideas.

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